Werewolf XVI: Day 9

Discussion in 'Old Games' started by 352, Jun 11, 2015.

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  1. 352

    352 Moderator

    Another night, another kill. It was all getting a bit routine for this wolf, but the significance of last night's outing cannot be overstated.

    One again, the wolf was at wfcmatt's house. He knew the Guardian would be elsewhere, and so, in order to change things up a bit and cause some havoc, the wolf coated the perimeter wall with petrol and lit a match. The house went up quickly and hellishly.

    wfcmatt burst out the front door, gasping for air, blackened by the smoke and soot. He was on all fours, trying to breath, coughing, crawling. He was at the feet of the wolf.

    "Can't we all just get along?" He was spluttering and his words were slurred.

    "Yeah, okay." And with that the wolf stamped on wfcmatt's head. No more spluttering and slurring, just deep red blood.

    wfcmatt was VERY GOOD.

    The wolf cackled. He sensed victory.

    Meanwhile, Abso expired. He had not eaten or taken a drink in days, and fell into a coma. He took his last breath last night.

    Abso was GOOD.

    The Guardian knew he'd probably be doing nothing all night after last night. But he guarded sonofben's house anyway. Nothing happened.


    cthulhu - EVIL – Killed Night 2
    Otter - GOOD – Killed Night 1
    Meh! - GOOD – Killed Night 2
    Diamond - EVIL (Confirmed wolf) – Killed Night 3
    Cude>2< - EVIL – Lynched Day 1
    Harrow Orn - GOOD – Lynched Day 6
    Squibba - EVIL - Lynched Day 8
    miked2006 - VERY GOOD – Lynched Day 4
    Jellyman - GOOD – Killed Night 3
    HeppyHornet24 - GOOD – Killed Night 7
    simms - GOOD – Killed Night 1
    The Voice of Reason - GOOD (Governor) – Lynched Day 2
    nairobi hornet
    Norwayhornet - VERY GOOD – Killed Night 2
    AshdonWFC - VERY GOOD – Killed Night 4
    wfcmatt - VERY GOOD – Killed Night 8
    darave8 - GOOD – Lynched Day 3
    Cassetti’s Beard - GOOD – Killed Night 6
    wfcmoog - EVIL - Lynched Day 5
    With A Smile - GOOD – Lynched Day 7
    fox in the box - GOOD – Killed Night 4
    PhilippineOrn - GOOD – Killed Night 6
    Daft Row - GOOD – Killed due to inactivity on Night 3
    Oxhey Hornet - GOOD – Killed Night 5
    steve harrow
    Abso - GOOD – Killed due to inactivity on Night 8

    Players remaining: 7
  2. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    So I think we can assume wfcmatt was the Seer after all his good theories
  3. steve harrow

    steve harrow Reservist

    Aargh. Now a question. Was Matt the Seer or was he the guardian? Because the latter isn't mentioned as being at anyone else's door last night. Is that because he had already protected everyone he wanted to? Or was Matt the guardian himself?

    Also, I think we can probably assume Squibba was the new Seer and IF so, all the old messages become relevant again. The alpha wolf has been a wolf from day 1.

    Shame that Abso was good but without sounding mean, he was the least useful good player since the start and probably should have been killed off days ago.
  4. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    Now, we have two mentioned in a message.

    Wfcmatt said he felt the one clearing me is good so its likely he was the Seer.

    Anyway, I thought I should still defend myself.

    I am a mason. We have two masons. To maximise our chance of getting a wolf I would suggest the other mason 'outs' himself. (Otter and CB were the other two).

    Obviously now I've said I'm a mason I will be an easy target for the wolf, but realistically we all are and he would probably rather get the guardian anyway. If the other mason outs himself we will have two confirmed good players today and at least one tomorrow, maximising our chances.

    I will leave it to the other mason to respond to this but I think this could be the game defining moment.
  5. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    He protected sonofben
  6. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    Bare in mind there is now a chance we will get no further messages
  7. steve harrow

    steve harrow Reservist

    Bloody hell, didn't read that last bit! Apologies. Seer gone then. Crap.
  8. steve harrow

    steve harrow Reservist

    Brave move and I applaud you for it, especially the timing. The wolf knows everyone else is good and Matt has gone. We will need the other mason to confirm your status of course.
  9. nairobi hornet

    nairobi hornet Reservist

    Bloody hell, I think we need to look back at matts messages yesterday where he went through his case on each person left
  10. steve harrow

    steve harrow Reservist

    Matt's thoughts are not long before the end of the day yesterday (day 8) and easy to find.

    The 2 he is least sure about are MerchandiseMan and WatfordTalk but doesn't seem to have much evidence - presumably because he hadn't viewed them.

