Tax Levels Uk And Sweden

Discussion in 'Politics 2.0' started by Bwood_Horn, Apr 28, 2024.

  1. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn Squad Player

    I've just one ear on Ian Dale on LBC (I know, I know) and he stating that he had done some research on wiki (I know, I know) for a TV appearance where the total tax paid (including all the "...stealth taxes..." - which he didn't define) per capita in the UK was "...only a few percentage points less that Sweden.."

    Is this bollox?
  2. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    This probably comes down to your idea of what ‘a few’ is. There used to be clear blue water between Sweden’s take and our own, though various yellow and blue Tories in Sweden have slightly suppressed the system there.

    Here, the tax take has risen, but we get eff all square in return. It pays for mismanagement, debt, corruption, Brexit and the woeful out of control free market approaches we adopt. The dysfunctional UK housing market alone costs a fortune in subsidising landlords to make a mint through housing benefit.

    I imagine that Sweden is still a number ahead that is significant and Dale can’t begin to comprehend of the reasons why ours is higher than it was for so little gain.

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