General Election

Discussion in 'Taylor's Tittle-Tattle - General Banter' started by hornmeister, Mar 24, 2010.

  1. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    Just out of interest, which way will you be voting?

    It's a secret poll so we won't find out individuals preferences hence I won't vote until someone else has.
  2. Layton

    Layton First Team

    Goes against my grain to but i will be voting Lib-Dem , as i want to see a hung parliment , hopefully that way the best of all three parties (if there is such a thing..) rise to the top and the leeching scum get booted out

    Unlikley dream i know...
  3. Prentice

    Prentice Administrator


    If I could vote Scottish Independence Party, I would.
  4. Cude>2<

    Cude>2< First Team Captain

    Out of interest. Whose in the "Other" section? Is that BNP, Animal party, Monster Raving Looney party etc?
  5. The Voice of Reason

    The Voice of Reason First Team Captain

    very interesting so far the Lib Dems are leading, maybe they are not such a wasted vote as the big two parties would have you believe?

    Try the Third Way

  6. Cude>2<

    Cude>2< First Team Captain

    While I respect everyones votes, Lib Dems isn't for me. Infact I hate all the "big 3" as it were. To me they all spread just as much shyte as eachother.
  7. Bunk

    Bunk Reservist

    Lib Dem for me too.

    Labour have been a massive let down in recent years, and i just cant vote for a party that doesnt care about the working class like the Tories.

    David Cameron has the charisma to win over people's votes, but if he gets in, dont expect him to give a **** about the everyday man. The money will all go into the big pockets.

    I will state that I believe The BNP will win a seat this year. Whether you like them or not, they are out there and they are winning over people, especially those who havent been arsed to vote in the past because of hatrid for the big three.
  8. Gordon Brown

    Gordon Brown Academy Graduate

    Vote for me please.
  9. Layton

    Layton First Team

    excellent , a troll ruining a good thread
  10. StuBoy

    StuBoy Forum Cad and Bounder

    I would never vote Lib Dem, although if it was a choice between them and Labour who knows!
  11. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    It is an interesting poll. I would suggest that the results here would possibly skew slightly away from the Torries which has a traditionally older less likely to contribute to a footy forum supporter, however I may be generalising.

    Other did includ the BNP but I'll put it down as new option as they are a ligitimate party probably as big as UKIP.

    Personally the only party whos policies I completely agree with are UKIP however I aknowledge that it is a "wasted vote" with the current system. There is some merit in changing government every four years, that way they don't get enough time to muck things up.
  12. Cude>2<

    Cude>2< First Team Captain

    A what now?
  13. Layton

    Layton First Team

    The main two parties are the same way driven , not so in the 60/70/80`s but certainly so now , ESPECIALLY given the relationship with the US
  14. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    I'm voting Conservative, because I'm posh.
  15. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Incidentally, how many posters on this forum are of voting age? Few I reckon.
  16. Layton

    Layton First Team

    i dunno , theres quite a few crusty old ****ers on here
  17. albangura9

    albangura9 Squad Player

    Don't want to vote Labour, think Conservatives would be no better, and think Lib Dem as a bit of a wasted vote...
  18. berkshirehorn

    berkshirehorn presumably I upset/disappointed someone

    If you want the state meddling in your affairs, the health and safety gestapo removing any form of risk from your lives, high taxes to pay for a bloated state supporting crooks and scroungers then by all means vote for the one eyed monster.
  19. Layton

    Layton First Team

    All these things are now here to stay , whoever gets in...

    And whats worse , high taxes bailing out scroungers or a party commited to looking after the rich ?
  20. berkshirehorn

    berkshirehorn presumably I upset/disappointed someone

    suits me :biggrin:
  21. Layton

    Layton First Team

  22. Bunk

    Bunk Reservist

    Conservatives, the opposite of Robin Hood.

    Steal from the poor and give to the rich.
  23. The Voice of Reason

    The Voice of Reason First Team Captain

    - Try The Third Option

    Why is it a wasted vote? That's what the so called big two want you to believe, are you still falling for that old trick :forehead:​
  24. StuBoy

    StuBoy Forum Cad and Bounder

    Anything but this shower of a government. 10% increase in cider prices!!!! What!?

    Although saying that the break on stamp duty is going to save me about £2,000 next month! ;)
  25. Cude>2<

    Cude>2< First Team Captain

    Out of interest, why do people see Lib Dem as the ONLY 3rd option? UKIP beat both Lib Dem and Labour in the European vote I believe? I am aware though in general elections UKIP never seem to be heavily supported. So why do you voters who say "Lib Dem is the option other than Labour or Conservative" not vote UKIP, is it because you're a fan of the EU? Or is there other reasons?
  26. Layton

    Layton First Team

    its because voting Lib Dem as a traditional Labour voter is the only way to force the chance of a hung parliment , the Lib Dems have something like 8 million voters......
  27. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    As a parliamentary party, UKIP have zero credibility. Against the backdrop of the the "main 3" that's saying something.
  28. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Bit of a simplistic view of it.

    Personally, the fundamentals of conservatism ie. less state involvement and lower taxes are what I'd love to see. However, as with any party, it's only as good as the people behind it, who are at present, a bunch of idiots.

    Labour simply have to be dumped, but for whom? Malky In?
  29. Bunk

    Bunk Reservist

    I thought that would be the easiest way to explain it on here Moog.

  30. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

  31. Davidwfc

    Davidwfc Reservist

    We need Proportional representation to stop votes being wasted. There were alot of people who voted for UKIP in the European elections by yet this time round people will not vote for them because they know they have no change of beating the big 3. Where i live it is in a tory stronghold so i dont vote as there is no point. Proportional representation would raise turnout figures what keep dropping every election.
  32. berkshirehorn

    berkshirehorn presumably I upset/disappointed someone

    single issue party. what would they do once they got their way withdrew from Europe? They have no other credible policies, not that i think withdrawal from Europe is particularly credible either. UK manufacturing has virtually disappeared never to return, we exist as a service nation with strengths in finance (!), creative industries and some niche industries like space science. We have to be part of Europe.
  33. fan

    fan slow toaster

    Lib Dems for the win!!
  34. Timbers

    Timbers Apeman

    How could Radlet be anything else!

    I will be voting Lib Dem if i can be bothered to go to the polling station. A few years ago, when I lived in St Albans, they trialed on line voting and it worked really well. I wonder how many votes are wasted by people coming home from work and just then too tired to go and vote.
  35. Timbers

    Timbers Apeman

    Would you be in favour of the Euro?

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