(originally spelt his name wrong, tough?) Farage

Discussion in 'Taylor's Tittle-Tattle - General Banter' started by CarlosKickaballs, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    Career politicians ( I'm looking at you Blair) see Europe as another stage to be statesman like on and leave a legacy, this is why, across the house, they are not out of touch with public feeling but rather not wanting to be out of Europe. I'd vote for labour if they left the islington set careerists behind and got a socialist to lead or the Torys with someone like Davies rather than a bacon face meat puppet
  2. CarlosKickaballs

    CarlosKickaballs Forum Picarso

    I've always been of the view switzerland does well because a. their currency isn't entirely paper and b. tax is almost non existent.

    I also agree Cameron looks like a blow up doll.
  3. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    If anyone thinks we can replicate Switzerland's economy they are mistaken. There are factors such as the size of the population in proportion to the amount of money which moves through Zurich which we could never scale up for the UK's much larger population.

    What's with the Turks? They're not in the EU and never likely to be.

    As for the Romanians, they will come here as long as it's more attractive. Sure there will be a shock to the sytem when they first come, as it was when West Indian, or Indian sub-continent people migrated here. There will be backlash and prejudice, but sooner or later they will integrate to some extent, some will realise that the streets aren't paved with gold. Others will stay, pay tax, have kids and do well.

    That's what the UK dream is all about.

    As long as we don't give people a free ride, I don't care how many people from whichever country want to come here, work and earn a living. Good luck to all of them. It will enhance our country in the medium to long term and our economy.
  4. Lux

    Lux Reservist

    I can't wait for the day when they say "keep building houses" and they find out that the whole country is already tarmac and bricks.
  5. CarlosKickaballs

    CarlosKickaballs Forum Picarso

    Then you can move to Romania because it'll be one giant empty countryside. But they don't want English people going over and stealing their jobs.
  6. PhilippineOrn

    PhilippineOrn First Team

    They also have some of the strictest residency regulations in Europe.
  7. CarlosKickaballs

    CarlosKickaballs Forum Picarso

    Implying causality there ;)
  8. PhilippineOrn

    PhilippineOrn First Team

    Not at all. I was in fact going to say they also have cow bells and cuckoo clocks there.
  9. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Is that what our economy needs? More cow bell?
  10. magyarorszag

    magyarorszag Squad Player


    i'm not racist, racism is a crime. crime is for romanians (and 1m poles)
  11. magyarorszag

    magyarorszag Squad Player

    When i was 15 (legally a minor) i was in the care system and social services were unable to find me a foster carer, so they stuck me in a grotty grotty bed and breakfast for 6 weeks. To this day i am living with friends and i am still unable to find a place to call my own as the government are unable to find me a flat. Which leads me to the main point, there is a afghan boy who i was educated with who has a total of 8 family memebers living here and they have been given 2 houses between them by the goverment which the parents are unemployed. I am not being racist but when a goverment can not provide for its own residents yet opens its arm to immigrants, something needs to change. I am in full time education studying my a levels and planning to go to university. the amount of hours i can work around my a levels is far far away from providing me with enough income to afford my own housing, yet i recieve little help with this. many polish immigrants recieve benefits for children they have living in poland, along with the hundreds of millions our country gives to foreign nationals each year even with our massive debts

    we dont need to privatise the our national health service, we need to rename it the international health service, seeing as it attracts millions of people to come and live here each year

    Somebody tell me it doesnt matter where i'm born, we're all human and need help ;)
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2013
  12. 352

    352 Moderator

    Yeah I mean we're probably only a few months away from that right now IMO!!!
  13. wfcthroughandthrough

    wfcthroughandthrough Squad Player

    Haha, thank god someone else said it for me!
  14. Clive_ofthe_Kremlin

    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin Squad Player

    You'd certainly think that wouldn't you? If you read the popular penny-dreadful newspapers.

    Unfortunately, it's a theory that relies on people not having been up in an aeroplane and looked out of the window.

    When you're flying over Britain all you see is mile after mile of empty green fields. Even when you're coming into Gatwick or Heathrow.

