The Conspiraloonacy Thread

Discussion in 'Politics 2.0' started by Moose, Oct 28, 2022.

  1. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    All sorts of undercurrents at politics’ wilder fringes at the moment.

    Anti-vaxx still popular along with its fellow traveller, the Great Reset, where variously ‘Globalists’ and Alien Lizardy types plan to seize domination over every aspect of what we do (while also being a bit infuriatingly ‘woke’ at it, is conversely a complaint).

    These are allied to concerns about the WEF, which peaked with Sunak becoming PM (a bit like a revamped Jewish World financial conspiracy). And then there is digital currency, with many a Twitter warrior boasting of how they will never use anything but cash at the shops so the globalists can’t track their every move, forgetting of course the ANPR that tracked their vehicle on the way and the facial recognition that clocked them on the High Street. And this is just the UK, let alone the Q’Anon sort of malarkey they enjoy in the States.

    Anyway, this is the place for the wild and barmy, out there politics and the occasions that it touches the mainstream.
  2. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

  3. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    There is a thread for this in the general banter section.
  4. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Do you mean the community networking thread?
  5. SkylaRose

    SkylaRose Administrator Staff Member

    That's true but anything that slides into Political side of things should be kept in this forum. One of the main reasons this forum was brought back was to keep it off the main forums.
  6. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    The only conspiracies that catch my eye these days are the financial ones. I think a lot of the loony ones are just there to muddy the waters. I have seen the elite refer to conspiracy theorists when people are digging around their financial business.

    QAnon is probably the biggest manufactured mind control cult that they have going on at the moment. Basically they have created this myth that if you think a conspiracy exists like the financial ones I mentioned then you get tagged as the same as the mind controlled cultists. I imagine quite a lot of the QAnon brigade were quite normal people until they fell down one too many a rabbit hole. I see them as victims.
  7. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    Nothing mentioned in the opening statement has anything to do with politics.
  8. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    The intention was to look at how these things impact on politics, rather than just throw up oddballs.
  9. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    I guess I answered that then in #6.
  10. reids

    reids First Team

  11. Filbert

    Filbert Leicester supporting bloke

  12. reids

    reids First Team

    Apologies to whoever I accidentally briefly followed on TikTok, it lets you know whenever someone watched a video you shared but it always pops up later than the rest of the menu!
  13. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn First Team

    sydney_horn and Moose like this.
  14. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

    The wokes have time travelled back to Tudor times…

    Bwood_Horn, Moose and sydney_horn like this.
  15. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Yes, because the one thing you can rely on organised religion for is no ostentatious virtue signalling.
    lm_wfc likes this.
  16. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Weather forecasting has become a conspiracy for nationalists now, with weather warnings being added to the lockdown/state control fears. This is a classic of the genre.

    What this demonstrates to me is that there is a cohort of people, mostly retired, who simply have no clue about how science or administration or even most regular people go about their working lives. They fantasise that every perturbation means someone is lying to them.

    Maninblack likes this.
  17. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    How significant is the anti-vax movement? Ok, not significant at all amongst normal people, but across the further right it appears to be becoming orthodoxy.

    GB News features it everyday as does talking hedge, Neil Oliver and Laurence (funny how useless a member of the ruling class can be, they can always get a job) Fox. And then we had Andrew Bridgen MP asking questions about in the House.

    The irony is, that one of the few things the Tories would like to boast about (and sure they subsequently fell behind in vaccine roll out) is now toxic for a significant proportion of both its dotty membership and base.
    sydney_horn likes this.
  18. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn First Team

    What, this Andrew Bridgen?

  19. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn First Team

  20. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn First Team

    Jewish group and MPs urge GB News to stop indulging conspiracy theories
    Fears antisemitic tropes are being spread after host Neil Oliver discusses plan to impose ‘one-world government’

    Neil Oliver on GB News. Ofcom is understood to be looking into whether it should investigate Oliver’s show on Saturday after a complaint. Photograph:
    Optimistichornet and Moose like this.
  21. Optimistichornet

    Optimistichornet Penguin Assassin

    It is ludicrous and really quite scary at the moment. I love history, i find it absolutely fascinating. The reason i read, listen to and watch historical programmes isnt so much for the content. Its more to do with what lessons you can garner from the past.

    GB news has since its induction been a largely nationalistic station. This is fine in isolation, most countries have a fairly similar right wing media outlet. Think FOX in the US, RUSSIA TODAY, AL JAZEERA etc. However, what is becoming increasingly concerning is the voice that these platforms provide to views that are extreme. It doesnt take long for those extreme views to become normalised, so long as you get constant exposure to it and a lack of pushback. Where is the current pushback? Its not present.

