Would you?

Discussion in 'Taylor's Tittle-Tattle - General Banter' started by afanof, Aug 11, 2011.

  1. afanof

    afanof First Team

    I just want to know, anonymously, what people think they would do if they were walking past a shop being looted where everyone was helping themselves. It doesn't matter what sort of shop it is, but in the context of recent events, would you think, 'hmm, everyone is helping themselves, I'll have one too,' or would you not?

    Only two options because a decision has to be made.
  2. wfcwarehouse

    wfcwarehouse First Team Captain

    100%, definite no from me.

    I don't think I'd stop anyone else from doing it but I'd certainly just walk past.

    UHORNS V-Bookie

    If it was the Lootown club shop I wouldn't take anything but I would burn the place down.Hope that counts?
  4. simms

    simms vBookie

    Exactly the same for me.
  5. Birdydoug

    Birdydoug The Flying Scotsman

    No, I'd call the Police.
  6. King Dev

    King Dev Squad Player

    Definitely wouldn't take anything.

    I'd stop if if there were perhaps 4 people or less doing it, don't want to risk getting an absolute battering.
  7. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired


    A similar situation has already happened to me. With no one is sight I went to an ATM and someone's card was already in it with the pin already having been typed. I could have withdrawn up to £500.

    I ejected the card and posted it through the bank's letterbox as it was after hours.

    When people get a bit older and actually have to work to earn the money to buy their stuff, they tend to understand how victims feel when they have property stolen from them, even if it is business which are covered by insurance, what these little chavs don't understand is that we all end up paying for it in the end either by taxes or raised premiums.

    My Gran was a victim of a bogus caller at her house once. They didn't get away with much but the pure violation of her personal property was enough that she never fully recovered and never really left the house after that. It really was a form of mental violence against her.

    If I caught the person that did that, or even one lone person looting and there was no chance of me being identified I hope I would be man enough to do the right thing and shop them, but even being a non violent person I fear I might retaliate and that worries me.
  8. LLST

    LLST Squad Player

    Is it wrong that I expected a picture of someone to be attached to this thread?
  9. Bunk

    Bunk Reservist

    On a serious note, there's no way I would.

    I was left disgusted and appalled by the behaviour of little scum bags, and if there wasnt a law against it, I'd give all of tem a fecking good slap.

    If you're going to act like animals, they should be treated like one. Throw them in a cage and let them rot.
  10. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    It's easy to say "no" but seriously, how many of you, if you just saw, within arms reach, a stack of nicely boxed Ipads, which you could easily grab and get away with.

    You look around and there's no CCTV, nobody to stop you. You could grab just 1 and shove it up your jumper, nobody would be the wiser.

    For me, no. Because free **** isn't worth losing respect for myself.
  11. Birdydoug

    Birdydoug The Flying Scotsman

    I would expect a few arrests from family or friends questioning where these goods turned up from.
  12. TheDon

    TheDon First Team

    An MP suggested using a dye in water cannons meaning they can be round up easily, and that they should all be put in Wembley...
  13. harry the hornet

    harry the hornet Not the official Harry the Hornet

    I would be too afraid to get caught so no.
  14. steve harrow

    steve harrow Reservist

    Most definitely not for all the reasons given above. Anyone taking anything in the UK is driven solely by greed. We're not starving and desperate for food or the like so there can be no excuse.
  15. afanof

    afanof First Team

    How else was I going to get you to look at the thread?
  16. LPC213

    LPC213 Reservist

    Definitely no.

    Also as a side point I'd love to say I'd try to stop it, but quite honestly I wouldn't have the cojones. Unless it was two or fewer people, then I'd call the police and let them know I'd done so.
  17. LLST

    LLST Squad Player

    I was very concerned that the picture would be of a man after I saw who started the thread.
  18. Bunk

    Bunk Reservist

    Where's my pictures?
  19. PotGuy

    PotGuy Forum Fetishist

    I have found two iPhones in the last 6 months, one a 3gs and one a 4g.

