Werewolf XVI: Rules & Questions

Discussion in 'Old Games' started by 352, May 20, 2015.

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  1. merchandiseman41

    merchandiseman41 Reservist

    Right here goes.

    Last year I watched from afar and was really taken with the whole thing and vowed to play if the opportunity arose.

    What I didn't take into account was the activity level during the day required. I am sorry but I just can't commit to that.

    Going forward could the days be rejigged to allow for us manual workers? Maybe a later start and close? Appreciate that then impacts on our awesome Gamesmaster but would perhaps allow people like myself a little more time to participate before the days voting is effectively over having missed nearly 10 hours of play as it currently stands before I can sit down and get time to plough through perhaps 200 posts

    Just a thought
  2. HappyHornet24

    HappyHornet24 Crapster Staff Member

    352, sorry to bother you again but, if the Alpha wolf is killed are we told or is he just listed as 'evil'? Ta.
  3. The Voice of Reason

    The Voice of Reason First Team Captain

    I actually think that is a good idea MM :sign15:

    Maybe something like 8am til 10pm would be better, it would then give those out working all day a chance to actually review the days play before voting.

    This could give us the solution we have been looking for, as there would be far less excuses for inactivity, and hopefully no more wild uninformed voting.
  4. Cude>2<

    Cude>2< First Team Captain

    No you're told that he's good :)
  5. 352

    352 Moderator

    Basically, it's not written into the rules as I wanted flexibility. I think it'd be more interesting if I just said that the player is evil, so that's what I've always planned on doing.
  6. HappyHornet24

    HappyHornet24 Crapster Staff Member

    Thought I'd be a goner last night. Keys to cemetery please. Happy Birthday Kieran!
  7. With A Smile

    With A Smile First Team

    and me - Sorry HH
  8. With A Smile

    With A Smile First Team

    352 - you've done a fantastic job

    The only thing I would change is for players to be more active. making 1 post and voting isn't really being part of the game
    Maybe the third wolf can only chose from the two least active players to kill, then the 2nd wolf if the 3rd dies

    The format works and works well
  9. 352

    352 Moderator

    Thanks. I totally agree and would add some more criteria to be met for activity levels if I started this again tomorrow. As I have set a precedent earlier in the game however, I felt I had to go on in the sameanner in which I started.

    A post and a vote is enough to keep you alive with a warning. No posts or no vote means you have to have a very good reason to get a warning (else you're dead).
  10. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    Can I have access to the cemetery please?
  11. The Voice of Reason

    The Voice of Reason First Team Captain

    First of all I would like to say my proposal is meant in no way to criticise anyone who has run the "Werewolf Game" past and present, in fact I think you have all done a great job, not least our current games master 352 :sign15:

    However, I would like to propose a complete overhaul of the rules, either by an individual who is 100% sure of the existing rules or a group of say 3 such persons.

    I have played Werewolf several times and I still think there are quite a few grey areas in the rules, that could be clarified. e.g. Just today there appears to confusion as to whether the Guardian can protect themselves from the wolves or not; IMO it is not clear in the rules? That is the sort of thing I am talking about.

    Of course it might be just be me and my ignorance, but I am willing to bet I am not the only one who is not 100% sure about all the rules? There are grey areas that need to be clarified IMO!

    Perhaps we could elect an individual or small team of about 3 to revamp the rules and present them to us all, so we can raise any questions that we might still not be clear about. Then once they have been ratified by us all, they can become the future definitive rules.

    If you think this is a good idea can we have some volunteers to draught the new set of rules.
  12. Optimistichornet

    Optimistichornet Penguin Assassin

    I think your right, I reckon before next year we need to come up with a new improved set of rules. I would like to help draft them as I feel I know the game well enough, and hopefully we can have a set of rules that all moderators and players will be able to follow. I would recommend that 352 and diamond are potentially involved as well.
  13. The Voice of Reason

    The Voice of Reason First Team Captain

    Great news, you and the other two would be fine by me, and I am sure no one else would object, maybe Cude could be brought on board as well?

    I would suggest you start a thread, letting people know what is happening, and then post a draught of the new suggested rules on there for everyone to read. Then people could come back with possible additional suggestions and or any queries they might have.

    Then after that publish the finished article.

    Furthermore if any of you would be up for it, perhaps we could even go for another game to test the new improved rules out?
  14. With A Smile

    With A Smile First Team

    I agree that some points need to be looked at but I'm not sure about a total over haul, I really don't think it needs that.

    I think the game being what it is there will always be grey areas. Whether it the Guardian, in active players, should the masons out themselves and i'm sure there is many more.