    He has however pretty much cleared a couple of folk which helps enormously.
  11. WatfordTalk

    WatfordTalk First Team

    Well, ****. Do we get a new seer?
  12. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    I'm not sure whether I should just 'out' the other mason or wait for them to do it
  13. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    In work but can anyone summarise who he cleared? Can't scroll through the previous days
  14. Optimistichornet

    Optimistichornet Penguin Assassin

    Well that's not really a surprise, bit unfortunate really. Don't expect we will get a new seer as we are quite close to the end of the game.
  15. WatfordTalk

    WatfordTalk First Team

    No new seer and 1(?) wolf, so let's narrow it down.

    If we believe norn (which I do), he can't be the Wolf, as well as his mason friend. That leaves 5.

    We have 1 Guardian. It can't be sonofben, mechandiseman, norn or steve harrow. That leaves myself, opti and nairobi for potential Guardians. I know I'm a simple villager so presumably it's one of opti or nairobi.
  16. Optimistichornet

    Optimistichornet Penguin Assassin

    I think first step is to look at everyone who voted for with a smile the other night. I'm afraid I'm posting from my phone, so can't really easily look at other threads. Can anyone help with that?
  17. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    Not sure there is a great deal in this:

    Squibba was obviously going to vote WAS, and I'm good and so was abso
  18. nairobi hornet

    nairobi hornet Reservist

    Guys we can clear everyone who we know is good as squibba admitted he was the full moon wolf. That means I am def good, nor and the other mason are good, aso if we find out the other mason we are down to 4 choices, we may be able to work out the guardian throuhj who yhry have saved and whos left. We have a one in four chance if the other mason names themselves and confirms nor
  19. Optimistichornet

    Optimistichornet Penguin Assassin

    Ok still leaves us mm41, Sonofben and watfordtalk though.
  20. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    Shouldn't you be included?
  21. merchandiseman41

    merchandiseman41 Reservist

    Apart from stating what I know is obvious I have nothing to defend myself with.

    I know I'm good but the game goes on a further day if I get lynched tonight.

    Tbh I'm surprised I'm still here as I don't think I have contributed much apart from a few insights into writing skills.

    I voted WaS the other night as I was persuaded to by Squibba words that's all.
  22. wfcSinatra

    wfcSinatra Predictor Choker 14/15

    *haunting voice*

    Cemetery keys pleaseeeeee
  23. merchandiseman41

    merchandiseman41 Reservist

    Just a normal villager tbh
  24. steve harrow

    steve harrow Reservist

    The guardian may have inadvertently protected a wolf so I'm not sure what evidence we can glean from that.

    Norironhorn and Niarbobi are almostly certainly good but isn't there a possibility Squibba was the alpha wolf and just pretended to be the new wolf? I admit it is unlikely but possible no? The outing of the second mason would help.

    If we assume for now that Squibba was the new wolf, we can look again at ALL the messages (including those from the wolf) and use the information within them to create a list of likely good folk and more likely wolves. We all know our own individual role and naturally, all of us will say we are good. Only some of us can prove that. I've not been named in any message so admit that I only have my postings and voting patterns to establish I'm good. That's probably true of others too but let's see if we can't create a short list.

    Unless someone else can do it beforehand, I'll try to repost all messages later when I'm on my laptop. Let's not rush into any voting.
  25. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    If the other mason becomes the main focus of everyone's suspicions, I'll out them myself to ensure we don't lynch them
  26. Optimistichornet

    Optimistichornet Penguin Assassin

    well not really. number one im a villager, and number 2 I voted for squibba because I was convinced by matts reasoning.

    im not saying any of this definitely makes me good, but if you look at my voting patterns throughout I have voted to lynch the evil players.
  27. WatfordTalk

    WatfordTalk First Team

    Don't think we can discount anyone who voted for Squibba because the other wolf wouldn't have known Squibba was the new wolf.

    I seriously have no idea who to vote for today.
  28. Optimistichornet

    Optimistichornet Penguin Assassin

    no that's a good point, but the other wolf would have known which message he had posted?
  29. Optimistichornet

    Optimistichornet Penguin Assassin

    to be honest norn, you may as well reveal who the other mason is? we don't stand to lose anything from knowing at this stage really.
  30. WatfordTalk

    WatfordTalk First Team

    That's true. Assuming Squibba wasn't the alpha. This is all very confusing.
  31. Optimistichornet

    Optimistichornet Penguin Assassin

    based on squibs death scene I believe he was a full moon wolf. happy to be proved wrong though.
  32. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    It's actually sonofben...

    Hence my 'tomorrow should be interesting' comment at the end of yesterdays play when we got the second message as I knew both messages were telling the truth.

    So the wolf pick sonofben to try and implicate him, I wonder if we can find a reason why anywhere
  33. sonofben

    sonofben Reservist

    Dam logged on the exact time your wrote that...
  34. sonofben

    sonofben Reservist

    good Morning villagers from your Seer on Day 4 in the village.

