[RUMOUR] Kauã Elias

Discussion in 'The Transfer List' started by reids, May 16, 2023.

  1. Hogg-DEENEY!!!

    Hogg-DEENEY!!! First Team

    Apologies if I came across the wrong way, I didn't mean it like that, he looks good and I hope we can sign him...but I doubt we will!
    Jeffersonelias81 likes this.
  2. Jeffersonelias81

    Jeffersonelias81 Academy Graduate

    No offence taken :) I was talking to my Dad today and he was actually very pleased with the idea(given that there's a history between Watford and Fluminense). So we have to wait and see. Who knows I'll soon come back here and celebrate with you lot! :)
  3. reids

    reids First Team

    Can you also convince Fluminense to sell us Martinelli + Andre? ;)
    Malteser2 likes this.
  4. Malteser2

    Malteser2 Squad Player

    @Jeffersonelias81 Welcome to the forum. It’s such a pleasure to read your posts. Thank you :)
  5. EB Hornet

    EB Hornet Reservist

    Trying to make sure nobody accidentally offended you, I pretty much did it myself!

    Glad others have explained.

    I believe you are his uncle and it’s great you’ve popped onto our forum, so thanks.

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed he comes to us!
    Jeffersonelias81 likes this.
  6. Jeffersonelias81

    Jeffersonelias81 Academy Graduate

    Martinelli is a Gunner right?
  7. Jeffersonelias81

    Jeffersonelias81 Academy Graduate

    Hey man no problem. Although I live here for a good while now and have learned a word or two in English, I do agree that there's still a lot to learn and it was my bad I didn't get the real meaning behind the sarcastic bit (as others mentioned earlier on).
    Hey, no Thank You for having me.
    EB Hornet likes this.
  8. Markoa$

    Markoa$ Squad Player

    I don’t get it.
  9. reids

    reids First Team

    Jeffersonelias81 likes this.
  10. I Blame Pozzo

    I Blame Pozzo First Team

    Try and stay out of the pond!
    Jeffersonelias81 likes this.
  11. Steve Leo Beleck

    Steve Leo Beleck Squad Player

    I would just like to confirm that we are a brilliantly run club and would be an ideal destination for your nephew. He would be able to work under a variety of head coaches in a very short space of time so would get exposure to all sorts of different coaching styles.
  12. reids

    reids First Team

    Joining a big team straight away has it's positives (money!) but if the talent is there then he'll end up at a big club eventually anyway, without (like you said) the immediate pressures joining a big club brings.
    Jeffersonelias81 and EB Hornet like this.
  13. Jeffersonelias81

    Jeffersonelias81 Academy Graduate

    Hey Steveo, thanks for your comment. I have had the privilege to follow Watford from close and visited the club a number of times as I'm friend with Gomes. I was there last year when he came back for the first time since he left the club and I remember him going around the pitch etc. Such a great environment. I'm sure Kaua would thrive with the club if this does happen. Let's hope and wait. I believe big things are coming next year and it would be great to see him playing for Watford(and that would also mean I get to stay in London)
  14. Jeffersonelias81

    Jeffersonelias81 Academy Graduate

    Indeed. We're looking for a a club that can offer a playing plan for him because he needs to play and not a club where he's going to be 3rd or 4th option. As I said, with the history between Fluminense and Watford, I believe the chances are great!
    reids likes this.
  15. Jeffersonelias81

    Jeffersonelias81 Academy Graduate

  16. Stuey

    Stuey Reservist

    That is very forward thinking of you, a lot of young players get swept up by larger clubs on huge wages but rot away in the reserves without having a chance in the first team. We are facing some youth players who are on the cusp of first team football being snapped up by bigger clubs in the Premier League but will undoubtedly never feature for them which is a shame. Another failure of the PLs elitist EPP scheme.

    Also, welcome to the forum. For a minute I thought you might have been another of Moogs alt accounts.
  17. LeedsOrn

    LeedsOrn Reservist

    Put a good word in for us!

