Fao Luke And Tive

Discussion in 'Match Day' started by Duzza007, Feb 24, 2007.

  1. Duzza007

    Duzza007 Academy Graduate

    Hi Guys Are You Going To The Plymouth Match If So We Should Meet Up At The Stadium For A Bevy What Do You Think!!
  2. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    I should be going mate if you get a ticket i'd be up for a meet before the game.
  3. Duzza007

    Duzza007 Academy Graduate

    Yeh Should Be Getting Ticket My Uncle Is A Sth And Hes Getting 1 For Me As He Can't Make It
  4. HornetteCarly

    HornetteCarly Future Mrs Henderson

    sorry duzza, luke aint got the time seeing as he'll be driving to mk to pick me up
  5. TivertonHornet

    TivertonHornet Reservist

    :]] :]]

    Hi Duzza, I was crossing everything that it would be a Saturday match as the Sunday is my wife's birthday. A big party already arranged. Did cross my mind that she could swap the day(Only joking Mrs Tivvy ) but more chance of those horrible lot from the FA changing the date. I could not believe it was the Sunday :doom:

    Will be with you all in spirit at Home Park, but how about catching up at the Semi ?

    The Devon Hornets will eventually get off the ground
  6. lb07football

    lb07football Academy Graduate

    If hes doing that he can pick me up from aylesbury as i am his brother
  7. HornetteCarly

    HornetteCarly Future Mrs Henderson

    lol tell him to then! ;D
  8. lb07football

    lb07football Academy Graduate

    he wont do it coz i am better than him at subbueto and pro evo
  9. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    Oh dear lb oh dear. I seem to remember you scoring 3 goals in 7 matches and winning only one. I scored 5 in our first game so you clearly aren't.

    Sort your life out greek boy
  10. HornetteCarly

    HornetteCarly Future Mrs Henderson

    brotherly love :rolleyes:

    either way hes coming to mk to pick me up so im sure we can stop in aylesbury for you ;)
  11. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    Carly my friend, your deluded. There's more chance of you turning up in a wheelbarrow then getting a lift from me.
  12. HornetteCarly

    HornetteCarly Future Mrs Henderson

    Why would you publically lie? We already have the road trip planned, its ok you can admit it to everyone ;)
  13. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    now you can tell my heart, my achy breaky heart, i just dont think it'd understand.............You'd be jumping out of the windows before we reach the M5
  14. HornetteCarly

    HornetteCarly Future Mrs Henderson

    Psssht, by the way.. your gonna be so jealous. The McDonald brothers sang 500 miles last night at the concert.

    Go on...be jealous
  15. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    God damn....the proclaimers do it so much better. Don't forget japanese boy as well!
  16. HornetteCarly

    HornetteCarly Future Mrs Henderson

    japanese boy? for some strange reason that has reminded me of..

    EVERYBODY WAS KUNG FOO FIIIIIIIIIIGHTING dododododo those kids were fassssst as lightninggggggggggggg
  17. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    I've also got a wide range of s club 7 cd's. Reach...follow that rainbow...REACH....reach for the moon.....
  18. HornetteCarly

    HornetteCarly Future Mrs Henderson

    (swap moon and rainbow around) and your dreams will allllll come trueeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    REACH for the starsssssssssssss dooooooooodododod
  19. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    Nothing like a bit of cheesy music to entertain me as i make the short journey to Plymouth!
  20. HornetteCarly

    HornetteCarly Future Mrs Henderson

    meanie! fine im picking your brother up and driving, i bet hes more fun than you ANYWAY
  21. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    You drive? Why the hell do you need me to give you a lift?

    He's already got his coach tickets anyways so he'll probably say no to you!
  22. HornetteCarly

    HornetteCarly Future Mrs Henderson

    Nah i dont drive, got my car though.. Who cares if i get stopped by the police, i live my life on the edge.

    I dont think i could handle a rejection by mini luke aswell
  23. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    hmmmm....clearly lost your license in some girl racer related incident. Typical MK girl.
  24. HornetteCarly

    HornetteCarly Future Mrs Henderson

    lol no, started learning when i was 17, gave up cus it bored me and never actually got my license :cool:

    Its cool, whenever i order my dad to take me somewhere he bloody well does it
  25. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    fair enough....its probably best to just take lifts...far cheaper and less chance of old men breaking your car!!:rant:
  26. HornetteCarly

    HornetteCarly Future Mrs Henderson

    yeh so your basically saying that its better to get lifts, therefore offering me one to plymouth ;D
  27. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    haha....thats a clever twisting of words...although actually i was saying you should get your dad to take you.
  28. HornetteCarly

    HornetteCarly Future Mrs Henderson

    yeh... not gonna happen. Plus after the drive from Yeovil to Cardiff for the playoffs there is no way i am sitting in a car with him for 5 hours again. Id rather eat my own foot.
  29. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    Yeovil? What the hell? explain woman!
  30. HornetteCarly

    HornetteCarly Future Mrs Henderson

    Ah was at my aunts (well i say aunt, i mean mums best friend's) wedding in Yeovil of all places on the weekend of the playoffs so we decided that we were gonna bugger off early next morning, leave my mum stranded to drive home alone.

    I mean come on, i aint missing the playoffs for a wedding. Just wasnt gonna happen.
  31. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    Ahhh i see. Fair enough then. Weddings happen everyday but the play-offs dont.

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