
Discussion in 'Taylor's Tittle-Tattle - General Banter' started by Moose, Jan 18, 2016.

  1. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    Now a draft memo has been leaked detailing Trump's plan to use the National Guard to round up illegal immigrants across the states, which is absolutely illegal under the Posse Comitatus Act.

    No, Clive, not that kind of Commie.
  2. Most entertaining thing to happen in politics in ages

    I hope he gets a 2nd term
  3. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    He's now publicly labeled the media as an enemy of the American people.
  4. Really?

    He's got Uranium you know.

    You know what uranium is, right? This thing called nuclear weapons like lots of things are done with uranium including some bad things.
  5. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    They probably are, just not in the way he means.

    He's a dreadful whiney bully. All the **** he has thrown and now he's mewling like a small child when held to account in the world's most responsible job.
  6. What utterly baffles me is that people can watch his antics, even in this country, and still defend him and say he is doing a great job. What kind of bizarre prism do you need to see it like that? (You can bet your bottom dollar that the UK Trumpists are all Brexiteers. Just saying.)
  7. Sting

    Sting Squad Player

    I don'tthink he understands that he actually IS the President. He still acts like a candidate who is unsure of himself.
  8. Who's said that on here then?
  9. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    He has a few defenders, Going Down for a start and a few lurkers who will literally wet themselves if he does something moderate.

  10. Not on here. But if you look at comments to newspaper articles, or radio phone-ins, they're queuing up.
  11. GoingDown

    GoingDown "The Stability"

    Fake news.
  12. zztop

    zztop Eurovision Winner 2015

    That isn't surprising, his policies are hardly revolutionary in their thinking.

    There are many on here that would agree that the USA should not get involved in the Middle East, that the invasions of Iraq was a disaster, that the USA should not behave like the worlds policeman and should keep out of everyone else's business.

    There are many on here that don't think that Russia should be treated like an enemy, but as a friend.

    There are many on here that have been more anti press/media than Trump has. He has declared war on the press which is exactly what has been advocated on here.

    There are many on here that are appalled at the "establishment" that runs politics. The stuffy rules and protocols, etc. Well Trump hates them too and takes little notice!

    There are many on here that would like to a top politician to try and actually do what he said he would in the campaigning when he gets in office. Well, in many ways he is doing just that.

    No wonder he is getting support.

    I think he is a ****, though, just like I said in my first post about him. But he makes me laugh.
  13. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    I agree - in some respects this sounds very appealing. I do believe many of those things.

    I absolutely don't believe that they will be properly addressed by an administration jam packed full of white supremacists and elitists though.

    And whilst I am all in favour of shaking it all about I'm not for abandoning due process. Trump is a clampdown waiting to happen a whiney **** of a man who will react with anger and hurt people.
  14. zztop

    zztop Eurovision Winner 2015

    I was thinking of you amongst quite a few others. Full marks for admitting that you agree with Trump in some matters. I think there are may others just "frightened" to admit that they have anything in common with him, lest they get labelled in the same way as he is.
  15. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    I'm a lot like him but with a fitter wife.
  16. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Are your views just motivated by a hatred of liberals then? Serious question.
  17. KelsoOrn

    KelsoOrn Squad Player

    Probably true. But there are Brexiteers that aren't Trumpists. Just saying ...
  18. Ditto brexiteers that aren't racists/idiots. But it was the idiots/racists/trumpists wot wun it.
  19. It's not policies. It is the fact that just watching him for a short time you know he knows nothing about anything, is a self obsessed fool and a complete embarrassment.

    But not to some.
  20. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Extraordinary rally in Florida from Trump, very good at motivating an, albeit, rabid crowd.

    But what caught my eye were the profusion of signs behind him saying 'Blacks for Trump'. Of course there will be some, but the positioning, all directly behind the President, all scribed from the same hand or printed together, made it appear the most mad and juvenile attempt at ingratiation. Like his Goebbels is about 8 years old.

    Imagine 'Whites for Obama'? Why weren't those signs always in back of shot?
  21. miked2006

    miked2006 Premiership Prediction League Proprietor

    I'm sure many of the worst politicians of the last two centuries had a number of good ideas.

    It is the monumental and idiotic f*** ups, which can really move us backwards..

    I'm sure many on this forum might agree with interventionalist protectionism by a leader. But the illegal blanket discriminatory rescinding of green cards for being from a country where terrorosm has taken place, is probably too much to swallow.

    I'm sure many on here would agree with the following campaign pledges:

    Compassionate conservatism.
    Pro free market.
    Anti US foreign interventions.
    Increased funding for schools with greater accountability.

    They were the campaign pledges of a certain George W Bush.
  22. I do

    If we'd had interventionist protectionism over the last 50 years we might still have a manufacturing industry in this country to speak of
  23. zztop

    zztop Eurovision Winner 2015

    My take on Trump, merely from what I see and read rather than from any sort of detailed study of him...

    He is the type of businessman that has succeeded by his drive and unwillingness to give up when faced with obstacles and adversity - regardless of the detail and consequences. I would suspect that his businesses go through a series of ups and downs as they cope with hasty, reckless decisions.

    So not the sort of businessman I admire at all.

