Yawning is contagious

Discussion in 'Taylor's Tittle-Tattle - General Banter' started by hornmeister, Mar 3, 2010.

  1. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    The sciency bit:

    Something to do with the action of yawning releasing endorphins. You see someone yawning and subcontiously think ooo I could do with some endorphins and yawn yourself.

    Now that I uderstand but why the hell does this make me yawn as well?

  2. Layton

    Layton First Team

    whats a yan smiley
  3. poleman

    poleman Reservist

    apparently dogs can catch yawns off humans too!
  4. stingray

    stingray Academy Graduate

    when my sister was younger she said that yawning was probably contagious because when someone else yawns they take loads of the oxygen from the air so you yawn back to try and catch up on it

  5. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    I prefer that explanation:biggrin:
  6. berkshirehorn

    berkshirehorn presumably I upset/disappointed someone

    damn i just yawned.
  7. A. Web

    A. Web Reservist

    I heard this too, i've heard that it is a natural instinct, an imbreed darwism, that although rationally we know there is no threat to the oxygen levles our natural instinct is to panic and look out for our own needs hence we yawn to make sure our survival-due to the 'limitation' of oxygen-is not compromised.
  8. Emmawfc

    Emmawfc Graphical Genius

    All this talk of yawning has made me yawn 3 times while reading this thread...damn.
  9. stingray

    stingray Academy Graduate

    i've also heard that cats yawn becuase they are comfortable and happy.

    this meant i used to purposefully yawn into my cats face :)
  10. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    Bloody weird isn't it. I yawn just thinking about it.


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