Day 5

Discussion in 'Werewolf: The forum game' started by Harrow Orn, Jun 30, 2017.

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  1. Otter

    Otter Gambling industry insider

    TBH WAS, I'm suspicious of you.
  2. With A Smile

    With A Smile First Team

    I understand that, but that doesn't help with regard NW, who you have been suspicious of for a few days

    If there is something that everyone else has missed isn't this a good time to share it ?

    On the basis that the two wolves know each other, you're hardly sharing anything that they don't already know, but it would give everyone else a chance to understand what your suspicions are with NW
  3. Otter

    Otter Gambling industry insider

    I was never comfortable with voting Grrwood yesterday, the message did seem wolf like but we had to do something.

    Two of the people I've had early suspicions of are still in the game.

    1. On Days 1 and 2 steve harrow's first posts just preceded what looked like the wolf's message. I mentioned it on both days, this didn't happen on Days 3 & 4 obviously wary of the fact.
    2. On Day 3 I ran through every message and vote to see if there was any patterns, two stuck out The Pozz Man (since deceased) and NW Orn.

    Now I'd suggest adding With A Smile to the list, accusing Grrwood for so long, could it have been a long term plan?
    On Day 3 Meh! was instrumental in getting Cthulhu lynched on flimsier suspicions than I have of NW Orn

    That's 4 out of 8 that I haven't ruled out that I have suspicions with. I think that the only thing that suggests to me that steve harrow isn't evil is because he'd have eaten me by now, possibly NW Orn as well and he only pressed me for a bit.

    Currently my radar says

    With A Smile = Alpha
    Meh! = Beta
    NW Orn = Traitor
  4. BigRossLittleRoss

    BigRossLittleRoss First Team

    So there is a back up seer.

    Thanks HO , we are stuggling as it is let alone with no seer.

    Unless of course Wolf named me as GOOD , but not sure that would do , create confusion I guess?
  5. BigRossLittleRoss

    BigRossLittleRoss First Team

    I have my suspicions on WAS too.

    PJ is on my radar too but only hunch based.
  6. Meh!

    Meh! Pre-Dictator

    We may not have a back up seer unless we get a second message.

    This may be the wolf.
    PowerJugs likes this.
  7. hornetgags

    hornetgags McMuff's lovechild

    But Meh! was protected last night.
  8. Meh!

    Meh! Pre-Dictator

    WAS confuses me. Day 1 voting they really exposed themselves by going for grrwood with mike. I thought they were maybe communicating until mike was declared good.

    I don't think WAS would have voted so oddly on day 1 if they were evil as made them stand out.

    Me - I'm 100% not evil.

    NW Orn I've not really noticed as evil aside from their voting following the crowd.

    PJ is still on my radar along and it seems a couple of others too.

    Hornetgags I'd forgotten was playing he's flying so far under the radar. Very quiet watching us all flap around.
  9. Meh!

    Meh! Pre-Dictator

    Doesnt mean I'm good if the guardian got it wrong. It's only their opinion to save me.
  10. With A Smile

    With A Smile First Team

    I'm not sure Steve Harrow would have killed you by now, wouldn't that have been to obvious. The fact that you managed to spot and change his post pattern is interesting though

    At one point I wondered if you were the seer, as your posts and points were so logical.

    I take it that NW is a gut feel more than anything else ?
  11. hornetgags

    hornetgags McMuff's lovechild

    In that case I vote meh! :p
  12. Meh!

    Meh! Pre-Dictator

    Just stating the facts even if it does keep me in the frame. Team good need to know the facts.
  13. Otter

    Otter Gambling industry insider

    As it's clear that the second message yesterday was the wolf, I wondered why the message picked Grrwood out of the 2 what were voting for each other when it was WAS that started the tête a tête on day 1?
  14. Meh!

    Meh! Pre-Dictator

    The more you go for WAS, the more I suspect you.

    I'm going to have a look at your 5 day activity when I get home at 3.30.
  15. Otter

    Otter Gambling industry insider

    Feel free to go through my posts, all you will find will be the ramblings of a pillock.
    Meh! likes this.
  16. Meh!

