The B Word

Discussion in 'Politics 2.0' started by sydney_horn, Sep 29, 2021.

  1. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    UEA_Hornet likes this.
  2. EnjoytheGame

    EnjoytheGame Reservist

    Yeah but dining outside means pedestrianising streets and banning cars, which is an infringement of yer yuman rights and the first step on the way to being charged 50p per footstep if you travel more than 15 minutes from your home. From there it's only a matter of time before you lose social credit points for exceeding 1,500 calories a day or eating meat. And then we'll all be forced to wear grey button-up uniforms and those funny Russian hats. Or something.

    These people are absolutely mad. And what's even more frightening is that they know there are people out there who believe their rubbish.
  3. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

    It completely defies common sense. So it’s handy Kemi can speak to the Minister for Common Sense to get some tips.

    Who doesn’t like the idea of takeaway pints though? Proper lads, lads, lads type stuff. Has anyone seen anywhere still offering these, let alone a queue out the door demanding them?
  4. Davy Crockett

    Davy Crockett Reservist

    When I was young the Labour movement cared first and foremost about those at the bottom of society.
    Today the Labour mob care more for those who whinge whine and bellyache about how long they can stay in another EU country than they do about the "bigots" and "racists" who have to use food banks .
    To summarize today's New Labour are just Tories hiding behind "be nice " or "be kind"
  6. EnjoytheGame

    EnjoytheGame Reservist

    The extra £470m a year it's going to cost to import and export thanks to post-Brexit bureaucracy and red tape will have to be paid by someone and, as with any cost that is spread across sectors, the impact will be felt most by those who have the least.

    Obviously – according to the likes of Davy Crockett – I have no right to care about this or the ripple of impact it'll have across the economy because I am relatively comfortable.

    I'm not allowed to care that food prices have risen so significantly as to increase the hardship for those who were already struggling to manage because I like fancy things like halloumi. That's how it works for yer hardcore class warriors who want everything and everyone to bump along the bottom and resent any signs of comfort or progress. 'We didn't have comfort or progress when I were young. We had good honest hardship and none of these fancy foreign things.'
    Since63 likes this.
  7. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    When you were young is, I’m guessing, when I was young, when the Party of Foot and Benn cared a lot about issues from nuclear disarmament to black liberation. Its 1983 manifesto was concerned mostly with unemployment and nuclear disarmament but also with rights for women, ethnic minorities and with measures to protect the environment.

    These things have always gone hand with the Labour Party which was jointly established by the Labour Movement and middle class Fabians. Bleeding intellectuals. They have coexisted throughout, giving it its best and worst moments.

    You are telling someone else’s version of the truth here. You only need to think about the music of the day to see that artists across the class spectrum considered lots of different political issues. Watch ‘Til Death us do Part’ to see how that cultural argument was alive nearly 50 years ago and to see that working class Tories are not a new phenomena because Tarquin joined Labour in 2016. They have been there for 60-70 years, heads filled by the ruling class’s newspapers.

    If they haven’t, how did Labour ever lose?
  8. He's talking about Davy.
  9. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    I don’t follow?
  10. EnjoytheGame

    EnjoytheGame Reservist

    We're about to find out just how proud of Brexit the Conservative party really is. My guess is that in the six-week campaign they will not mention it at all because they know it's a disaster by every measure and only a few sovereignty crackpots still support it.

    They're flagship 2019 policy now erased from history because they know the cost and inconvenience and irrelevance it has brought upon the country.

    My next guess is that after the election it'll then be back on the agenda, used by the Tories as a stick to beat Labour with.
    Moose likes this.
  11. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn Squad Player

  12. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    sydney_horn likes this.
  13. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Hardly a word on it so far.
  14. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

  15. Malteser2

    Malteser2 Reservist

    This is great news.

    It’s so nice to have a Government now that realises the benefits of being closer to our European friends and allies, rather than stupidly provoking or offending them as the last one seemed to constantly do. We need closer ties, easier trading conditions and more understanding freedom of movement.

    A very promising start by Starmer, Lammy and Co.
  16. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn Squad Player

    Lots of rumours from those ITK that "...embracing..." REACH and EChA is very much on the cards.
  17. [​IMG]

    Imagine how many more police officers and prison places could have been funded if this brexitty **** hadn't moved to Monaco where he pays [checks notes] no tax.
    sydney_horn likes this.
  18. EnjoytheGame

    EnjoytheGame Reservist

    Monty Burns should stay in Monaco then. And he can stop with his noise about the taxpayer footing some of the bill for Manchester United's new ground too.
  19. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    What a colossal fraud the man is. He doesn’t spend time on the street. He’s a multi-billionaire. He probably arrives to a helipad. He isn’t renting in Peckham. No one is going to mug him for his watch.

    What possesses these bigots to lie like this?

    I pray Tom Pidcock leaves Ineos.
    Ghost of Barry Endean likes this.
  20. sydney_horn likes this.
  21. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    To be fair exporting UK goods to the UK seems to be a bit of a waste of money to me so if it's 27% down then maybe that's a good thing.
  22. EnjoytheGame

    EnjoytheGame Reservist

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