Transfer Talk & Suggestions

Discussion in 'The Transfer List' started by Burnsy, Apr 29, 2018.

  1. Hairyfrog

    Hairyfrog Squad Player

    He comes from Serbia, he'll ******* murder ya.
  2. luke_golden

    luke_golden Space Cadet

    Agree with this post 100%.
  3. onion8837

    onion8837 Reservist

    Explain ?
  4. Burnsy

    Burnsy Guest

    The fact that he knows how to score goals away from home at all should be enough for us to be interested.

    Swap him for Gray and there wouldn’t be any complaints I doubt.
    RookeryDad likes this.
  5. Chumlax

    Chumlax Squad Player

    Tbh I'd complain, because we need a striker who can actually play football, and can actually operate as a lone striker. We have far too many talented attacking midfielders to actually make playing two up top a policy, and for far too many of them their best position is operating behind the striker, which is the only position Matty has ever been able to operate successfully in himself; even at Derby, it took a second season and Rowett working this out, to get him performing at anything like the level his talent suggests he should.

    Bringing in Vydra again would just be a middling fix to a problem we don't need to have, and entrench us in that issue for the near future as well, when in the same number of moves we could fix our problems and give us a lot more versatility to boot.
  6. Burnsy

    Burnsy Guest

    I was talking more as doing a swap to bring Vydra into our pool of strikers, not necessarily as the big hope to be our new No.9. I’m well aware of the need for a new quality striker but I’m just saying, surely there wouldn’t be many complaints if we had Vydra over Gray right now.
    The Voice of Reason likes this.
  7. Chumlax

    Chumlax Squad Player

    Fairplay, I'd have been happy to have him this season g0ne, although I would also rather Gray had played more, regardless of his abysmal touch and finishing, because he is at least capable of movement.
  8. TheHorn97

    TheHorn97 Academy Graduate

    Would love us to try for Philipp Max, a left back from Augsburg who has 13 assists in the league for the season. Not too sure how much he would cost and there would probably be a lot of competition, but he probably would sort out our left back travesty
  9. Burnsy

    Burnsy Guest

    Give it a few days and we can make Everton pay for him for us...
  10. TripleH

    TripleH Academy Graduate

    Thing is we had him and let him go, scoring 5 goals away from home in the championship isn't setting the world on fire, He was great under Zola some of the link up play with Vydra and Almen Abdi was a joy to watch but I think I recall Slav played him at home more in the promotion season going for Iggy/Deeney in away games especially late in the season. There's also no way he could play up top on his own in the prem

    I'd like to see a marqee forward who is better than Gray/Deeney/Okaka and the rest of the funds spent on the defence, keep the other three, I know they haven't scored much but they have caused problems and all sides need 4 strikers
  11. Burnsy

    Burnsy Guest

    I’m not saying anything different. People are taking what I’ve said out of context. We will need 2/3 strikers in the squad, same as this year. I’d like one of real quality to come in and be the main guy. And I’m just saying if behind that, we could swap Vydra for Gray, then I would. I’d swap him for any of our strikers if I’m honest but that doesn’t mean I wouldn’t buy someone else.
    The Voice of Reason likes this.
  12. TripleH

    TripleH Academy Graduate

    To be fair I reckon the majority would swap Gray for Vydra after all one has got the goals and one hasn't in a Watford shirt, to say Gray can be frustrating is an understatement. The big difference is the division though as Deeney racked up 20 a season in the Championship, it's a tough division but there's no denying it's a second tier league despite the 'big' clubs in it, Vydra will be judged on his prem record and given Gino knows all about him then it's unlikely he'd return given they let him go
  13. NathWFC

    NathWFC First Team

    Annoyed that Brighton are close to signing Florin Andone.
  14. Smudger

    Smudger Messi's Mad Coach Staff Member

    A couple of suggestions from the Argentinian Primera. Number one is Ignacio Pusetto of Huracan. A right footed attacking midfielder and winger he rival Cristian Pavon who will be going to the World Cup in his supply of assists and goals. Blessed with great stamina and body strength and technically adept with a good variety of crosses he is a little suspect defensively but a cheaper proposition compared to Pavon but not far off him in terms of quality.