    The country's full my arse. A weak, weak argument.

    The most obvious question to ask any proponent of the over-population/over crowding theory is:- Well, if you honestly believe that's the root of the problem, surely it's up to you to start the solution? Once you show people the way in leaping off a cliff with your entire family, perhaps others will follow your example.

    Oh. You didn't mean YOU or yours are the ones who shouldn't exist.

    You meant those others.

    Those brown poor ones.
  15. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    How do you afford to go to games?
  16. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    People and politicians who are saying that few immigrants are claiming benefits, well, they are wrong in the evidence of my eyes. Maybe in Watford and Herts it isn't a big issue but in South London our system is used by many who want a free ride, so much so that it is the expected norm, all anyone apart from the few rich white people, aspires to is maximum levels of different benefits, they get depressed and feel injustice if benefits are taken away and seek help ( of which there is plenty) in the art of applying for benefits. They are planning a baby, benefits discussed at every step in antenatal clinics so that they can seemlessly move into benefits when child is born.

    I grew up in a generation and culture where this would be shameful, but many if not most where I work have little of this feeling
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2013
  17. CarlosKickaballs

    CarlosKickaballs Forum Picarso

    The whole theory of 'borders' is very ancient and backwards anyway, in my opinion, but 0% chance I can change that.
  18. Cthulhu

    Cthulhu Keyboard Warrior Staff Member

    I think it may mean something other than physical space. We currently don't have enough school places. Our road network would just about cope with 1950s level traffic and our trains are beyond saturation. Then there is the lack of dentists, doctors.

    Personally I hate people, I hate having people round me, I'd like to live in a valley on my own, so London does my head in. People make you mad, the denser the population the madder the place - Fact. so to me it is overcrowded
  19. CarlosKickaballs

    CarlosKickaballs Forum Picarso

    I blame our culture for that. Entirely.
  20. Clive_ofthe_Kremlin

    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin Squad Player

    This isn't the fault of the Afghanis or the Polish though is it? Not many years ago we had loads of decent council housing. You could be housed appropriately, with security of tenancy for a reasonable controlled rent for life. Then they decided it would be a fine idea to sell off all the council housing. Often that exact same housing is now rented to the exact same tenants, but now under the expensive precarious whims of the landlordship of some amateur buy-to-let Rachman who's watched too many TV property programmes.

    Keep clear who is to blame for there being insufficient social housing for the ordinary Joe.

    A foolish rule, but the Polish didn't make it up. The masters thought up that one and they're to blame for it being the way it is. I understand they're now going to change it, so fair enough.

    I presume this means overseas aid. I'd somewhat agree with this - aid it often tied into conditions and demands to purchase British goods with the money etc. I think developing countries might well be better off telling us where to stick it. Even though it's 'hundreds of millions' as you say, this money is still a tiny drop in the ocean compared to military/war spending or the gazillions we had to hand over to the banker guys and banker ladies.

    They're very, very strict on who gets treated now. I should think it must be very hard to be a doctor and have to turn away very sick people who you have the power to cure, just because they don't have the correct stamp on the correct piece of paper. In the modern 21st century, all people everywhere should demand the absolute right to free health treatment for everyone. It's the most basic right and the most basic block of a civilised society.
  21. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    If immigrants can come over here and get benefits, then that's wrong. However, I would welcome any immigrant who wants to come here and work. The term "economic migrant" is not a dirty term in my book, but an aspiration to better one's circumstances, which I applaud.

    I would also get rid of 90% of benefits, for residents or non residents regardless, but that's because I'm extremely right wing.
  22. Lux

    Lux Reservist

    I never said anything about stealing jobs. "Go to another country then".... lol, I didn't choose my country but those who migrate here do. I think they should be coming here in lesser numbers and ultimately only IF they are beneficial.

    I believe in protecting our own interests. Sorry, I'm just not that charitable and don't particularly like sacrificing the well-being of people who rely on our countries support for people who are optional.

    When we all have it perfect, sure, open borders is fine. But removing a border when everyone wants to come here because it's a better life is unsustainable.

    Oh, and if you don't want borders go live on the Moon :).

