Four Hours At The Capitol

Discussion in 'Politics 2.0' started by Moose, Oct 22, 2021.

  1. reids

    reids First Team

    Trump campaign national press secretary Karoline Leavitt on Monday, appearing on “The Kimberly Guilfoyle Show,” said they are “investing a lot of money into voter integrity efforts to ensure that every American knows their ballot will be cast and counted and matter.”

    “We’re not going to play defense, like we unfortunately did in 2020. We’re going to have soldiers, poll watchers on the ground who are making sure that there are no irregularities and fraud like we saw in the last election.”

    Sounds very "democratic".
  2. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Reservist

    Yes. Yes it does. I am unsure how someone may think otherwise from what was said.

    Are you really, now, saying that observing the elections to avoid fraud is problematic? People seem to be loosing their minds if that is the spin being put on this.

    Now, if you want to say that they are promising to intimidate voters (which would be a totally legitimate concern), that is a different matter, but they are not talking about that. They are talking about monitoring the process that takes place after the votes are cast, which is an obligation in some places, and at the very least a right for both sides of the political divide.

    I imagine that should a water mains springs a leak in Fulton County this year, no one is going to leave until the place is locked up and empty, which will make it difficult for the counters to go back in to start counting unobserved, like last time.

    You'll be complaining that they are planning on voting next.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2024
  3. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    No that’s Republicans trying everything they can to suppress the vote.

    Your observers are trouble makers who will be looking for phoney objections against alleged ‘suitcases of votes’ to suppress the vote on mass.
    reids likes this.
  4. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Reservist

    Yeah. That is your official line isn't it. If there aren't any dodgy suitcases, they won't be able to identify them, will they?

    Unlike last time, when some dodgy suitcases had to be explained away days after the fact, rather than examined in real time by official observers, who had been told counting had stopped.

    Your silly comment is a little like me saying that fa activists will be aggresively intimidating voters, because Democrats have said they will be sending observers.

    I am afraid that pathetic is the only way to describe your comment, which is supported by absolutely no evidence what so ever.
    iamofwfc likes this.
  5. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Man with no evidence, who has wanted evidence of nothing investigated, accuses me of having no evidence. Oh the irony.
    Calabrone and reids like this.
  6. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Reservist

    Thankfully, anyone reading this will recognise the irony of that statement.
    iamofwfc likes this.
  7. reids

    reids First Team

    Yup. Only one side tried to throw the election, and it wasn't the dems. The repeated claims that the election was stolen despite no evidence of fraud is literally proof of that.
  8. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Reservist

    There is evidence of interference, and it is happening right now. The only case really moving forward at the moment was previously rejected and relies on tortured application of law to make it a criminal case within statute. It simply wouldn’t be made unless it was to stop Trump running. You are also aware of some states trying to take Trump off the ballot, so that people cannot vote for him, on the grounds that he is an insurrectionists, despite never having faced such charges, because prosecutors have not, after nearly four years trying, been able to justify them.

    Wake up and smell the coffee. If they can do this, they can do anything.

    Problem is, I suspect, that some people are just uninterested in what is going on, and just hate Trump, whilst others are happy for such fascistic tactics to be used against their political opponents.

    Of course, you can say I am talking rubbish (it is only my opinion), but I don’t think even the mainstream believe that the Trump indictments are disinterested application of the law.
  9. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Reservist

    For all those who want to bleat about Judges being persecuted, how do they think any person, anywhere in the World, would react to being abused or having their family abused by: the President of the United States, the DOJ, the FBI, the Speaker of the House, mainstream media…

    What a trite argument. Do you think that Trump has not been subject to the same threats and abuses? On top of the absurd indictments, lawfare, and improper attempts to remove him from the democratic process.