    Cristian Lema of Belgrano has been a bit of a late developer. A rugged physical player who is comfortable on the ball and a real threat at set pieces he should be going to the World Cup as one of the top five Primera centerbacks this season. Conti had already been snapped up by Benfica while Barboza can surely not be far off a European move. Playing for Belgrano however is a drawback as it does not have the cachet of the big five Buenos Aires clubs of whom Centurion, Pavon and Armani are likely World Cup players for Argentina.

    magic and Chumlax like this.
  15. NathWFC

    NathWFC First Team

    Florin Andone has signed for Brighton for a tiny (roughly) £5m. I find this highly irritating.
    Last edited: May 25, 2018
  16. £5m?? He's not worth two bob...
    RookeryDad likes this.
  17. reids

    reids First Team

    Bargain. We should've been all over that.
  18. NathWFC

    NathWFC First Team

    Would have been absolutely perfect for us.
  19. domthehornet

    domthehornet Moderator Staff Member

    The rumour going around twitter, I know, was that we did offer more money but he didn't like the management instability. If that's the case you can't knock him.
  20. Carpster

    Carpster Squad Player

    Not fussed on this one little bit. I'm hoping or expecting for us to bring in a quality forward.
  21. Burnsy

    Burnsy Guest

    Brighton have been after him for a year or so. That probably counts a lot in a players mind if it’s between us and them. Plus, he was dropped from the Deportivo team which got relegated for much of the end of last season so how good is he really?
  22. simpleMASH

    simpleMASH Reservist

    I bet this will be unpopular: Jack Grealish?
    magic, Hairyfrog, Jumbolina and 3 others like this.
  23. domthehornet

    domthehornet Moderator Staff Member

    He has matured a lot and looks a better player for it.
  24. TomWatfordFC

    TomWatfordFC Reservist

    Gareth Bale? Not seen much of him but heard he is ok. Also possibly wants to leave his current club.
  25. simpleMASH

    simpleMASH Reservist

    Danny Ings clearly has no future at Liverpool. Might be worth a chance if he's going cheap
  26. GoingDown

    GoingDown "The Stability"

    Jack, unlike Will or Nathaniel, will believe he can walk into a top 4 side and will try and move accordingly.

    Highly doubtful he'd join somewhere like us that leaves him out of the public eye.
  27. wfcSinatra

    wfcSinatra Predictor Choker 14/15

    This isn't as you as much as it is at the general public but I hate when we form opinions on footballers personality traits just because of stupid things like "low socks" or flash hair, he played in the Championship without a fuss so what makes you think he's that arrogant? (Although I know you were joking)
  28. AndrewH63

    AndrewH63 Reservist

    I presume the loan window is the same as the permanent signings window (the Thursday before the start of the season starts). That being the case and a few new mangers looking at fringe players in their squads during the preseason. Are there players worth taking on loan from say Arsenal and Chelsea? Iwobi always looked good when he played against us IMHO, but not seen as a first team starter by many Arsenal fans. Or a season long move for Eddie Nkeitah who is not going to displace Abumeyang, Lacazette or Ozil in a front three. Ross Barclay is another player not looking likely as a first team starter at Chelsea, unless a new manger sees something that Conte cant. Zouma is another possible season long loanee, as possibly are Chambers and Holding at Arsenal. Players getting regularly starts at a club that they dont need to relocate home may make us an attractive option for a season. Especially if they have release clauses for the January window in the loan agreement. After all we only need to have a good team up until the 3rd round of the FA Cup, so that we can coast into mediocrity in the back nine of the season.
  29. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    Interesting that despite his goals he's not been starting for Derby recently and they are considering selling ? Attitude problem ? Lack of input to the team play as a whole ?
  30. AndrewH63

    AndrewH63 Reservist

    Wages - Derby are skint - they want him to demand a move. so no way would they want to replace him with a high wage earner.
  31. RookeryDad

    RookeryDad Squad Player

    Decimalisation really got in the way of so much humour.
  32. RookeryDad

    RookeryDad Squad Player

  33. simpleMASH

    simpleMASH Reservist

  34. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    But getting promotion would have fixed skintness that so surely they must have played what they saw as their strongest 11 in the last 2 months ?????
  35. Carpster

    Carpster Squad Player

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