1. Stuey

    Stuey Reservist

    Arakel, UEA_Hornet and Carpster like this.
  2. Carpster

    Carpster Squad Player

    But 100's of millions do without any shred of evidence.
    Smudger likes this.
  3. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Anything unexplained flying around our airspace will almost certainly be hardware belonging to China, Russia etc on a spying mission. I'm sure there will be similar western hardware flying over Russian and Chinese airspace.
  4. Carpster

    Carpster Squad Player

    You could be correct. If so why don't the US government release what they have on such topics? They're not the only ones either.
  5. sydney_horn

    sydney_horn Squad Player

  6. Stuey

    Stuey Reservist

    I know. It is rather popular isn't it?
    Carpster likes this.
  7. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    As current scientifc theory understands it:

    The universe is big, very big and expanding.
    As something tends towards infinity then the probability of all possibilities within that infinity must therfore tend towards 100%.
    The precise set of circumstances to generate life are hugely improbable, however if the universe tends to inifinity these improbabilities will tend towards definites and in infinite number of definites.

    As such I postulate that somewhere at some point in time (other than here), there will be intelligent life in the universe. There must therforealso be a Death Star with an exhaust port vulnerability and a version of Peirs Morgan that isn't a ****. Given known limits and physics involved in verifying any of this, we'll never experience or prove it.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2023
    SkylaRose and Ybotcoombes like this.
  8. Sting

    Sting Squad Player

    Just stories
    Like alien sightings.
  9. Sting

    Sting Squad Player

    Doubt that too :)
    hornmeister likes this.
  10. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    First guy that saw UFOs in 1947 apparently, check out the thumbnail.

    Check out page 13 of this compilation of documents about this incident in the US national archives https://catalog.archives.gov/id/28929152?objectPage=13

    I thought I had seen that shape somewhere before, I had in this NASA document from 1979 https://archive.org/details/NASA_NTRS_Archive_19800010907/page/n11/mode/2up

    Either it is ours or we have indeed captured some and reverse engineered them or it is a massive coincidence.
  11. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    It's the modern equivalent of people hearing thunder and seeing lightning, and deciding it was caused by a divine being called Thor.

    The fact thunder and lightning exist didn't mean it caused by Thor, just like the fact we see things we can't successfully identify doesn't mean they are aliens.

    "I know this guy who has seen some ****, trust me bro" isn't a very compelling narrative to me. Provide actual physical evidence or be treated like Norse mythology: fun, but fictional, and also monetized in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
    Stuey, sydney_horn and UEA_Hornet like this.
  12. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    Philosophically, if he wasn't a c*** would he be Piers Morgan?
    Sting, Since63 and Ybotcoombes like this.
  13. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    There's some deep level thinking going on here.
  14. Carpster

    Carpster Squad Player

    Or was it Zeus and the Greeks?
    Anyway it was scientifically proven in the 1700's .

    But if Governments classify information they have you will be waiting along time for physical evidence.
  15. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    That's just simply not true. Aside from the obvious logical hole that comes with assuming information is being concealed, plenty of classified material evidence has made it out into the public over the years. Furthermore, members of the public could very, very easily find physical evidence or record footage before a government can do anything about it. Everyone is carrying a video camera in their pocket nowadays with a permanent connection to the internet that can let you upload a video in mere seconds from almost anywhere that isn't woefully isolated. Even in those places it's possible nowadays for people who are carrying around a Starlink.

    And this is before we even consider that there are just under 200 countries in the world, all with sovereign borders, all with disparate governments and customs, and all with their own laws, almost all with militaries and planes and radar and sonar and intelligence services. The notion that not one one single nation or government is willing to move out of lock-step from a global omerta is simply not credible to me. The nations of the world can't agree on anything at all. I can't see how the confirmed existence of extra-terrestrial life and recovered technology thereof would change that particular feature of global geopolitics.
    Keighley and Stuey like this.
  16. Carpster

    Carpster Squad Player

    Prove to me that it's simply not true?
    Are you honestly saying governments tell us everything? Please.
  17. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    That's not how evidence works. You generally can't prove that something that doesn't exist doesn't exist. The burden of proof lies on those making the assertion that it does.

    EDIT: nevermind, misunderstood that line. Edward Snowden. Chelsea (Bradley) Manning. Two examples from the very recent past right there. There are PLENTY of examples.

    As for the second line, I honestly have no idea how you came to that conclusion based on what I wrote.
    Last edited: Jul 27, 2023
  18. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

  19. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    The biggest thing against the existence UFOs for me is the America-centric nature of UFO culture. Why is it that extraterrestrial beings seem to focus so much of their attention on the US, particularly the Mid-West? The whole World to explore and they pitch up time and again in the middle of hell knows where to abduct some redneck and give him an anal probe.

    Americans have lurid imaginations and rural ones have a lot of lonely hours to fill in which to make up stuff, rather like the relationship between ghosts and Victorian Britain.