    Celebrity death threats against Trump are celebrated by the media.
    iamofwfc likes this.
  10. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    Most of us would have no problem with observers just so long as everyone on the ballot has the same number of observers and are cordial and respectful when they do it. They are there to watch the people counting the votes not to watch the people casting their vote.
  11. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Reservist


    That reads like a Davy post, when applied to what she said.
  12. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Reservist

    Rubbish. It is your interpretation of them that fuels your fever dreams. Trump was always going to run. The indictments were a threat to keep him out, which is clear from how long it took for all of them to be jemmied into the day light.

    Your ludicrous "he should stand down just because he has been indicted" argument shows the hopelessly desperate position you have to argue.

    Much like AOC's affront at his clearly illegal funding of that bond he never had to pay, before there was any indication he would even pay it. Same argument, almost. He can't do that lawful thing, because it can only be done illegally, because of how we stacked things against him".

    Plenty of political leaders have fought for election against accusations of criminal deeds. See Russia and corrupt regimes for reference. I ask you to take yourself seriously, and all you do is spout authoritarian banana republic propaganda.

    I don't doubt your concerns are genuine. But why not let the people decide? Is it because they may disagree with you? So it is better to break the system and go all dictatorship over it. That happened last century, and it wasn't very pretty. The people who did it found they didn't want to step back from that sense of power.

    Remember. Trump handed over power peacefully. Joe Biden is President. He won the election. But question marks have been left to fester. Quite deliberately it seems.
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2024
  13. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn Squad Player

  14. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Reservist

    Nah. That's the natural progression of the 'we made him ou to be so pathetic and incapable that giving him credit for anything, including corruption, makes us feel uncomfortable.'

    And his 'admiration' for dictators is good strategy. Treating them as idiots, rather than smart people doing bad things, is going to illicit the worst possible response and limit your own potential responses; just ask Son Tszu. Trump clearly understands that. Whereas Biden seems to think it is a demonstration of strength, rather than an invitation to join us all in nuclear war.

    But, if enough people agree with him, that's democracy.
    Last edited: Mar 31, 2024
    iamofwfc likes this.
  15. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    Keep fighting the war Henry, you will get through to them eventually.
  16. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    Where is Hooter? Was he banned or something? Crying over the amount of money he lost to "truth" social shares, gold trainers and USA bibles somewhere? Did he work for the World Kitchen charity?
  17. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Reservist

    Nah. Just very, very board of it all.
    iamofwfc likes this.
  18. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    Sorry, going to have to grass on you for that. @Keighley

    Why are you bored of it? Dont give up the fight for hearts and minds, you need to win the war.
  19. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

  20. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Reservist

    There's no fight here. There's no challenge, unless it is preserving your sanity:D

    When the standard of response, set by people such as yourself, is to shout expletives and calls for you to walk away whilst performing a sexual act, then it is pretty clear that your argument has been won, and all that remains are the deranged loons who are going to deny what is going on around them no matter what.

    But I have enjoyed my time here, and reserve the right to continues to do so. But right now, I am enjoying conversations elsewhere with far more serious 'lefties' who have restored my faith the future of politics. People I am able to agree and disagree with in equal measure, but without anyone deciding that the other person is an extremist for having that opposing view, and where all involved can accept that there are flaws even in the best of answers.

    But , for now, enjoy your Hooter free field. It will, no doubt, become the haven of tolerance and sanity that you always hoped it would become. Where people can say what they like about East African Asians without being criticised for it.
    iamofwfc likes this.
  21. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

  22. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    You are losing the war, you have not won anyone over. There is no future in politics, the cracks are forming, people see the real people in charge, mega corp owns you. Chaos, violence and then peace will ensue and you will be grateful you had the veil of darkness removed from your sorry little head.
  23. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    Someone has set themselves on fire outside the courthouse today, you ok Hooter?
  24. reids

    reids First Team

    Kinda amazing that his lawyers hadn't prepared for the eventuality that Stormy Daniels would possibly be a witness in a case that she's pretty much central to. Or maybe he's just chatting nonsense again.
  25. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    He's also ignoring the fact that the only reason his team are finding out who the witnesses are the day of is because he has a track record of attacking/intimidating witnesses. The court felt compelled to protect the witnesses as a result.
  26. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