    I am not sure that he is "nasty" as much as "unthinking" and his poor attitude in many respects is probably a result of his upbringing rather than inherent evil character traits.

    It is the "self obsession" side of things that will eventually do for him as I believe that there are many successful politicians that are lacking in the same ways as he is, but who hide behind their team.

    His confidence in himself means he wont hide, so his faults are there for everyone to see. We have to hope that behind his early enthusiasm and bluster he has others that are actually paying attention to the detail and consequences behind the general politics.

    I think he will get impeached, he just seems to be so lacking in detail and consequences there will be something in his history that will catch up with him. It will be the best thing, I think.

    For someone in his position he obviously has some really serious flaws, worrying times for the USA.
  24. zztop

    zztop Eurovision Winner 2015

    But it would be too inefficient. Manufacturing needs competition to improve. In the 70's we had manufacturing and little competition from overseas, but it was so inefficient every car was costing far more to build than they could sell it for.
  25. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Let's stop you right there. Famously he is not a successful businessman. He had a fortune and has failed to add to it. The losses have been offset by exploiting public assets in fiscal crisis.

    He is a classic rich bully. Wildly generous one moment, tyrannical the next.
  26. I've nothing against competition when its a level playing field, but it rarely is. Take Chinese steel (supported by heavy Chinese government interventionist protectionism) as an example.

    That to me is what protectionism should be about, creating a level playing field for british industry to compete and show it's USPs
  27. zztop

    zztop Eurovision Winner 2015

    I'm not going to argue with you as I havn't researched everything but a quick look at this shows that I wasn't far wrong. He is now personally worth between $3.5bn and $10bn dependent on source after inheriting $300m. The Trump brand is certainly worth many $bns more. Seems pretty successful to me but certainly many ups and downs, though, as I described.
  28. zztop

    zztop Eurovision Winner 2015

    Yep, that is the problem. That is the balance that every nation has to find.
  29. Sting

    Sting Squad Player

    This and your previous post made me think. The policies as you set them out seem right - ones many of us can sympathise with.
    So it is the personality more than anything. I have encountered quite a few corporate psychopaths in my time and Trump appears to fit that bill. Unfortunately you feel that he does not fully understand what he says, let alone does. His words encourage racism, religious bigotry, anti-gay and anti-feminist sentiments. I am not sure if he shares those views but someone who gives reign to them is dangerous.
  30. miked2006

    miked2006 Premiership Prediction League Proprietor

    We still have the 11th largest manufacturing industry in the world.

    However you are right in that it has bypassed the man on the street. We could have propped up this at large expense, but it would be highly uncompetitive - Mexican manufacturers for instance are five times cheaper to employ than Brits. Unions pushed and kept wages far higher than could be maintained

    And it wouldn't have lasted for long either. Improvements in technology mean that manufacturing is now a highly skilled industry. Engines are getting more complex. Robots can already do many times the quantity of humans. There is no way that the same number of non-highly skilled employees could still be hired.

    We definitely need to do more in regards to manufacturing, but it is very difficult to think of a competitive industry which will be able to hire as we did previously.
  31. Sting

    Sting Squad Player

    Is that right about the 11th largest manufacturing industry - I would never have guessed we were anywhere near that.
    It is a shame that we are such a class riven society. It has meant that the ordinary working man feels - rightly or wrongly - that he is not considered important. That has led to Unions always being "protective" of jobs and wages. Nothing wrong with that of course except when it leads us down a blind alley. For example the coal industry - the efforts made to hang on to that cost so much - in lives destroyed as well as hard dollars. If only management and workers saw themselves as a cooperative -and with government help looked ahead as to how to let coal, for example, decline over a structured period -but replaced in coal mining areas with new technology industries.
    Instead we always turn it into a battleground and most people suffer.
  32. GoingDown

    GoingDown "The Stability"

    Read through my posts. I haven't defended Trump. I simply haven't attacked him, gone on a celebrity driven protest or pretended to boycott American goods (whilst using American goods to tell everyone I'm boycotting American goods).

    I've pointed out the hypocrisy of those attacking him. I'm no fan of his, wouldn't have voted for him and was a cast iron Bernie Sanders man from day one.

    None of that changes that he won an election, democratically and is carrying out election promises he made. The mass hysteria about him is beyond belief.
  33. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    I don't see why you find it beyond belief. He appoints racists and climate change deniers. He talks blithely of 'wiping out' IS as if he is threatening the final solution. I'm happy to see IS defeated but there are a lot of people in the way and in any case people in the region are sorting it. He talks about strengthening all US weaponry including nuclear with no restraints considered. There will be napalm and depleted uranium. Birth defects, poisoned water.

    This is just a start. The man is a sex offender. You wouldn't leave your teenage daughter alone with him.

    I don't understand why you think, he's just a new President, just carrying out promises. You have no idea what his limits are, from his evident generosity to those close to him to his flakey wrath.
  34. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Yet we had the chance to impose higher tariffs through the EU on Chinese steel, but the Tories chose not to because they wanted British manufacturers to carry on being able to use it. There is no indication that Brexit will make us protectionist at all.
  35. Halfwayline

    Halfwayline Reservist

    What I'm staggered by is how poorly he is being advised...he seems to make mistake after mistake when quoting "facts"

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