[RUMOUR] Kayembe (dodgy Deal)

Discussion in 'The Transfer List' started by Goldenorn, May 4, 2023.

  1. Goldenorn

    Goldenorn First Year Pro

    I have been told that we have sold Kayembe to Udinese for £12m, another deal for the authorities to investigate
    Heidar, PowerJugs and lutonh8a like this.
  2. WatfordDH

    WatfordDH Academy Graduate

    I can't even tell if this is a joke or not. This club does too much.
    PowerJugs, Smudger and lutonh8a like this.
  3. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Crown jewels etc.
    Guess we needed to pay the electricty bill.
    Watch him now become a right-footed world-beater.
    wfcmoog likes this.
  4. davisp2

    davisp2 Reservist

    Who by?
  5. Goldenorn

    Goldenorn First Year Pro

    Same person who has been giving me other information about other transfers for the last year
  6. davisp2

    davisp2 Reservist

    Good stuff. The scouting network of identifying talent, and selling for a big profit has struck again.
  7. WatfordTalk

    WatfordTalk First Team

    £12m wouldn't even get you his left leg! It would, however, get you his right leg, 1000x over.
  8. a19tgg

    a19tgg First Team

    This deal will have been ‘independently ratified in Italy’, so please can we have no suggestion of the deal being dodgy, or of the player definitely not being worth £12m. It’s no different to the Harry Maguire deal.
  9. Robert Peel

    Robert Peel Squad Player

    Sometimes the true greats really are bigger than the club.

    We should be grateful to have witnessed him wear the yellow shirt. I just hope we have a sell on fee because that could set us up for decades.
  10. GoingDown

    GoingDown "The Stability"

    Good pickup by Udinese. This guy would fit into any midfield in Serie A.
    Burnsy likes this.
  11. lowerrous

    lowerrous Guest

    If they're doing this it would surely indicate that they don't expect the investigation in to the Kamara deal will find anything illegal which the FA can actually act upon.

    This deal might also give further support to the possibility that we might be splashing out on the young Uruguayan DM Fabrizio Diaz.
  12. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

    Outstanding bit of business. Can't believe there's a club out their stupid enough to buy this dud from us.
    GoingDown likes this.
  13. davisp2

    davisp2 Reservist

    Hopefully we can also sell star man Sarr for a handsome profit to Udinese
  14. Knight GT

    Knight GT Predictor extraordinaire 2013/14

    If this is true it the most outstanding business of all time. £28m for Kayembe and Kamara. Rumours of Kalu and Fletcher in deal worth £50m are circulating
  15. Knight GT

    Knight GT Predictor extraordinaire 2013/14

    Reliable? God I hope so
  16. Steve Leo Beleck

    Steve Leo Beleck Squad Player

    The rapidly rushed out Player of the Season voting makes sense now. If they fix it and give it to Kayembe then we can justify the £12m fee. Gino playing 4D chess with the authorities again.
  17. wfc4ever

    wfc4ever Administrator Staff Member

    Kone will probably be another one they transfer like this .
  18. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Pedro and Kayembe to leave the same summer ? Surely not.
  19. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    £12 million :D:confused::eek::rolleyes:

    Nothing dodgy to see here, move along please.
  20. lowerrous

    lowerrous Guest

    Another reminder that Pozzo-to-Pozzo transfers are still not the same as if a club outside the group actually gave us a decent amount of money for one of our players, and that the fee will probably be for cash-flow, tax etc. type purposes. Also that the size of the fee for Pozzo-to-Pozzo transfers over the years won't have meant very much.
  21. LeedsOrn

    LeedsOrn Reservist

    It is dodgy but as @lowerrous said it suggests that the club has some confidence that they have done nothing wrong and will be vindicated in the Kamara investigation. Either that, or the club has awful lawyers
  22. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    So a £12m fee, less Bayat agent fees for Kayembe, less Bayat agent fees for us, that net £3m could be a real lifesaver.
    scummybear likes this.
  23. LeedsOrn

    LeedsOrn Reservist

    I think for FFP/accounting purposes it is hugely significant though.
    Hogg-DEENEY!!! and lutonh8a like this.
  24. a19tgg

    a19tgg First Team

    ...or, by taking the piss it further prompts the EFL to close any possible loophole that enables clubs to sell players between clubs with common ownership, or at the very least stops any income being used for FFP purposes. It’s not like that hasn’t happened before.
    wfcmoog and Hogg-DEENEY!!! like this.
  25. LeedsOrn

    LeedsOrn Reservist

    I think they will close the loophole by adjusting the mechanism through which these transfers are evaluated but I think it would be very difficult for them to ban intra-group transfers.

    And by that point we’ll have juiced our accounts by £28m. I doubt they will be able to force accounting changes retroactively.
  26. a19tgg

    a19tgg First Team

    Ultimately this is enabling us to flout FFP, and they closed the loophole with regards to stadium sales pretty quickly to prevent exactly the same thing happening.

    Yes we will have got away with these two, but by being so blatant we probably just won’t have the option of doing it again in the future.
    Hogg-DEENEY!!! likes this.
  27. Carpster

    Carpster Squad Player

    This is nothing short of hilarious if true.
  28. LeedsOrn

    LeedsOrn Reservist

    Agreed. I think they could have raised £15-20m or so from these too and have been able to justify the fees paid pretty easily. These are obviously juiced up fees. Whether the extra wiggle room in the future is worth the £10m now is a judgment call based on assessing the strength of the EFL’s likely response.
    a19tgg likes this.
  29. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Maybe they think it will be closed anyway so are trying to get as many through the door before it does close ?
  30. Knight GT

    Knight GT Predictor extraordinaire 2013/14

    They won't do that as it will upset the big boys like City
    EB Hornet and Since63 like this.
  31. Happy bunny

    Happy bunny Cheered up a bit

    Watford are missing a trick. They could sign me, sell me to Udinese for £10m and loan me back. I wouldn't have to play a minute for either or even go to Italy.
  32. Otter

    Otter Gambling industry insider

    Technically all transfers are investigated anyway. Kayembe is a Premier League experienced midfielder!
    Hogg-DEENEY!!! likes this.
  33. Steve Leo Beleck

    Steve Leo Beleck Squad Player

    'Udinese is excited to announce the club record signing of experienced striker Ashley Fletcher...'
    Hogg-DEENEY!!! likes this.
  34. Steve Leo Beleck

    Steve Leo Beleck Squad Player

    The club was also confident that they'd assembled a squad capable of challenging for promotion this season...
    Hogg-DEENEY!!! likes this.
  35. a19tgg

    a19tgg First Team

    Different competition, different rules, different governing bodies. The EFL closed the loophole on stadium sales to prevent FFP being circumvented, Both Derby and Reading have been relegated due to points deductions for FFP breaches.

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