    A lack of foresight is what got us into this mess. If governments continue to operate on a "who gives a **** about the later, we need to keep voters happy for the next 4 years so we get re-elected" basis then there's not much hope for later is there? I would readily make sacrifices now if it benefits us later on.

    You're blaming landlords for charging too much? I don't see how they can be blamed for charging what they can get.

    If you want there to be affordable housing, then the government need to regulate that. It also gets harder to accommodate everyone who needs and deserves it when there's a constantly influx of people.
  23. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    The housing system is easy to fix. Supply and demand. Build more houses and rents will come down. Don't build affordable housing, build decent quality housing. People will trade up, move out of smaller places and these will become available.

    Planning regulations and red tape around re-classifying office buildings is what is causing a housing crisis. Builders can not make money on houses as they have to construct a percentage of affordable homes which people don't want anyway because they are too small. Consequently, builders are not building anything.
  24. Clive_ofthe_Kremlin

    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin Squad Player

    Absolutely right Hornmeister. The price and availability of housing is a political decision.

    Look at the budget and how they found some money to help the poor downtrodden house buyer. And get those house prices moving unsustainably higher and higher again. Because it looks like economic growth.

    Lux - I don't really blame the amateur buy-to-let landlord for exploiting and sweating his unfortunate tenant for all he's worth. I don't even blame those that steal tenants' deposits for spurious invented reasons. That's what they've been told is the 'right' and 'sensible' way to do things. No room for sentiment in business. I do however blame the government for not only for allowing such a situation to exist, but for actively promoting it.

    If they were able to sell off council houses to their tenants at greatly reduced prices in recognition of all the rent they'd paid over the years, then why don't they do the same thing for private tenants. By the same reason, they've paid for the house several times over already in most cases. Make a law that gives them the right to buy out the absent landlord's interest. Make a law that says you have to get a reasonable rate of interest paid on the deposit money that sits there for years. Even make a law that stops the rental agencies imposing £100+ charges every time the contract for the rental is renewed for admin costs. They already have that last one in Scotland, but not in England.

    Laws like that would tip the balance a little bit more towards the tenant, instead of always, always, always in favour of the house buyer.
  25. Norwayhornet

    Norwayhornet Squad Player

    Do like Moogs idea of bringing back national service , yes you can come into the country but you have to spend a couple of years in the army first on cheap wages ( to help offset all the soldiers made redundant in the last series of cutbacks). That might stem any anticipated flood of immigration.
  26. Clive_ofthe_Kremlin

    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin Squad Player

    Brilliant idea. Send 'em to join the professionals. That'll sort 'em out.

    I imagine the first platoon of the Queen's Own Immigrant Hussars will be so inspired and motivated, they'll soon be treating us to displays of military discipline and spit 'n' polish.

  27. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    You've been quite a good troll up until now. Don't ruin it by going too far too soon. ;)
  28. CarlosKickaballs

    CarlosKickaballs Forum Picarso

    I like the idea, loan members of the military so it has more flair and technical ability.
  29. Lux

    Lux Reservist

    I'm imagining an Arabic Holloway moaning of the "loop" hole we found to boost our troop numbers.
  30. magyarorszag

    magyarorszag Squad Player

    Last game i went to was the pre season match vs spurs
  31. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    When Klinsman made his debut? I was there too
  32. lm_wfc

    lm_wfc First Team


    Interesting pdf with some actual figures, rather than sensationalist headlines.

    View attachment 1943
  33. magyarorszag

    magyarorszag Squad Player

    What an outrage. Obviously the housing association is doing too little to house immigrants. Many people immigrate here because they have no money, so how we we expect them to be happy if they're spending the money they do have on accomodation? Racist goverment. We need to do more to make immigrants feel more at home (no pun intended)
  34. lm_wfc

    lm_wfc First Team

    I get that you're being sarcastic, but I don't get the point you are trying to make.
  35. magyarorszag

    magyarorszag Squad Player

    The majority of housing goes to british citizens. I believe that many immigrants will feel discriminated against on the basis they were not born here, and in our multi cultural society i believe this is unacceptable

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