It's nothing at all to do with 'party'. I'd think the same whoever was in power. Public inquiries are largely a load of waffle designed by the establishment to kick stuff into the long grass and enrich lawyers. And when they're done all their reports get turned over to politicians to chin stroke and issue solemn statements and so on and so forth. What actually changes? I swear half the reason this country's dying on its arse is because we spend far more time than most navel gazing. Why don't we just crack on with creating a better society now? Why don't we learn the broad lessons - which are obvious to everyone, no inquiry needed - and set about stopping harm happening now?
There is not one decent person who cares what colour the skin is of a rapist . No one who is a decent human being says " oh, let that child rapist go free as he is white" But there are some who stay silent, sit on their hands etc who do because they do not want to be seen as racist . What a time to be alive , you cannot call a rapist a rapist or demand the book to be thrown at the rapist because of a fear of being called a racist or to demand that rapists are allowed into female only safe spaces . More modern day left wing misogyny.
If I were a white pedo I'd be loving these calls for another inquiry and the shouty racists who are only concerned about the Pakistanis. In fact I would be shouting the loudest about both. Makes you think
This. Any further inquiry should not get in the way of acting on the recommendations already made. The focus of any future inquiries needs to be fully defined before they commence. Otherwise we end up spending more on lawyers and inquiries than we do on compensating victims and nothing changes.
I often call rapists rapists. It's very easy. In fact in my previous job I've arrested, investigated and had rapists locked up. It's quite rewarding actually doing something other than pontificating about it on the internet.
The bottom line is that the safeguarding system failed so many young girls and boys for too many years. We now know that people knowingly covered and withheld information about rapes, rapists and grooming gangs. Its not as a vile crime as rape, but they have knowingly allowed this to continue and to an extent aided the continuation of young people being physically and mentally abused is hideous. We've heard the stories of councils, teachers, police forces being alerted with evidence given. These crimes were raised to people who should have done something about it, it was their profession, their job. These are people who are looking after and are responsible for other people children in their areas. Ultimately they decided, for what ever reason, not to. I can not think of a single reason why we should close the door and not look to prosecute these people for aiding and abetting. Many would be guilty by association.
But who's talking of closing the door? The police can and should be after these people now. It won't need an inquiry to identify them. I very much doubt they'd successfully prosecute any of them for aiding and abetting though - in law you'd have to prove they assisted or encouraged the offender directly. Not acting on a report after the event definitely wouldn't meet the threshold. And while what you say about safeguarding is correct, why do you think the Jay report had a recommendation (which the government has said it'll bring in) that "people in regulated jobs working with children should have the duty to report any abuse they witnessed or were told about by either the child or perpetrator" and it will be a crime if they don't? The answer is no such crime exists currently (or previously).
The recommendations from the Jay report should have started to been implemented long ago and should be treated differently to the cover up through safeguarding that has gone on. We have all heard the stories, where brave people have given up their right to immunity, where even the police have turned a blind eye and decided not to pursue the case. Unfortunately we all know that can't rely on anyone to mark their own home work. It looks like Yvette Cooper is going to announce local inquiries into grooming gangs. What is import is this needs to be government backed, with the local inquiry being given the powers where people have to give evidence. If not then its just another local inquiry with no accountability.
Let's see where this goes. Farage has come out and said Reform will fund an independent inquiry. He also said that he'd launch a private prosecution against the Manchester airport attackers and would you Adam-and-Eve it, they were finally arrested and charged shortly afterwards, after months of nothing! You're completely right though. The victims have been treated terribly! I've read/heard some horror stories of young girls dismissed by the authorities when they've come forwards. A proper investigation needs to be launched with no fear of consequence or upsetting certain communities!
Also, if the Jay report came out over 10 years ago, how many of those in authority that knowingly allowed this to happen on their watch have been prosecuted? 10 years is a long time! I will do more research myself into this as absolutely not an expert, but it doesn't seem to add up to me.