    Meh! Pre-Dictator

    Welcome to my world!!!
  17. domthehornet

    domthehornet Moderator Staff Member

    Found the two wolves!
  18. With A Smile

    With A Smile First Team

    in fairness to Otter i am nagging him about he NW thing ( which he hasn't answered fully ) so i expect a little bit of a defence / push back
  19. PowerJugs

    PowerJugs Doyley Fanatic

    Powerjugs' Patented "What we know" List:


    All Messages are in order of posting.

    Day 1 Messages:

    "'Good morning everybody, it is your seer speaking. I viewed Ashdonwfc this morning, he is GOOD'

    "Hello everyone! I wanted to see whether anyone stood out more than another before viewing today. It is such pot luck. Went for Diamond and they are good. I am going to try and mix up the style of writing to avoid the wolf copying me in the next few days."

    We now know both are Good and Dead so these messages are irrelevant.


    Day 2 Messages:

    "Ok everybody, I know the first day is difficult. People need to remember that shouting accusations about doesn't help anybody at this stage. Today I decided to view DAFT ROW he is EVIL. I also viewed Ashdon yesterday, he is Good."

    "Morning villagers. A mixed night last night. But fortune today as I viewed Steve Leo Beleck and he is evil! Ashdon was viewed as good by me yesterday. Shame that the wolf jumped at that knowledge. I do not know if Diamond is good or bad as I did not view them."

    Daft Row was found to be Good, which SLB then claimed to be the Harlot. Because no-one has challenged him on this it is still NOT guaranteed but he is very likely to be the Harlot and therefore Daft Row was the Tinker. Again. Poor *******.

    We can't rule out SLB playing the largest bluff in Werewolf history but it's very unlikely now unless the real Harlot has been quiet waiting for the right time. I'm personally inclined to believe he is the Harlot.


    Day 3 Messages:

    "Ouch, yesterday's result was very difficult to take. Please forgive me for guiding you towards daft row, he was the tinker. Today I viewed SQUIBBA, he is GOOD. I did not view SLB, as I believe that he is probably the harlot."

    "Right everybody, last night was a shame but it was me who viewed SLB as EVIL so that helps a lot. I viewed OptimisticHornet today, he is GOOD."

    We know OptimisticHornet was the Seer and he would not view himself. Therefore the Squibba Message is from the Seer if we agree.


    Day 4 Messages:

    "Ok last night has been expensive fellow villagers. Please think very carefully about your votes and messages. Today I viewed Dom, he is GOOD. I still believe we can win this."

    "Morning all, disappointing lynching last night. Thought about viewing main players behind that but then thought WAS and Grrwood voting for each other was unusual with wolves knowing each other and bingo. Grrwood is EVIL."

    Grrwood was found to be Good, so that means the 1st Message is TRUE. Dom is Good.


    Day 5 Messages:

    "Sorry for delay. I am back up seer and had to quickly read through messages. We were tricked last night but we will not let it happen again. You all know Dom is Good. I viewed BRLR today and he is Good. Does not help much but narrows who might be evil."

    Message 1 from Day 4 matches with the viewing of yesterday. If my understanding of the Backup Seer is correct (They know the previous viewings of the Seer) this message is from the Seer.

    If I am wrong say so and this will be revised.


    What we know then:

    Confirmed Good (Omitting Dead):


    Likely Good:

    <Anyone he has stayed with and he announces>

    BRLR (Subject to a 2nd Message arriving at all and its interrogation)


    Steve Harrow
    NW Orn
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
    BigRossLittleRoss likes this.
  20. NW Orn

    NW Orn First Year Pro

    My lunch time musings for what they are worth are there are two candidates for evil:

    1. Meh - he started the witch hunt on CTH which I accept I got caught up in (as did many others by the way)
    2. WAS - he was the main player in get Grrr lynched yesterday.

    Other than that I have nothing else to go on.
  21. Meh!

    Meh! Pre-Dictator

    If no 2nd message comes the brlr is still well in the frame....

