Song Lyric game

Discussion in 'Taylor's Tittle-Tattle - General Banter' started by removed, Jan 25, 2007.

  1. removed

    removed Guest

    Here is the game, i start with a few words from a song, and then you guess what the song is. when you guess right you get to post your own lyrics, but dont make it hard. i have started with an easy one for you.

    Look at the stars,

    Look how they shine for you,

    And all the things that you do.
  2. Chewitt

    Chewitt Forum Extraordinaire

    Don't patronise me.
  3. cazgoodwin66

    cazgoodwin66 Forum Tall Person

    yawnmongers - yellow is way to easy , just for that i think all your vcash should be givern to me. :p :p
  4. Tenhourslater™

    Tenhourslater™ The Late mod

    lady in red ;)
  5. removed

    removed Guest

    i was making it easy to start with who wants to go next, go on.
  6. Tenhourslater™

    Tenhourslater™ The Late mod

    I wish you'd stop ignoring me,
    because it''s sending me to despair
    Without a sound yeh your calling me,
    and I don't think it's very fair
  7. Evasive

    Evasive Requiescat in pace

    I bet you look good on the dance floor?

    When I find myself in times of trouble,
    Mother Mary comes to me,
    Speaking words of Wisdom,
  8. Tenhourslater™

    Tenhourslater™ The Late mod

    let it be....the beatles
  9. Chewitt

    Chewitt Forum Extraordinaire

    "I said oh, it's getting hot in here, must be something in the atmosphere"
  10. Tenhourslater™

    Tenhourslater™ The Late mod

    you got the style ...athlete

    sorry just too easy with goolge !!!
  11. Chewitt

    Chewitt Forum Extraordinaire

    Well it's dissapointing that you had to resort to that, i hope you are ashamed. This game is dead thanks to you.
  12. Tenhourslater™

    Tenhourslater™ The Late mod

    It is hung very low ;) and I ask for your forgiveness
  13. Chewitt

    Chewitt Forum Extraordinaire

    Hmmm i'm not sure, it may cost you.
  14. Tenhourslater™

    Tenhourslater™ The Late mod

  15. removed

    removed Guest

    i would of got that anyway but im shocked to some cheat i thought people on here had standards. i will try again.

    You should cut down on your pork life mate, get some exercise
  16. Evasive

    Evasive Requiescat in pace

    Park Life by Blur
  17. Tenhourslater™

    Tenhourslater™ The Late mod

    i'm cut the the ground , how can i face life again.
  18. WatfordÉire

    WatfordÉire Squad Player

    When you look in the mirror
    Reflecting back at you someone that you don't know
    Oh That's just made your head spin around
    So get yourself together
    Get your feet back on the ground
  19. removed

    removed Guest

    Arctic monkeys- view from the afternoon ?
  20. WatfordÉire

    WatfordÉire Squad Player

    no. same genre of music if thats a hint
  21. removed

    removed Guest

    Its annoying cos it rings a bell but i cant think who it is by
  22. Chewitt

    Chewitt Forum Extraordinaire

    It is Same Jeans by The View
  23. WatfordÉire

    WatfordÉire Squad Player

    yep. goodnight lads
  24. firefly

    firefly Jay´s Jar of Nutella

    this is gonna be too hard cos its not like its one genre of music it could be anything from any time...
  25. fan

    fan slow toaster

    safe european home - sonic boom six. classssssic

    and L-MO
  26. removed

    removed Guest

    I thought I was a fool for no-one
    Oh baby I'm a fool for you

    who is it????????

    what song ??????
  27. removed

    removed Guest

  28. Chewitt

    Chewitt Forum Extraordinaire

    Aflynn has one of those ^^^
  29. removed

    removed Guest

    at least i dont have a ginger chode.
  30. Chewitt

    Chewitt Forum Extraordinaire

    I walked into that somewhat.
  31. essexhorn

    essexhorn Reservist

    Rappers Delight - Sugarhill Gang
  32. essexhorn

    essexhorn Reservist

    Sixteen in the clip and one in the hole
    Nate dogg is about to make some bodies turn cold
  33. davidnewtonwfc

    davidnewtonwfc Reservist

    If I'm right this is a classic,

    Warren G - Regulate
  34. essexhorn

    essexhorn Reservist

    Spot on. Classic choon.
  35. essexhorn

    essexhorn Reservist

    Looks really familiar but not there just yet. Probably gonna be kicking myself.

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