The Jay report came out in 2022. The Tory government did not implement any of the recommendations, including criminalising not reporting these allegations when made known to a person in authority. No one was prosecuted because it is not currently a crime not to report this information. The current government is putting down a bill to belatedly change this. I agree that it is absolute travesty that this has taken so long and so many in authority have gotten away with their negligence/culpability. But that is the nature of the beast. Inquiries take a long time. That's why I want action now rather than another national inquiry that will almost certainly kick any action down the road. Implement the Jay report recommendations in full now and set up, and fund, local inquiries in areas where there might be more insights to find... including those areas where race/culture may be a factor. That is the best way forward for the victims imho.
An 'independent inquiry' set up by a political party using private funds would have even less powers than the local ones the government has been backing. It's a non-starter and Farage knows it. The Manchester airport thugs were arrested on the day it happened. There was then a long delay in charging them while the IOPC dragged their heels investigating (and eventually exonerating) the police officers before the CPS would charge the muppets who started it. The IOPC are about the slowest investigative body around - they're awful. And in my opinion the community it's most likely to upset is the majority, white British community, because it'll hold a mirror up to their years of indifference and how people in various positions of power / authority had absolutely no incentive to give a toss.
I for one feel greatly reassured that Sir Keir has drawn another line in the sand. This one means that henceforth there'll be no more mass bungling by the state of the sort that allowed that crazy violent knife wielding Welsh Catholic to run amok in Southport.
What a surprise - the super rich are buggering off in their droves to avoid Rachel from accounts getting her greedy claws on their hard earned. Apparently 10,800 of the capitalist bast ards have fled abroad since the start of 2024. Good! I hear the pinkos cry - until it's pointed out that each one of these 10,800 people contributed an average of 380,000 smackers a year to HM revenue & Customs until this tyrannical government drove them away.
Source? Genuinely interested. Because these people are "millionaires". I would technically be one of these people if I upped sticks to France.
I ditched twitter a while ago but wish I could do the same with LinkedIn. There are people in my professional network who just spend all day moaning about the government, this is the worst government in history, I’m leaving the country etc. Then in the next breath they’re spouting **** about getting everyone back into the office because of productivity issues.
So, after Brexit, a bunch of people said that they are OFF Now , after Sir Starmer is in power , another mob say that they are on their bike. I don't believe any of them
Hopefully top end house prices will start to crash. I fancy a 40 bedroom house at the end of Regents Park for £1M
10,000 multi-millionaires have reportedly left the UK since last year. Companies aren't interested in investing in the UK as no prospects of growth due to 'Rachel from accounts' and her shocking budget! That's why she's trying to bring us closer to China, begging bowl in hand! What a mistake that would be.
16,500 millionaires left Britain after the Brexit vote but none of the right-footers cared about it then.
Coming back to this - trying to work out where this £380k per millionaire is coming from. If they are leaving because of non-dom status that is £30k that they are not paying. I find it hard to believe they are all paying VAT of £350k - that would assume they are purchasing £1.7m of VATable goods. I suppose it's possible that they are all getting a few supercars each year, but really?
Meet the new boss , sang the Who back in the day Read the lyrics , relevant then , relevant now Only difference is that the Left has been infiltrated by those with problems only the affluent have . If you are a crab that has escaped the barrel , then good for you , but your job , if you are left leaning , is to support those that are still trying to escape and not to start waffling on about "poor me , have you seen the price of avocado,or, I had to queue for a few minutes to get into Italy for my latest hols etc" some people would love to have those types of problems A little self reflection goes a long way Just sayin'
Why is it only the new political left who call out anyone who voted differently to them ? Why can't we all accept democracy ? . I don't like it when the Tories gain power . But I accept it . Today's left and their new ideologies mean nothing to me .
Good question. However, you'll never get a sensible answer, you'll just be shouted down and called wascist.