Werewolf XVI: Day 8

Discussion in 'Old Games' started by 352, Jun 10, 2015.

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  1. 352

    352 Moderator

    The Guardian found himself awoken by a hairy beast crashing through wfcmatt’s front door. Leaping to his feet, he fell off the roof once again. Why guard from the roof when you keep falling off it?

    Hearing the noise from the fall, the wolf stopped in his tracks, and looked around.

    “Look, I’ve done this before. Just f*** off.”

    Wfcmatt was relieved. This must be the Guardian, he thought.


    “No buts, just… go away.”

    And the wolf knew he was beaten.

    The Guardian nodded at wfcmatt. Wfcmatt nodded back.

    Wfcmatt would live to see another day.

    Across the village, HeppyHornet24 would not be so lucky. An anvil was dropped on her head as she stood outside her back door with a cup of hot chocolate, daydreaming about her dogs…

    Poor HH24. Poor dogs.

    The wolf chuckled from HH24’s roof and scarpered.

    HH24 was GOOD.


    cthulhu - EVIL – Killed Night 2
    Otter - GOOD – Killed Night 1
    Meh! - GOOD – Killed Night 2
    Diamond - EVIL (Confirmed wolf) – Killed Night 3
    Cude>2< - EVIL – Lynched Day 1
    Harrow Orn - GOOD – Lynched Day 6
    miked2006 - VERY GOOD – Lynched Day 4
    Jellyman - GOOD – Killed Night 3
    HeppyHornet24 - GOOD – Killed Night 7
    simms - GOOD – Killed Night 1
    The Voice of Reason - GOOD (Governor) – Lynched Day 2
    nairobi hornet
    Norwayhornet - VERY GOOD – Killed Night 2
    AshdonWFC - VERY GOOD – Killed Night 4
    darave8 - GOOD – Lynched Day 3
    Cassetti’s Beard - GOOD – Killed Night 6
    wfcmoog - EVIL - Lynched Day 5
    With A Smile - GOOD – Lynched Day 7
    fox in the box - GOOD – Killed Night 4
    PhilippineOrn - GOOD – Killed Night 6
    Daft Row - GOOD – Killed due to inactivity on Night 3
    Oxhey Hornet - GOOD – Killed Night 5
    steve harrow

    Players remaining: 10

    The village closes at 7pm. Please get your votes in for the lynching by then. (It’s my birthday, and I’m going out for dinner if you don’t mind. :drinking:)

    Sorry for the short write-up, but I only got the messages late last night and I had to be up stupidly early again today.
  2. nairobi hornet

    nairobi hornet Reservist

    I'm not messing around today, squibba has been voted for as we 100 percent know he is evil after yesterday.
  3. nairobi hornet

    nairobi hornet Reservist

    The messages when they come will help us for tomorrow though
  4. nairobi hornet

    nairobi hornet Reservist

    Oh and great job guardian, matt if you have any other thoughts with your theory on who the other wolf might be please share
  5. merchandiseman41

    merchandiseman41 Reservist

    How the he'll have I survived another night
  6. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    So we had a 50/50 chance yesterday and got it wrong, no alternative but to vote for Squibba today.

    I'll need to read through the end of yesterdays game as I no longer have wi-fi in my flat
  7. steve harrow

    steve harrow Reservist

    Nice job by the guardian last night. Only one kill makes quite a difference for today, especially when we have such an obvious target.

    Squibba, you stated yesterday that if WAS was good, we should vote for you today. Presumably you're not trying to get out of that now?
  8. wfcSinatra

    wfcSinatra Predictor Choker 14/15

    Yup vote for me
  9. 352

    352 Moderator

    First message arrived at half 8.

  10. WatfordTalk

    WatfordTalk First Team

    Think it's gonna be a pretty quiet day in the village today.
  11. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    Wonder will anyone not vote for squibba?

    Will be interesting to see what the other message says
  12. wfcmatt

    wfcmatt First Year Pro

    First of all, thank-you very much Mr guardian for saving me last night, great work! Obviously we have to go for Squibba today, if he turns out to be the second tinker that will be so frustrating as we should've got it all cleared it up yesterday. But still I'm sure it will be one wolf left tonight

    I'm not a miracle worker! For reasons I've stated before it seemed in my eyes clear which messages the last couple of days were from the wolf and seer, so I just put my reasoning out there and pushed for it as I was sure I was correct, and as it was I was proven right. But one of the wolves only came into play yesterday so there's probably not many clues for who the other wolf is right now (although I guess Squibba could be the new wolf). I'll have a go at fully analysing the messages today once the second arrives, because right now I'm not sure if that first message is from the wolf or the seer
  13. wfcmatt

    wfcmatt First Year Pro

    Honest question, are you the tinker? (saying yes won't save you anyway so there's no point in lying about it, although I'm sure you will if you are a wolf)
  14. wfcSinatra

    wfcSinatra Predictor Choker 14/15

    No comment
  15. wfcmatt

    wfcmatt First Year Pro

    I hope that was said with a growl!
  16. wfcSinatra

    wfcSinatra Predictor Choker 14/15

    Just know, that I wouldn't be stupid enough to try to kill you today, I would've tried to save myself if I was a wolf.

