No way, its almost like its orchestrated or something. Wish Christmas was cancelled, call it end of year holiday week or something.
We’ve skipped early into the baying mob getting upset about Christmas Adverts. M&S under fire from two fronts, firstly issuing a clarification that the Red, Green, White and Black Christmas Cracker thrown into the fire wasn’t representing the Palestinian Colours (as if ad creatives would have a clue). However, as usual the greatest traffic is from unhappy nationalists (I’ve seen calls for a boycott) for its irreverent theme. Typical Christmas signifiers, Elves, Christmas Cards and Board Games all get trashed by (nationalists seethe) multicultural, LGBT, metropolitan elite types (Hannah Waddington, Sophie Ellis Bextor) with the message being that you should concentrate on the stuff you enjoy, not the same old routine. This, apparently, constitutes a mahusive two-fingered salute at everything British people hold dear. The advert does commit one heinous crime in my book, which is a wispy cover version of a popular song, imo something akin to a crime against humanity.
I don't like it not because of believing there is an underlying political agenda but because it is a total creative mess where the director clearly did no forward planning of the direction or message intended in the ad. 3/10 art .
Smug glossy Xmas ads just make me feel like my house is enacting the Royle Family Christmas Special by comparison.
Not sure I agree with this. Perhaps the creatives wouldn't have had a clue - and in any case the ad was made in August - but someone should have checked it through before it went live given current sensitivities and the nature of the business. They've had to pull a related social media post now:
I think we will have to agree to disagree. Someone at that firm is probably paid a lot of money to spot this sort of stuff, especially in the current climate, and quite simply hasn't done their job properly.
The bizarre thing is that the right wing criticism of M&S and calls for a boycott, are being driven by people who are supporting Israel and condemning Pro-Palestinian protests. And they then want to boycott the British business with the strongest links to Israel. During a war. Nutjobs. Getting hysterical about Sophie Ellis Bextor burning Christmas cards. Are Christmas cards the body of Christ now? I missed that meeting.
She’s written a letter now: Of course her pupils are hanging on for every M&S to drop on TikTok. Wouldn’t want them being influenced by such disgusting stuff.
Really? What about: Dorries claims Tory cabal called the ‘Movement’ brought down Johnson Dominic Cummings and Michael Gove were key figures in group that controlled the Conservatives, says ex-culture secretary
Katharine Burble Things really is the bluntest foot soldier in the culture war. Prejudice dressed up as 'plain speaking common sense.'
Careful or you’ll be called in for 6 of the best like in the good old days. I mean, it obviously never did her any harm.
It's a bit pompous, and maybe missguided, in placing such importance on M&S. But would you not agree with the sentiment of the letter. That promoting selfishness and insular views, denigrating an institution that promotes friendship and generosity, may be damaging to a world where self focus has arguably already become a negative factor in our ability to live together? Yes! I get you are making a light hearted comment. I'm just trying to have a conversation, and am not accusing you of anything
X (Twitter ) in crisis after Elon Musk endorsed ‘The Great Replacement Theory’ an antisemitic and grossly stupid idea that Jews and leftists have encouraged mass immigration to replace and ultimately destroy the white population. Major advertisers now boycotting the platform. The GRT is one of those interesting right wing ideas in that it is an obvious inverse of the truth. GRT would be a grimly ironic notion to most indigenous peoples around the World, indigenous Australians or Native Americans, for example who have been completely marginalised in their lands. Many non-white people in Europe are there as a consequence of European colonialism or imperialism. They are here because Europe and the US were there. This may appear to be batshit nonsense that can be ignored, other than it has already been the inspiration for a number of mass murders, like the Christchurch Mosque shooting that killed 55 Muslims and similar ideas fuelled Breivik’s rampage against left wingers that killed 78 in Norway.
#Chemtrails are sweeping the Conspiraloon World, with bored anti-vaxxers looking to the heavens to abhor inclement weather and ironically, deny climate change. Jayne here bemoans a foggy day and is joined by US and Canadian loons in claiming winter fog could only be caused by nefarious actions. Jayne lives in Wales, which hitherto, was well known for its dry and balmy climate.
If it is, she’s playing a long game. She has dozens of posts with loads of like minded comments. I would applaud that level of commitment to trolling, but I fear she means it.