    I could easily have had them both unlocked and flogged them for hundreds of quid, but I rang their owners and gave them back. Neither gave me any sort of reward.
  20. Evasive

    Evasive Requiescat in pace

    No, I wouldn't because I would be too worried about facing the consequences.

    Although my life is far from stellar, I wouldn't want to put it at risk just to get a free iPad.
  21. The Hornet

    The Hornet The Quiet Mod is Watching

    They were too big re post them but smaller.
  22. AshdonWFC

    AshdonWFC Prediction League Champion 2011/12

    Two letters:

  23. El distraído

    El distraído Johnny Foreigner


    LOL jk no I couldn't possibly do that.
  24. orns4life

    orns4life Squad Player

    I put yes. I don't think its right and think anyone caught doing it during the 'riots' should be dealt with properly (for the record I was at work earning honest money!). But if I was walking through Watford high street and there were no police in sight, with people casually strolling into a shop and taking tvs/ipods etc and walkling out untroubled, I'd definitley be tempted, and I reckon a lot of people who voted no probably would be to!
  25. leighton buzzard horn

    leighton buzzard horn Squad Player

    I can assure you I wouldn't be. I am no angel and I have taken part in a dodgy deal or two over the years but not out & out theft.
  26. Birdydoug

    Birdydoug The Flying Scotsman

  27. Smudger

    Smudger Messi's Mad Coach Staff Member

    You shouldn't expect some reward but at some thanks at least PG.

    If I find property left in a carriage on the Tube which does happen I give it to a station official to pass it to Lost Property.

    And no I would not thieve. Unfortunately because there is a generation of useless parents these scrotes think it is quite alright to take property that is not theirs because somehow society owes them some indefinable social debt.

    Quite amazing some of the rubbish the hand wringers and their focus group the scrotes are coming up with.

    Society has let us down being one...... The mind boggles.
  28. PotGuy

    PotGuy Forum Fetishist

    I don't expect a reward, but in relation to the value of the phones, and the value of the items on the phone I think to have two people give you a rather dismissive "oh thanks, brilliant" and then bugger off is a bit tedious. I didn't give them back for a reward, but it would have been nice. Just a few quid for a pint or something. It leaves me a bit sour that they really didn't seem to care that I had gone out of my way to get in touch with them and meet them to give it back.

    I think it is because they were both obviously pretty rich. They were both also from Harpendon. Easy come, easy go when you are loaded.
  29. afanof

    afanof First Team

    That's unfortunate. On the two occasions phones from the afanof household have been picked up by private individuals I have given a 'thank you' gift. I would have thought it was just good manners.
  30. 99mph

    99mph 4th Prediction league 2011/12

    ^ I used to have this a lot when I worked in a nightclub. I'd always find phones when clearing up and would try and would text their friends to negotiate a time to get their phone back.

    Most of the time the person didn't really seem to care. In one instant, a guy accused me of trying to steal his phone when I asked him to identify it (so I wasn't just handing it over to some guy).
  31. Birdydoug

    Birdydoug The Flying Scotsman

    Returned a rental car at Zurich Airport , it wasn't until I got to the terminal I had realised something was missing, my wallet.

    Of course they denied all knowledge of it.
  32. leighton buzzard horn

    leighton buzzard horn Squad Player

    Believe it or not, that is exactly the image I have as my screen saver.
  33. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    That's Iphone owners for you - ****ers.

    You should try and find Android phones next time.
  34. Defunct

    Defunct First Team

    I couldn't do it. I found a very good phone at Liverpool Street station last summer and it didn't even cross my mind to keep hold of it. It's how you're raised by your parents, you're either a t**t or you're not, there's no middle ground IMO.
  35. Birdydoug

    Birdydoug The Flying Scotsman

    I would always hand something in , but sometimes you know it will never be returned to the rightful owner.

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