    We have not been the best run club the last few years but I do believe we are a good and hospitable environment for young South American players (Richarlison, Pedro and more recently Asprilla) and our fans are generally pretty patient and supportive of such players. I’m not sure we’re in a position like we were with Pedro to put down money to agree a fee for next year given how much squad building there is for us to do for this season, though.
    Jeffersonelias81 likes this.
  18. Jeffersonelias81

    Jeffersonelias81 Academy Graduate

    Hahaha, Trust me I am not. I believe given the clubs' history, Watford should have at least shown some sort of interest in the player by now. They are probably looking at the possibility right now and I understand this won't be published by them. Perhaps get him earlier and cheaper like it happened with Richarlisson and Joao Pedro. I say this because it's already out there that clubs such as Barcelona(and another English club I cannot name) started to monitor the player last month at the South American Tournament.
  19. LeedsOrn

    LeedsOrn Reservist

    There was a report a few days ago about Brighton (and us). Don’t know if that who you had in mind.
  20. Jeffersonelias81

    Jeffersonelias81 Academy Graduate

    I mentioned Watford and the prospect to my dad yesterday and spoke to my brother also( Kaua's dad) and they see it with very good eyes. I think Kaua needs some first-team football in Brazil for things to start moving faster. This should happen very soon hopefully. We are also hoping he will be called up to join Brazil's squad for the World Cup in November and if he does as well, I believe offers will start to pour in for him. Anyway, we have to take it one step at a time and not get ahead of ourselves here right? Nothing is guaranteed and that's why we always remember him to keep working hard, keep humble and hope for the best!
  21. Jeffersonelias81

    Jeffersonelias81 Academy Graduate

    I've seen it and given that Joao Pedro has just signed for Brighton, I do not think it's the best for Kaua really.
  22. Jeffersonelias81

    Jeffersonelias81 Academy Graduate

  23. Stuey

    Stuey Reservist

    It's a forum 'in' joke.
    Jeffersonelias81 likes this.
  24. BigRossLittleRoss

    BigRossLittleRoss First Team

    Fortunately the fans in the ground are lot more patient than the fans on this forum/Twitter
    Jeffersonelias81 likes this.
  25. Cude>2<

    Cude>2< First Team Captain

    So we've got to page 2, and no one has asked Jefferson what Kaua's favourite cheese is yet or whether he owns an air fryer? Not sure what's happened to this forum, but welcome on board Jefferson.
  26. Johnny Todd Sings

    Johnny Todd Sings First Year Pro

    Probably eats Pao de Queijo - cheese bread.
    Jeffersonelias81 likes this.
  27. Jeffersonelias81

    Jeffersonelias81 Academy Graduate

    Are they really?
    Hahaha, being from Minas Gerais(Mineirinho) I can say that yes, he does love Pao de Queijo!
  28. Knight GT

    Knight GT Predictor extraordinaire 2013/14

    If this chap turns out to be Moog (forum in joke) it will be the greatest wind up of all time. It would be like an April, May, June and July fools
  29. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    I'm afraid that the usual attractions of a young player starting out at a smaller club don't apply for us. We have no support, coaching or pastoral care for young players. We would be the worst possible move for him and him for us.
  30. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    I'm well known on Brazilian footie forums too.
    Knight GT likes this.
  31. Cude>2<

    Cude>2< First Team Captain

    I think you're underplaying the beauty of living in Watford to a young lad. If Kaua likes Chicken, we boast not only one, but two Nandos in the highstreet. We also have about 50 other lower class chicken shops dotted around. If Kaua had an accident and dropped his phone in the toilet, then no problems, we have about 10 mobile repair shops in the highstreet. If he gets bored of watching our centre backs launch long balls into Arsenal's training ground, then there's Puttshack, bowling and an axe throwing place in the highstreet - and 2 escape rooms, so he can practice his departure from our club.

    We also have a Brazilian restaurant, which I've never tried, but Joao seemed to go there once at least. What's a dump like Barcalona have to offer?
  32. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    I've been to the Bull Rodizio in Apsley, if that's the one you mean? It's a very mediocre churrascuria.

    But yes, you're right, there's a lot I missed.
  33. Cude>2<

    Cude>2< First Team Captain

    Didn't actually know about the Bull Rodizio - There's one on Market Street called Terra Brazil Rodizio - saw it on Youtube once when Joao and Martins did a Q&A thing there.
  34. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Is it any good? After a Cypriot meze, a Brazilian rodizio is my favourite meal out.
    Jeffersonelias81 likes this.
  35. Since63

    Since63 Squad Player

    You like to have one after a Cypriot Meze? You are Danny Rose and I claim my £5.

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