    Whilst it is a shame darave8 turned out to be good, nobody could have justified not lynching him. We made the right call, unfortunately it was the wrong result for darave8, but at least that confusion is over and done with.

    Following on from a few of his postings yesterday where he seemed to agree with Diamond on a number of points, and continued suspicion this morning, I have today decided to view nairobi hornet.

    nairobi hornet is GOOD.

    To those of you who are requesting that I view miked2006, I am going to reiterate my point once again. I have already viewed miked2006, and he is GOOD.

    Enjoy your fourth day in the village. It's looking as though we may be able to get this all sewn up by the weekend or the early part of next week if there is indeed a full moon.

    Your Seer
    Anonymous message #2:

    Quote Originally Posted by
    My friends, we got really unlucky yesterday with Darave being the tinker, however the scales have swung massively in our favour today. First one wolf killed another, and now our suspicions have been confirmed.

    Miked2006 is evil!

    If we get rid of him today then we are almost there!

    Kind regards,
    Your Seer

    Day 5.

    Morning villagers,

    Before today I was a simple villager, but I checked my e-mail this morning and to my surprise I had received a message telling me that I am now the Seer.

    At the request of some of the players I decided to view wfcmoog. And it's our lucky day! Wfcmoog is EVIL.

    Vote him off today and we're almost there!

    Your new seer

    Anonymous message #2 (16:25):

    Quote Originally Posted by
    I am your new seer. I have waited all day to post this message, so that I could see how other villagers were reacting to the wolfs message. I opted against viewing Moog, and have decided to view Harrow, as I just had a gut feeling about him.

    Harrow is evil!

    If we get rid of him, then I reckon we will be down to 1 wolf in the village. This is a fight we can definitely win!

    Day 6.

    Morning villagers,

    Congratulations for last Friday, where we voted off the evil Moog after my successful viewing of him.

    Today I decided to view WAS following some suspicion of him. Unfortunately WAS is GOOD.

    The odds were always going to be against us selecting the last remaining evil player, and sadly luck was not in our favour today.

    To clear up a point, it has been made clear to me that I am the second seer- no third seer has been drafted in and in fact no third seer will be even if I am killed.

    Your new(ish) seer
    Anonymous message #2 (14:00):

    Quote Originally Posted by
    Afternoon villagers,

    Well done for seeing sense and voting off Moog last Friday.

    After a lot of careful deliberation over the weekend, I decided to view Abso, unfortunately he is GOOD.

    I really did not trust Abso after Friday, but thought him more likely than With A Smile who I shall view tomorrow, despite him being 'viewed' by the wolf today.

    I still think it is too early for With A Smile to be making such a brazen move as declaring himself evil.

    Sorry this is not much help today

    Your seer
  35. sonofben

    sonofben Reservist

    So the second message has arrived and as promised I have had a think about which is from whom. It's difficult to tell from the point that both have named someone as good- the seer has obviously viewed someone as good and the wolf has also thrown a 'good' name into the hat for confusion.

    What about the order of the messages? The first one was sent very early at half 8 in the morning, something which is unprecedented since the new seer came into play (the previous earliest from day 5 onwards was 11.40). So was this a seer getting his viewing and message all done very early, or a wolf trying to mix things up from the start? Who would benefit most from sending a good message so early, tbh I'm not really sure.

    The first seer was very good at replicating the exact same style of message every time which resulted in it being pretty clear which message was from the seer. The new seer hasn't been as good at this, however I have noticed a couple of interesting things regarding the writing style.

    1. The most obvious is that one message always makes a reference at the end to being a new or sort of new seer, the other does not apart from on the very first day of the new seer. The message which always includes a reference to being new labelled WAS as good on day 6 and most crucially called Squibba evil yesterday (whereas of course the other message incorrectly said WAS was evil). Following this logic then, the second message today calling nornironhorn good is from the seer

    2. The second thing which I noticed is whether or not the message has a comma after Morning/Afternoon villagers. The seer message on day 5 (stating Moog is evil versus the wolf incorrectly stating Harrow as evil) contains a comma, as does the message yesterday calling squibba evil. The wolf message on day 5 did not even contain a morning/afternoon message, and after that when he started copying that style the wolf did include a comma on day 6 (as both messages had one) but the wolf message yesterday (calling WAS evil) didn't include one. Looking today the second message calling nornironhorn good has a comma and the first message calling sonofben good doesn't. So this further backs up the idea that the second message today is from the seer.

    This is obviously all guess work and I may be looking into things too much, but the writing style to me has clear indications- unless the seer today suddenly decided to stop calling himself new and included no comma for the first time on the same day the wolf just happened to decide to start copying those 2 things I would suggest nornironhorn is good and sonofben's good/evil status is still up for debate
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