1. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

  2. edhenderson

    edhenderson Reservist

  3. Smithy

    Smithy Moderator Staff Member

    I've been learning french for six months and as soon as I gave up they said I'd passed.
  4. Prentice

    Prentice Administrator

  5. afanof

    afanof First Team

    If you find it interesting, you won't mind doing the work and therefore will find it easier than if you don't find it interesting and don't do the necessary work. Simples.
  6. simms

    simms vBookie

    In my 6th form, it was compulsory to do a think called CoPE - Certificate of personal effectiveness:rolleyes:

    But i was in the top 15 students at GCSE so got chosen to do this extra AS level, which coincidentally, goes very well with the subject i want to do at uni, Philosophy.

    You basically just learn to asses credibility, and arguments finding reasons and conclusions and things like that. Its easy and boring.
    I guess as the poster said above, the more interested you are in a subject, the easier you find it.
  7. A. Web

    A. Web Reservist

    So critical thinking is a way that schools are actively trying to get people to independently think. I think this shows how bad the school system is.

    Please sir can i be spoon fed some more?

    Exams are not getting easier, but because of over-centralisation and standardisation exams don't test you on knowledge, intelligence, independent thinking, in fact being independent is seen as a bad thing.

    Exams are just a matter of being asked to jump and you answering with how high
  8. simms

    simms vBookie

    Yep, well the school gets a grant for teaching CoPE, and they see it as too time consuming for the rest of us, so they do this instead which is an extra AS level, but less work.

    Basically they aren't getting easier, its just we are taught for the exams, rather then taught the knowledge, and then have to apply it in our own way to the question.
  9. A. Web

    A. Web Reservist

    It's like when I undertook a 'General knowledge' AS, thankfully most universities don't accept this, but some do. It's an insult to the generation as if we are all so ignorant of current affairs that we will only be interested in it if we get state approval in the form of an accolade. General studies really was a joke, got told the school had entered us into it, turned up on the day not even knowing how many questions I would have to do and got an A. If you had a vague concept of the world and can structure a half decent argument together you can't fail.
  10. afanof

    afanof First Team

    And that's where it all goes wrong.
  11. simms

    simms vBookie

    I agree, critical thinking isn't widely accepted by universities, however the course i want to do is directly related to it.

    I think a few more subjects need to be compulsory earlier on in the education system, things like politics.
  12. A. Web

    A. Web Reservist

    Since when has politics been compulsory? And is this real politics or some vague, pseudo-politics of human rights (we are all born equal etc) Well therefore isn't any Bachelor of Arts degree related to critical thinking as any essay will comprise of reading what others think and coming to some conclusion on where you stand. like I say I did General studies and in no way has it helped me at university.
  13. simms

    simms vBookie

    It isnt, i was saying i believe it should be, and no not the political philosophy, the actual workings of govt and things.
  14. Harrow Orn

    Harrow Orn Squad Player

    Too many exams.

    Friday: Geography
    Tuesday: Geography
    Wednesday: History
    Friday: PE

    So condensed, I cant actually go over everything in such a short space of time :rant:
  15. simms

    simms vBookie

    for me its

    Monday: 2 critical thinking
    Thursday: Critical thinking
    Friday: Philosophy and politics
    Tuesday: philosophy
    Friday: politics

    and on the satuday inbetween i have a revision day for economics which is later in june :forehead:
  16. MarlonsCellMate

    MarlonsCellMate Reservist

    5 exams, over 3 weeks. Still not enough time, one of them is tommorow!
    Complex Analysis
    Numerical Solutions of Partial Differential Equation's
    Non-linear Systems and Chaos
    Mathematical Biology
    Stochastic Processes
  17. nascot

    nascot First Team

    Piece of p*ss.
  18. edhenderson

    edhenderson Reservist

    Good luck, R.E GCSE for me tomorrow :rolleyes:
  19. Cude>2<

    Cude>2< First Team Captain

    Ah the R.E GCSE. I remember that well. Having been up all night drinking Vodka I went into the exam room, wrote my name on the paper, and did the first page before falling asleep.

    I got a C.
  20. edhenderson

    edhenderson Reservist

    that's higher then some will get for doing the whole paper. :sign15:
  21. Cude>2<

    Cude>2< First Team Captain

    My personal theory is it depends on what school you go to. I went to the oldest Catholic school in England therefore they probably felt bad giving me a crap mark.
  22. Prentice

    Prentice Administrator

    I did exactly the same minus the Vodka.

    I went in, put my name on it, played with my little finger skateboard thing for 10 minutes then went to sleep.

    Also got a C.
  23. edhenderson

    edhenderson Reservist

    probably won't be doing the same - it's an easy A*
  24. Cude>2<

    Cude>2< First Team Captain

    What school did you go to?

    PS. Bit weird our jobs are similiar too...
  25. Prentice

    Prentice Administrator

    Tring School mate.

    Aye, though talking of which I applied for a new one today.
  26. Cude>2<

    Cude>2< First Team Captain

    Yeah? Where about's about mate? PM me details if you like.
  27. Prentice

    Prentice Administrator

  28. TheDon

    TheDon First Team

    I've got my RE tomorrow aswell. Did 50% of it last year and got 92%/A*
  29. PotGuy

    PotGuy Forum Fetishist

    Got mine Thursday, Friday and Monday.

    Then I can **** about until my loan runs out in June and I have to get another job for two months.
  30. MarlonsCellMate

    MarlonsCellMate Reservist

    I remember my GCSE R.E paper, I spent a bit of time revising Christianity. 5 mins before we go in, someone tells me the paper was on Judaism.
    I asked him for 2 facts about the jews, wrote both them down. Got an A.
  31. afanof

    afanof First Team

    I don't understand why students would want to collude with the idea that education has dumbed down. :confused:
  32. MarlonsCellMate

    MarlonsCellMate Reservist

    Because we're stupid and don't realise that it reflects badly on us.
    Which is due to the dumbing down of education, and so begins the cycle...

    Although in all seriousness, the gap between university and A-levels is ridiculous. I wish the A-levels were more difficult, would've prepared me better for university.

    Or maybe they would have been harder if teachers weren't so geared towards making students pass exams, rather than actually LEARNING the material.
  33. Ruislip Orn

    Ruislip Orn Academy Graduate

    Mine start on Friday, Biology and P.E :/

    Am I being thick here or have people already sat the P.E or Biology exam already, like one day this week, surely it's the same questions, would it be cheating if I asked what some of the questions were? If you've done it already, P.M me :p
  34. wfcmatt

    wfcmatt First Year Pro

    Different exam boards?
  35. TheDon

    TheDon First Team

    Well that RE exam was f**king hard.

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