    Protecting your mate wolfy???
  22. Steve Leo Beleck

    Steve Leo Beleck Squad Player

  23. PowerJugs

    PowerJugs Doyley Fanatic

    Likely. Not Confirmed. Read. We have nothing else to compare yet. If you wish I can put him in Unconfirmed.

    This is based off this from my post if you read it: "
    Message 1 from Day 4 matches with the viewing of yesterday. If my understanding of the Backup Seer is correct (They know the previous viewings of the Seer) this message is from the Seer.

    If I am wrong say so and this will be revised.

    Why are so quick to accuse me? Everything here is factual and based off the rules as I understand them. I welcome any misunderstandings found in my write up as I can correct them, and therefore that will help me and Good win.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2017
  24. Otter

    Otter Gambling industry insider

    Care to share?
  25. Meh!

    Meh! Pre-Dictator

    I was very vocal for CTH, but I actually gave very reasonable reasons. And this was before the wolves knew eavh other as well so I could well have been picking up a wolf.

    No one else did. His behavior was wolflike so was a fair call in the absense of anything else at all.
  26. BigRossLittleRoss

    BigRossLittleRoss First Team

    If that was the wolf then it would be a bit obvious to name me GOOD if I was a fellow evil.

    The alphas been pretty cagey thus far, would be out of character to be so blunt. Would make more sense for him to name someone as EVIL and sit back and watch the witch hunt unravel as he has done pretty much every day .
  27. domthehornet

    domthehornet Moderator Staff Member

    Winding Otter and Meh up
  28. steve harrow

    steve harrow Reservist

    Bloody hell. But I'm actually quite optimistic because there's much more chance of finding an evil now.

    By the way, the times I can get on during the day are just dependent on work. Wish I could be on more!

    I'd like to see a second message today but maybe the wolf just won't send one and let us think there's no back up seer? To be honest, I don't really have any theories at all!
  29. PowerJugs

    PowerJugs Doyley Fanatic

    Just PM'd HarrowOrn about Backup Seer mechanics (Access to previous viewings) to clarify my post.

    If confirmed yes will put BRLR as Good, if not will leave him be as we have nothing else to believe for now.
  30. Meh!

    Meh! Pre-Dictator

    Maybe. I wonder if they think it's time to play the gamble card. Especially if you're only the traitor. Will wait to see if another message comes in but this in no way exhonerates you.
  31. BigRossLittleRoss

    BigRossLittleRoss First Team

    Fat lot of help you are then. Ha ha only joking, I think we are all in the same boat , I dont have any logical conclusions just hunches.

    I was right about DR and CTH based mainly on hunches though.
  32. BigRossLittleRoss

    BigRossLittleRoss First Team

    I know we are all fully under suspicion here, me included, as it should be. I know Im good, but of course no one else knows that.

    We need to get it right tonight though, otherwise it will be 5 goods to 3 evils tomorrow. God forbid if the wolf picks where the harlot is staying , then its game over pretty much.
  33. Steve Leo Beleck

    Steve Leo Beleck Squad Player

    Inclined to agree. The alpha has posted second every day so far and they don't know if there is a back up Seer either.

    If they posted today and decided to claim BRLR as Good (regardless of whether this is true or not), then with the numbers left they would be taking a big risk because if the Seer viewed one of Team Evil and called them out, then they would stand no chance. It would make more sense to wait, see if there is a Backup Seer. By saying nothing, they have the advantage of just watching the rest of us idiots accuse all and sundry and probably lynch another Good player.

    They only need to intervene to steer the conversation if it looks like one of Team Evil is going to get it, don't forget!
    BigRossLittleRoss likes this.
  34. With A Smile

    With A Smile First Team

    We must have some masons - no ?

    If so surely at least 1 or 2 of the 7 remaining names could be eliminated ?

    At what point is it deemed a good time to sacrifice themselves over night to shorten the possibilities ?
  35. Otter

    Otter Gambling industry insider

    This game does your head in, I named those as my two main suspects and you as the traitor; if you were the traitor you would only agree with me if I were wrong.

    Therefore if NM Orn is evil then Meh and WaS can be; and vice versa.
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