    It’s a shared fantasy or let’s face it, these are really ******* stupid aliens
    K9 Hornet likes this.
  20. Since63

    Since63 Squad Player

    Maybe they wrote the song ‘Up Against The Wall Redneck Mother5uck3rs’ ?
    Would explain a lot.
    Moose likes this.
  21. Carpster

    Carpster Squad Player

    Yes whistleblowers as is David Grusch who spoke to Congress yesterday. Hopefully he gets to speak more because he has plenty of information.
  22. SkylaRose

    SkylaRose Administrator Staff Member

    Brian Cox and Neil DeGrasse Tyson are my top astrophysicists. Cox has a voice that could melt butter and Tyson is amazing in his theories and in my view rivals the late Hawkings.
  23. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    Difference being that Manning and Snowden provided hard proof, while Grusch has thus far produced absolutely nothing beyond "trust me, bro". It's worth noting that Grusch has stated that Mussolini secretly transported an extra-terrestrial craft to the US with the aid of the Vatican, which is a pretty ludicrous sounding claim.

    The Sagan Standard is widely considered an underlying principle of the scientific method, stating that "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence".

    Applying that standard to this situation, the claims we are hearing/seeing/reading are unarguably extraordinary, while there has been literally zero evidence produced thus far.

    If the latter part changes, then is the time to reassess. Until then there's really nothing of substance.
    Sting likes this.
  24. Carpster

    Carpster Squad Player

    That's fine and I respect your opinion. For me I suppose it's more a desperation to know the truth. Congress was a good start and I just hope they carry on and be more transparent. That established and highly thought of people are not mocked if and when they report anomalies they have witnessed visually and on radar. The stigma needs to be removed so we can find out what's in our airspace. We deserve that.
    BigRossLittleRoss likes this.
  25. Carpster

    Carpster Squad Player

    For @Arakel can I get your take on Patent confiscation? Plus your thoughts on Zero point energy? Does this exist and has it been hidden by the Energy sector for decades.
  26. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    I don't really know much about either.
    Carpster likes this.
  27. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    Nothing wrong with looking for the truth. It's when people say stuff like "we saw something and didn't know what it was, therefore Loch Ness monster confirmed" that they lose me.

    Questioning is absolutely healthy, as is seeking truth. Jumping to conclusions is not; I personally consider it harmful since people start to bend the facts to fit their narrative rather than building their narrative off their facts (and then re-assessing as needed).
  28. Carpster

    Carpster Squad Player

    Agreed this is why they need to find out what it is ASAP.
  29. BigRossLittleRoss

    BigRossLittleRoss First Team


    Just posting this for those who have the urge to investigate further .

    It’s a summary of the proposals to law changes in the latest NDAA ( National Defence Authorization Act )

    It is being proposed a group of bi partisan Senators including Chuck Schumer who is majority leader of the senate .

    It’s a long read so have picked out this highlight .

    “The Federal Government shall exercise eminent domain over any and all recovered technologies of unknown origin and biological evidence of non-human intelligence that may be controlled by private persons or entities in the interests of the public good,”

    This amendment was brought in mainly because of the 11 hours of testimony Grusch’s gave to the Director General of Intelligence where he gave all the specific details that he couldn’t in yesterdays meeting because he would be in breach of his NDA .

    It’s quite a big deal to add in legislation to a defence budget request so one would assume it wouldn’t be done if there wasn’t genuine concern behind closed doors in Senate that the Pentagon is withholding information .

    Also like many have said previously , these are big claims but where is the evidence. It’s a very good question and one I share , but when Congress persons have stated they have seen the evidence behind closed doors , but the DoD won’t release it , it may offer some response to that question .

    Which is what these hearings are about and also this legislature in the latest NDAA.

    SkylaRose and Carpster like this.
  30. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    The real psy-op was making people believe they werent real or connecting them to weird **** to scare people off. As bizzare as it sounds all the signs have been there probably since we came out of the trees. All the books written about the subject and certain people leaking info about dark programs are beginning to look like they were telling the truth. Info about the video that was released in 2017 was being leaked 9 years ago on certain boards in the community. It has been a secret so large that ultimately it was impossible to keep secret.

    Stay positive, dont believe the threat bs and look after each other when the truth comes out, it will be a lot to take in.
    Carpster likes this.
  31. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    Has been passed by both houses, just needs President approval now.
    Carpster likes this.
  32. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

    Sort of. They’ve each passed their own versions of the NDAA, which presumably include this UFO bit, but the actual legislation isn’t ready to go to Biden yet as they need to agree a joint version. It’ll be a little while longer yet as they’re all off on their summer hols now.
  33. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    Yeah I was wondering what the delay was about seeing there was talk of "urgent and credible". I can only imagine some of the scenes going on behind closed doors all over the globe.
  34. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    A long watch but a very interesting one. It is sad that a lot of great people faced ridicule over such a long time.

    SkylaRose likes this.
  35. Bonkingbob

    Bonkingbob First Year Pro

    I’m well and truly on the fence with all of this. Ruling out aliens etc completely is potentially arrogant. We can’t say something is impossible just because we can’t figure it out.

    im not about to bring out the Welcome to earth sign yet though as there is not enough of anything concrete as has been discussed.

    For anybody leaning on the Fermi paradox and asking why we’ve never seen any signals, dark forest theory is an interesting consideration. The book trilogy it comes from is well worth a read as well.
    cyaninternetdog and Carpster like this.

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