    The last time this sort of movement really happened was in the late 1920s, early 1930s. At the time the Weimar republic was collapsing in on itself, and National Socialism (NAZISM) was beginning to rise. Combine this with the financial difficulties caused by reperations from the treaty of versailles, and it pushed a desperate german populace into the waiting arms of national socialism.

    I am not suggesting even for a minute that we are anywhere near succumbing to such a situation, but the parallels are there to see. We have suffered a considerable increase in inflation and its only natural that people look to find blame in someone or in a group of people. Both of the major governing parties in the UK have shown they are capable of driving more extreme views, and if that happens then naturally the view of the population becomes more extreme.

    I find it crazy how places like GB news are able to get away with this.
    Moose likes this.
  22. Since63

    Since63 Squad Player

    I must say I have found all his TV 'history' programmes I've watched range from mediocre to rubbish, so not surprised to see him lurching ever further into the realms of idiocy.
  23. sydney_horn

    sydney_horn Squad Player

    I did like "Two men in a Trench" but, in hindsight, I think the excellent Tony Pollard carried Oliver in that one.
  24. Since63

    Since63 Squad Player

    That was very early in his TV career & he didn't write it...unlike 'Vikings' which I found unimpressive.
    sydney_horn likes this.
  25. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Guest

    Funniest thing about this is that you think that the WEF doesn't think it it is in a conspiracy.

    You are actually the conspiracy loon on that one. Thinking that they don't believe they are wielding ultimate soft power over the west. Not sure about Putin, or where he stands, but whilst they think they are grabbing power in the west, China is happy with the division, unrest and destabilisation they are bringing in the name of virtue. They are pathetic loons who all think they are genius Napleons.

    You can take them seriously if you like. But in ten years time they, and those in their pockets, will be remembered like the bilderbergers of 2013, or the Illuminati of the nineties, or the masons of the 19 Century.

    Bloomin WEF! I play the bond villain drinking game whenever they get mentioned.
  26. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Guest

    You obviously didn't live through the seventies then.

    You do have a point though. There is a lunatic 10% who are determined to drive an identitarian wedge between us all. It's not the right wing though. And I am afraid there are a few on here that reflect the 'sleep walker' attitude that allowed the mad ten percent to capture the hearts of half of Europe a hundred years ago.

    I fancy they will come to their senses though. It'll take a bit more than a couple of male rapists being denied their natural right to be considered women (not representing any negativity towards trans people, but to the barmy left wing madness of those in the modern trans lobby), but the lunacy of it will, I trust, soon begin to spin itself into a self destructive fit.

    And soon people on here will start to realise that the real reason they don't like people who ask questions they can't answer is not because the people they disagree with are idiots; but because their own ideologies do not provide answers, only anger, rancour and great conviction that whatever a right winger says MUST be wrong, even if they don't really know why.
  27. reids

    reids First Team

    Moose likes this.
  28. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Guest

  29. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    sydney_horn likes this.
  30. Lloyd

    Lloyd Squad Player

    'Probably' is Carslberg's one word tagline. It looks like it probably hasn't worked on you though, Henry
    Steve Leo Beleck likes this.
  31. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

  32. Filbert

    Filbert Leicester supporting bloke

    UEA_Hornet and Moose like this.
  33. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Guest

    If it takes conspiracy loons to force them to do the work on this, then so be it.

    Here is an indication of the depth and quality of research that the fact checkers went into to demonstrate the harmless nature of the vaccine...

    "However, the net effect of Covid vaccines, including the mRNA vaccines (Pfizer and Moderna), has clearly been to reduce the number of deaths that would have occurred—meaning that the number of excess deaths would have been much higher without them." And that comes from the wholly unbiased source of a representative of the UK Vaccine Network. Which is a bit like asking me "what is by far the greatest team the world has ever seen?" And accepting my answer because I am an expert on Watford FC.

    They say this with not a single reference to any research that supports such a claim. Just an absolute call to faith in the proclamation that the vaccine obviously saves lives. Like Rowling's a trans phobe and Trump's a racist. Maybe it does. So please show us the data that proves it. It must be there, or they wouldn't say so. Surely?

    I would like to believe that the vaccine does what they now say it does (it certainly didn't do what they originally said it would). But when they are not prepared to either perform or publish research that supports what they say, I am afraid that conspiracy theorists are going to theorise conspiracy. And no one can say with any authority that they are wrong - until they do the reasearch that will show it.

    Like it or not, we are being asked to accept the vaccine as an act of faith.

    Useful loons can at least push for proof, because no one else is asking for it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 28, 2023
  34. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain


    Conspiracy bingo, this one. Ham Mike should be a parody, but his only other interests appear to be guns, lots of them. 25.2k likes!

    It does beg a few questions though, not least of which is why can’t Joe Biden finish a meal?
    V Crabro, Ilkley, Otter and 3 others like this.
  35. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    JFC. What an absolute winner.

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