  27. sydney_horn

    sydney_horn Squad Player

  28. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    This thread is kinda boring without Hooter being the juxtaposition. After so many years defending his Daddy Don to just disappearing with his tail between his legs is strange.
    HenryHooter likes this.
  29. Jumbolina

    Jumbolina First Team

    Agree - surely Hooter can come back at least for the US election build up!
  30. reids

    reids First Team

    Trump claiming that the classified documents raid was an assassination attempt. The man is utterly deluded.
    Moose likes this.
  31. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

    He's also going to be the next president, so probably best to just get used to tuning him and his nonsense out at this point!
    reids likes this.
  32. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    Bet you he won't. :)
    Moose likes this.
  33. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

    I’m very sceptical. What do you see as Biden’s path to victory?
    sydney_horn likes this.
  34. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    A number of reasons, but the most important one for me is that Democrats have been consistently overperforming polls all over the country in a variety of different races (including the important swing states). Gen Z and Millennials have been showing up to vote and they just don't show up in polls (US polling methods are generally very flawed and oversample older generations).

    More broadly, Gen Z has been surprisingly engaged compared to prior generations. My intern last year was voting in every election he could (including partisan primaries) and every single person he knew in his peer group was also voting. They're pissed off and actually voting in reasonable numbers.

    US elections being the two horse race they are, it's always possible some unknown Hillary-esque Comey investigation could suddenly tilt the scales near election day. You really can't legislate for that. Absent something like that, though, the conditions just aren't conducive to a Trump win:

    - He's very likely to be found criminally liable for at least one court case before November (polling on Republican primary voters shows a significant percentage will not vote for him if he is convicted of a crime; these are your most engaged partisan voters).
    - A good percentage of Republican voters (around a quarter, I think) simply won't vote for him if he's convicted of a felony by jury (see: Haley basically taking a quarter of the votes in a primary months after dropping out). Presumably there is a degree of overlap here with those who won't vote for him if convicted of a felony.
    - The US economic recovery is continuing to progress, certainly much better than the rest of the world. Prices are stabilizing or even coming down in some stores.
    - The employment market is doing well.
    - The stock markets are doing well.
    - Fuel prices have come down from the politically catastrophic levels they were at (bit of a weird bellwether, this one, but people here are bizarrely obsessed with fuel prices).
    - Spoiler candidate and brain-worm-starver RFK is believed to be pulling more voters from Trump than from Biden.

    Biden's biggest issue to overcome is probably the unforced error on how he's handled support to Israel. That's definitely cost him in the uncontested primaries (although it remains to be seen how that'll translate to voting on the day). I'd say his age would be an issue in a normal head to head, but given his opponent is basically the same age plus morbidly obese and orange, no one can honestly argue that one with a straight face anymore (plus Trump's brain has been visibly melting on recent campaign stops - nonsensical word salad even by his usual standards).

    The New York case should have a verdict soon. A guilty verdict there will very likely sink Trump. It's not about his base, or national polling (which is an utterly pointless metric in the US election). It's about independents and influenceable voters in a handful of states. If you look at those states, Democrats have been doing very, very well in special elections/mid terms in those areas, far better than polling predicted, and a number of unexpected blowouts/landslides in certain areas. Trump's diehard voters won't care if he's convicted, but people who are legitimately swayable one way or the other will care.

    Somewhat of an aside, but Alan Lichtman's test has predicted a Biden victory; he's the chap who correctly predicted the winner in 9 of the last 10 US elections (the missed prediction was the highly controversial Bush/Gore election).

    Lots of runway between now and November, of course, so it's all subject to change.
    Calabrone, UEA_Hornet and Bwood_Horn like this.

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