Back For A Bit

Discussion in 'This Site' started by Bringe, Feb 14, 2007.

  1. Bringe

    Bringe Academy Graduate

    As Most of you know i was a poster on the old official message board, and i havent posted recently because i've been in germany, and i still am but i've got the chance to view this for a bit, So here i am

    So, Hello
  2. Chewitt

    Chewitt Forum Extraordinaire

    :eek: Good to have you hear bringe, a 'fishal mb veteran.

  3. albangura9

    albangura9 Squad Player

    Hello, and welcome to the boards ;)
  4. Bringe

    Bringe Academy Graduate

    Thanks, how is paddy these days? :D
  5. Chewitt

    Chewitt Forum Extraordinaire

    No real change ;D
  6. WatfordÉire

    WatfordÉire Squad Player

    welcome mate:)
  7. fan

    fan slow toaster

    guten tag
  8. Bringe

    Bringe Academy Graduate

    Wow, this mb is so much better, arcade ect. so much more modern
  9. jobr

    jobr Squad Player

    Hi Brian, nice to hear you are OK.
  10. Chewitt

    Chewitt Forum Extraordinaire

    Check out the v-bookie, you'll find paddy there too ;D
  11. Birdydoug

    Birdydoug The Flying Scotsman

    The Bringe is back in Town:)
  12. essexhorn

    essexhorn Reservist

    Hello Bringe
  13. Bringe

    Bringe Academy Graduate

    I've Been Ok Jon,

    Nice To See you on here perry and douglas :)
  14. Chewitt

    Chewitt Forum Extraordinaire

    Yeah thanks :rolleyes: ;D
  15. Bringe

    Bringe Academy Graduate

    Oh, Sorry, and you, erm, Chewitt :D ;)

    So Who's going to donate me some 'orns? :)
  16. Bringe

    Bringe Academy Graduate

    wow, there's personal messaging, now i can speak to jon privatly ;)
  17. mean

    mean Reservist

    Hi Bringe. Nice to see you on these boards. They are soooo much better than the fiscial ones. Hope you are keeping well.:)
  18. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    great another suboid:mad:
  19. albangura9

    albangura9 Squad Player

    give it a rest.
  20. albangura9

    albangura9 Squad Player

    So Bringe, are you in Germany or the UK now?
  21. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    that includes you as well:mad:
  22. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    Welcome! Revel in the sumptuousness of it;D
  23. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    and the mods with no hair
  24. Echo

    Echo Squad Player

    hello and welcome!!!
  25. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    and the sober mods
  26. Echo

    Echo Squad Player

    lmao!!! where's the sarky face?
  27. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    I do so have hair!;)
  28. Echo

    Echo Squad Player

    not very much though!!!!
  29. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    hair lower down doesnt count:cool:
  30. Birdydoug

    Birdydoug The Flying Scotsman

    How did you find us Bringe
  31. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    in a moons pub:rolleyes:
  32. Birdydoug

    Birdydoug The Flying Scotsman

    Looking forward to Saturday AD, start off in the Gate in Northwood at 12.00, then the Moons, after the game might even pop into the one bell to say hello to the lads.
  33. Arthur Daley

    Arthur Daley Guest

    good man.;D
  34. Bringe

    Bringe Academy Graduate

  35. Birdydoug

    Birdydoug The Flying Scotsman

    So you Googled Dougle

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