    Therefore whoever is the wolf isn't a very clever player by going straight after you when you were by far and away the most obvious target.
  17. wfcmatt

    wfcmatt First Year Pro

    True, but there was another wolf who also killed HH24 last night. Perhaps the other wolf went for me thinking there was still a chance the guardian wouldn't save me e.g. the guardian may have thought neither wolf would go for me as it would be too obvious and so would keep his save for me tonight. Obviously that would've been a highly risky strategy if the guardian wanted me alive still.
  18. Optimistichornet

    Optimistichornet Penguin Assassin

    well going to vote for squibba based on yesterday.

    very quiet in here today.
  19. sonofben

    sonofben Reservist

    Yea it's squibba, sooo what's new in the village. Any one fancy suing someone or thing.
  20. steve harrow

    steve harrow Reservist

    Interesting that's there no second message as yet. I still hope to see one.

    Squibba today for sure though.
  21. steve harrow

    steve harrow Reservist

    I've voted Squibba and that's 4 people already.
  22. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    6 now so he has definitely been lynched
  23. sonofben

    sonofben Reservist

    Well if he's the tinker at least no one around can say I told you so.
  24. merchandiseman41

    merchandiseman41 Reservist

    Going with the flow today but interesting that the message arrived approx 8.30am and the only post around then was from Nornironhorn.. Is he the Seer and good??
  25. sonofben

    sonofben Reservist

    I would hope the seer would not be as silly as to be the only one around during the message, so I am going to assume no not the seer.
  26. wfcSinatra

    wfcSinatra Predictor Choker 14/15

    Out of interest what do people think I am (those who voted for me)

    Alpha wolf or normal wolf?
  27. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    More a case of my shift starting at half 8 and not having internet since 5.15 yesterday so was on straight away to check what happened yesterday, just a coincidence.

    Interesting that if you are good you would accuse someone of being the seer.. the person the wolf is looking for and the good team's most valuable member.

    I think if anyone knew the seer they'd try and keep it quiet.
  28. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    At least you have pretty much admitted you're a wolf. I'd guess normal wolf as I wasn't really suspicious of you before the full moon
  29. steve harrow

    steve harrow Reservist

    You might have gotten unlucky and been on team good until the full moon on Monday night then outed as evil the very next morning!
  30. wfcSinatra

    wfcSinatra Predictor Choker 14/15

    No I haven't but I can admit I'm dead. So in short you were suspicious the day I was named in a message lol? That's not surprising.
  31. 352

    352 Moderator

    Here's the second message.

  32. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    Well I was suspicious of others before they were mentioned (and I remain suspicious of some who haven't been mentioned).
  33. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Cool Dude

    Tomorrow is going to be very interesting
  34. nairobi hornet

    nairobi hornet Reservist

    Indeed all being well it will be one wolf v the rest
  35. wfcmatt

    wfcmatt First Year Pro

    So the second message has arrived and as promised I have had a think about which is from whom. It's difficult to tell from the point that both have named someone as good- the seer has obviously viewed someone as good and the wolf has also thrown a 'good' name into the hat for confusion.

    What about the order of the messages? The first one was sent very early at half 8 in the morning, something which is unprecedented since the new seer came into play (the previous earliest from day 5 onwards was 11.40). So was this a seer getting his viewing and message all done very early, or a wolf trying to mix things up from the start? Who would benefit most from sending a good message so early, tbh I'm not really sure.

    The first seer was very good at replicating the exact same style of message every time which resulted in it being pretty clear which message was from the seer. The new seer hasn't been as good at this, however I have noticed a couple of interesting things regarding the writing style.

    1. The most obvious is that one message always makes a reference at the end to being a new or sort of new seer, the other does not apart from on the very first day of the new seer. The message which always includes a reference to being new labelled WAS as good on day 6 and most crucially called Squibba evil yesterday (whereas of course the other message incorrectly said WAS was evil). Following this logic then, the second message today calling nornironhorn good is from the seer

    2. The second thing which I noticed is whether or not the message has a comma after Morning/Afternoon villagers. The seer message on day 5 (stating Moog is evil versus the wolf incorrectly stating Harrow as evil) contains a comma, as does the message yesterday calling squibba evil. The wolf message on day 5 did not even contain a morning/afternoon message, and after that when he started copying that style the wolf did include a comma on day 6 (as both messages had one) but the wolf message yesterday (calling WAS evil) didn't include one. Looking today the second message calling nornironhorn good has a comma and the first message calling sonofben good doesn't. So this further backs up the idea that the second message today is from the seer.

    This is obviously all guess work and I may be looking into things too much, but the writing style to me has clear indications- unless the seer today suddenly decided to stop calling himself new and included no comma for the first time on the same day the wolf just happened to decide to start copying those 2 things I would suggest nornironhorn is good and sonofben's good/evil status is still up for debate.
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