Has anyone got 2 spare seats back from Forest?

Discussion in 'Match Day' started by john68, Aug 16, 2009.

  1. john68

    john68 Academy Graduate

    My son (Tomas17 on the old 'official' WFC forum as was) is emigrating on Thursday. Although we renewed our season tickets (with an over 75 mile discount; sadly there is no over 750 mile discount :forehead:), opportunities to get to away games will be very few and far between for him this season. Sadly the trains back from Forest look like they will get him home at 7 a.m. the following morning. Does anyone have a couple of spare seats in a car, that could either drop him and his friend in London or at a train station where they can get back to North London by midnight on Tuesday? Obviously they would be delighted to pay petrol money.

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