    The main issue at the moment is the inactive players. If you can get over that I think you'll find it an even more attractive game.
  15. Meh!

    Meh! Pre-Dictator

    Agree. Not a total overhaul. Just some fine-tuning or rule clarification.

    Definitely think that testing the new rules straight away is a fantastic idea, especially as I lasted 2 days! ;):doom:
  16. Diamond

    Diamond First Team

    Grey areas are good for moderators, it means games can be tweaked to find a good balance between good and evil. The only area that needs sorting is the non active players, but that certainly won't be easy.
  17. The Voice of Reason

    The Voice of Reason First Team Captain

    Some of us are highlighting the problem of inactive players, well I think MM might have come up with a possible solution in his post above. Also above is my idea as to how that might be implemented, which in turn would hopefully alleviate the excuses that the non active players now give.

    As for those of you who are baulking at a complete overhaul of the rules, that is not really what I am suggesting, as I am sure most of us agree that basically the rules are ok.

    What I am suggesting when I say a complete overhaul is that all the existing rules need to be scrutinised by our chosen panel, and in a lot of cases I expect there will be little, if any change. However, unless they are fully examined, and not just skim read, I think we would be surprised at the amount of glaringly obvious anomalies that could be missed.

    I am glad that in principle a lot of us agree this would be a very useful exercise, I also believe it would narrow the gap between the vastly experienced players and novices, and before you say it, I know I often act like a novice despite having played many times, and I'm probably a hopeless case ;) Having said that, the more intelligent novices will probably have a better chance if the greyer areas of the game are eliminated.

    Good luck panel, and I look forward to reading your work :sign15:
  18. miked2006

    miked2006 Premiership Prediction League Proprietor

    I don't think that much needs to change at all.

    I just think the mods need to fully clarify their interpretation of the rules before starting. I quite like that Diamond played the game their way, and I think it is interesting to see the style slightly change with 352's running of the game. The flexibility makes the game more interesting the more you play. Although, like I said, the rules just need to be clarified, as otherwise wolves are probably more likely to get away with not voting than normal players etc, or the guardian might not think they can save themselves etc. Consistency throughout the game makes it most fair.

    I'd personally just ask the mods to copy and paste a list of the bottom 3 posters each day. Then people who do not want to draw attention to themselves will post more. I don't think there is much more that should be done than that, unless someone constantly comes bottom of the list.
  19. PhilippineOrn

    PhilippineOrn First Team

    I'm not helping matters by pointing out that an increase in posts alone won't necessarily help the situation. It's quality rather than quantity from contributions. A few posts of meaningless guff from non-active players just to avoid being bottom would make the game insufferable.

    There is no one size Fitz Hall that can be applied I think. It is probably up to the moderator to exercise his judgement and decide game by game who he feels is contributing and warn/kill off those who in his opinion are not.
  20. The Voice of Reason

    The Voice of Reason First Team Captain

    I agree with what you say mate, it should be up to the individual moderator what he does about it, just as long as he is consistent and punishes anyone who transgresses equally, even if they are a main character.

    However, if something along the lines of what MM and me say in #87 is implemented, hopefully that would alleviate the need for anyone to need punishing!
  21. Otter

    Otter Gambling industry insider

    Two questions regarding guardians:

    1. On the first night I was eaten by two wolves. Had the guardian protected me would he have repelled both or only one of them?

    2. If a wolf is foiled by the guardian, surely (in real life anyway :)) the wolf and the guardian would know who each other was, should that be the case in the game?
  22. 352

    352 Moderator

    1. I believe he should repel both.

    2. There's nothing to suggest he should learn the identity of the wolf and vice versa. I'm fairly sure this hasn't happened in previous games. However, it's something that someone could introduce.

    That's why I like this game, because the rules are flexible and can be adapted at the start of every game. I added a few bits in, and other moderators can do so for their games too. While the main rules could be tightened up, I think having that flexibility at the start of any given game is great. I don't think there was all that much that needed clearing up last game, it was more about whether or not people should be allowed to be fairly quiet (a well-trodden tactic that seems to have got people a little annoyed this round for sure).
  23. merchandiseman41

    merchandiseman41 Reservist

    As has been said before by VoR where he highlighted my post I personally would have liked a later finish. Getting home late afternoon and reading through all the days posts and then finding that everyone had made the decision before I could contribute was frustrating.

    I now have an appreciation of the complexity of the game and the time needed to read and analysis all the posts. I think it was taking getting on for an hour in the first week to read everything which I found frustrating.

    Not sure going forward what that would mean to a mods and Gamesmaster role but for me a village closing time of perhaps 10pm and opening say 9 or 10pm would suit better.

    Of course people like PO time difference would need to be taken into account too

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