Fabrice Muamba

Discussion in 'General Football & Other Sport' started by NathWFC, Mar 17, 2012.

  1. 99mph

    99mph 4th Prediction league 2011/12

    there was a guy but he didn't go on the pitch.

    Gary Lineker was praising him but the guy replied and said he didn'tadage to get on
  2. 99mph

    99mph 4th Prediction league 2011/12

    Or there may have been more than one. the one I was talking about is a spurs heart surgeon
  3. domthehornet

    domthehornet Moderator Staff Member

    SSN and some of the papers were reporting that one got onto the pitch. Shoddy reporting I'm guessing.
  4. El distraído

    El distraído Johnny Foreigner

  5. domthehornet

    domthehornet Moderator Staff Member

    "Get on the pitch instead of tweeting you arrogant ****"

    My sides are splitting, you should consider a career in comedy.
  6. nascot

    nascot First Team

    "get on the pitch instead of tweeting, arrogant ****"

    Hilarious, Squibba.
  7. Aberystwyth_Hornet

    Aberystwyth_Hornet Squad Player

    Like pretty much everyone else I wish him all the best and my thoughts are with his friends and family
  8. With A Smile

    With A Smile First Team

    i thought the first people there, after the team physio, were the St Johns - volenteers ! If that is right then they deserve a lot of credit as i'm sure its something that they come across a lot less then full time highly trained paramedics.

    I agree with Gymgirl that these people do perform these acts everyday and get very little praise and as someone said thank god it happened where there was a lot of support instantly available. Unfortunataly we can't have guardian angles evrywhere to protect us all from such horrors.
  9. NathWFC

    NathWFC First Team

    Haha, oh Squibba. Wow.
  10. 352

    352 Moderator

    Squibba, think about what you're doing next time you decide to make a joke like that. Come on...

    Also, gymgirl put's it perfectly:

  11. hollywood

    hollywood 1881/singing section organiser

    The st johns crew, whether volunteers or otherwise, are sadly not paid no where near enough for what they do. Let's face it, probably 95% of us will have our lives in there hands at some point.
  12. wfcSinatra

    wfcSinatra Predictor Choker 14/15

    Effort to quote all of them.. but yeah tweeted him to provoke a reaction, didn't even know what had happened to Muamba at the time so wasn't insensitive.
  13. domthehornet

    domthehornet Moderator Staff Member

    You purposefully sent a disgusting tweet to a player who is worried about the life of a team mate and friend for a laugh with no knowledge of the situation. That's a load of bollox that you didn't know what happened to Muamba as you told Sordell to get down on the pitch.

    You make me sick.
  14. snowylad

    snowylad On loan from Udinese

    Rotherham manager Andy Scott had to quit football at 32 due to Hypotrophic Cardiomyopathy ( A thickening of the heart wall). He's trying to get a screening campaign brought in where players are screened annually and have to hold a certificate to say they are fit to play for that year. Apparently it's already in place in Italy
  15. domthehornet

    domthehornet Moderator Staff Member

    RIP Jack Kelly, father of Liam Kelly who helped win SLC with Kilmarnock, who died of a heart attack whilst watching his son today. He died from a cardiac arrest, somehow I feel this will not have the same media coverage as Muamba.
  16. Optimistichornet

    Optimistichornet Penguin Assassin

    Geez I certainly seem to have wound gym girl up.

    Gym girl I too have a medical background, and I entirely appreciate the fantastic job that the emergency services do on a daily basis. Instances like this which are in the public eye highlight their skills to everybody, especially when medical care is probably something that most people take for advantage.

    I have helped in emergency scenarios, administered CPCR and been on the losing side. It is incredibly difficult in these situations to keep a level head and more than anything that is what I admire the emergency services for. Perhaps my statement appeared somewhat cliche, however just think how many people have said the same thing as a result of this horrible situation.

    At the end of the day who gives you the right to make a judgement about me......get a grip.
  17. wfcSinatra

    wfcSinatra Predictor Choker 14/15

    Well considering Sordell tweeted what happened to Muamba and that the game was going on at the time i assumed Sordell could get access to the pitch. Doesn't take a genius to work that out.

    If i knew the seriousness of it before-hand do you think i would still tweet it?
  18. Optimistichornet

    Optimistichornet Penguin Assassin

    Not exactly reasoned debate, you said I made your blood boil.
  19. domthehornet

    domthehornet Moderator Staff Member

    So because Sordell didn't know what was going on you thought you would act like Jimmy Big Bollox and abuse him?

    How am I to know what you would do or would not do, the fact of the matter is that you sent disgusting tweets to a worried team mate who did not know what was going on. Doesn't take a genius to work that out.
  20. El distraído

    El distraído Johnny Foreigner

    I wouldn't bother with her too much if I were you mate. Apparently no other opinion matters but hers :sign12:
  21. wfcSinatra

    wfcSinatra Predictor Choker 14/15

    Just wanted to see if he replied to be fairly honest, unfortunate timing.

    Yes fair enough, if i knew what had happened then sent that tweet it would be pretty disgusting? But i am not inhuman, if a game gets abandoned because of a players condition I'm obviously not going to make a joke about it.
  22. nascot

    nascot First Team

    Poor Liam Kelly. The best day of his life to the worst.
  23. magyarorszag

    magyarorszag Squad Player

    i think people should back of squibba. he made a tweet to provoke an ex player into responding unaware that this ex players team mate was having complications. i don't think it matters that they play for the same team, just because his team mate had a heart attack doesn't mean people can't say stuff to sordell
  24. wfcwarehouse

    wfcwarehouse First Team Captain

    Totally agree. The poor lad must be in pieces.
  25. nascot

    nascot First Team

    Why? I just don't get why people think they can 'provoke' strangers. He doesn't know Squibba and Squibba doesn't know him so what's the point? The biggest problem with Twitter is it's given liitle scroats a voice and they feel they can say what they want to who they want when sat behind a computer.
  26. Rontaylor

    Rontaylor Reservist

    You certainly don't have anything to apologise for. So what, if your post was somewhat cliched - it was still totally appropriate and clearly well meant. Sometimes cliches are stil right on!
  27. hornetboy1

    hornetboy1 First Team Captain

    You have a lot of growing up to do.
  28. Stevohorn

    Stevohorn Watching Grass Grow

    True.. but i'd have to agree with Maccatwo that some people here are going a little overboard on the matter.

    If you believe his explanation then the only thing he is guilty of is using twitter as a provocative tool.. and he's hardly alone there. I cant personally believe he would send such an insensitive message if he knew exactly what was going on. I dont think he would do that.. i'm not sure anyone would do that.
  29. J.B

    J.B First Team

    He said Sordell should get on the pitch to see what was going on.

    He's either lying about not knowing he was cup-tied or not knowing what went on with Muamba as if he wasn't cup-tied he wouldn't be able to go on the pitch to play and if Squibba didn't know about Muamba then why would he tell Sordell to just run onto the pitch when a game is going on?
  30. nascot

    nascot First Team

    I would hope that Squibba wouldn't send insensitve message on purpose.
  31. wfcthroughandthrough

    wfcthroughandthrough Squad Player

    Desperately sad all of this, praying that we hear some positive news about Muamba tomorrow. It is a testament to the emergency services to get his heart working again after 2 hours of nothing. And yes it happens everyday, we are blessed in this country with out health service, it's a truly wonderful service.

    Squibba, wether you knew or not, provoking a reaction out of a player is frankly childish. Just hope the guilt is eating you up.

    Gymgirl - Do you have a stick up your arse? Quickly overtaking lizard as the most arrogant member on this forum.

    And desperately sad news about Liam Kelly's dad. I cannot begin to imagine what the poor lad must be going through.
  32. 352

    352 Moderator

    Have heard that The Sun went with a large image of Fabrice Muamba prone on the floor for their article picture - the man's distressed face very clear to see. The Sun makes me want to cry. Always. Whenever I remember it exists it's for an utterly despicable reason.
  33. domthehornet

    domthehornet Moderator Staff Member

    So you provoked him because you wanted a conversation? You need to grow up.
  34. gymgirl

    gymgirl First Year Pro

    You know what makes me feel so smug?

    It's this, OH and Cheeky (and your sycophantic entourage)

    You complain about Lizard being abusive, then you resort to the same behaviour yourself, making references to my arse and my being 'on the rag'

    Your hypocritical behaviour is enough to beggar belief, but your inability to accept constructive criticism compounds my belief that you have a median emotional age of 16 years and 2 months.

    I don't belittle this upsetting event. I question the responses to it.

    But I guess that expecting you to understand this was probably a wish too far.

    I would have responded earlier, but for two reasons:

    1. Allow you space to vent spleen and gang up
    2. Drinking excellent porter in Reykjavik took precedence.
  35. Prentice

    Prentice Administrator

    I think he gets the point now..

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