yes that’s a very reasonable question… I’m divided myself between the eradicate infrastructures to the north and south but only if I understand the end game vs the pull back with the distinct possibility that Hamas can regroup and the last year will all be to no avail but that wasn’t the point of the recent few posts.
For anybody wanting a fuller understanding of what happened last October then watch BBC2 tonight at 21.00…
Every interview, every video, every person running for their lives, every person being murdered I saw my son and daughters. It was very hard to watch. Overall I get the very dark feeling that the powers that be in Israel wanted this. For the terrorists to simply bulldoze a fence and have the freedom to kill cannot be right.
thought it was very well put together and just left me numb. As you say, imagine that happening to your children. Hamas are pure scum as for your last paragraph I don’t subscribe to conspiracy theories. Didn’t buy the US knew about 9:11 and won’t subscribe to Netanyahu having full knowledge of what was about to happen and let it happen. But why oh why did it take 4-6 hours for the military to arrive
These things often seem obvious in retrospect, like after 9/11 when it became apparent that a group of Saudis and other Middle Eastern men had learned to fly planes but not land them. It also then seemed obvious that plane cabins should have been locked. However, the ****-up theory is nearly always right unless there is evidence. It’s a much easier explanation than a labyrinthine plot organised by the State or elements of it. Such conspiracy theories run the risk of victim blaming.
After about an hour I found it unbearable and left Mrs Lloyd to see it to the end. It is the most powerful piece of film making that I have ever seen and I would urge everyone to attempt to watch it.
Very much agree. A concrete bunker packed full of young and very scared people and you actually see the ****s throwing grenades in there and the kids attempting to throw them out again before they exploded. Beyond shocking.
Really happy you guys found it powerful, I've spent a lot of time this week with some of the young people from the documentary and they are truly some of the most incredible people I have ever met. I'd seen most of the footage before but it made it no less sickening or upsetting. We are fighting true evil and the fact that is not clear to everyone is truly beyond me.
Excellent! They're all incredible people. Watching what happened that day on the tele was harrowing enough, so I can't imagine what it was like to have gone through it.
sort of depends on a whole host of factors… does Bibi feel that he’s eliminated the immediate Iranian threat from Hamas and Hezbollah? Or will he want to send in the troops will the Lebanese have strength to reject Hezbollah (they declined landing to an Iranian plane yesterday) If Bibi feels the threat is now reduced will he seek a ceasefire to recover the hostages that have been sitting in tunnels for almost a year now…obv most are now dead how will Iran react to the debilitating attacks on its proxy Hezbollah next few days will tell
Now Iran has shown its own hands, i will be interested to see some of the anti Israel, bandwagon jumping handwringers (not anyone in here) maybe recognise that Israel is not the 4th Reich, but the face of democracy in the face of some despicable organisations who are sworn to wipe it from the map. Yes Israel deserves extreme criticism for the way it's handled the incursion into Gaza and the level of innocent casualties, but Hamas, Iran's leadership and Hezbollah are not good guys. They're evil, according to all values of decent societal standards. Israel has been right to defend itself, but we can rightfully criticise the methods, accuracy and civilian cost, however the anti Israel and even anti semitism that's been seen as acceptable in the wake of this crisis has been despicable (again, not on here as far as I've seen. Talking about more widely).
Grim and poignant anniversary today of the Hamas attack that caused and has sparked such misery. Awful for the remaining hostages’ families to have this marker of time.
It's a good reminder of the shocking evil that started this chain of events, especially to some of the fashionable cause followers who are so anti Israel that they're actually pro-Hamas
That is such a profoundly odd mindset to me. Sign of the modern world that for many, if they are against one thing, they have to be for the other side of it. But black-and-white thinking never did anyone any good.
It has now been confirmed that the architect of 7/10 has been eliminated…May this lead to a change on both sides
This time last year I was in Belfast and had a spare morning so did one of those taxi tours around some of the key sites of The Troubles. Some Irish Catholics have long identified with and supported the Palestinian cause. The IRA and PLO were sort of terrorist twin towns. Before Belfast, I was in Dublin and went to see Bohemians play. Their supporters were waving Palestinian flags. Anyway, in Belfast, the taxi guide said: 'So, since October 7, guess what some people on the Protestant side of Belfast have been flying? That's right, Israeli flags.' For some it's just hard-wired to pick sides based on who or what you hate most.
moog summed it up well. This conflict that’s been ongoing since the start of time completely divides people…even when they have very little understanding of the situation
goes alll the way back to page one of this thread…the Hamas and Hezbollah infrastructure of munition dumps, tunnels etc has been built in and around civilian areas. To guarantee Israel’s future, stop the constant bombardment of rockets into Israel on a daily basis and no repeat of 7th Oct that infrastructure had to be dismantled. Leaving many innocents in the firing line
I don’t pretend to have all the answers here, the rockets and 7 October were intolerable. But I don’t believe this war guarantees Israel’s future. Only peace and reconciliation can do that. It’s easy to say that necessary military action has left innocents in the firing line but when Israel has to come under intense pressure to let food in to civilians and when so many have been killed, people may take the view that the civilians are also targets.
don’t disagree with your first paragraph. But who is there to make peace with? Hamas et al attacked Israel when Gaza was under Egyptian control, they attacked Israel when Gaza was under Israeli control, they attacked Israel after troops withdrew from Gaza in an idiotic move meant to bring around peace. The only thing the Iran proxies are interested in is the elimination of all living in Israel…”from the river to the sea” as for the second paragraph I again don’t disagree but with reservations. Over $500m a year in aid goes into Gaza. But this investment, way pre Oct 7th, was never invested by Hamas into items that would benefit the population to produce food supplies. It was spent on building a terror infrastructure. And there’s lots and lots of proof that recent aid supplies have been diverted by Hamas away from its population. Israel can’t trust UN who are all in cahoots with Hamas and Hezbollah. having said that I don’t agree with a government stopping food into the regime. I just would rather see a peace keeping group on the ground that would ensure the supplies reach people that need them
What peace keeping group if you are so convinced the 'UN are in cahoots with Hamas & Hezbollah'? The attacks on UN observer groups on the Israel-Lebanon border does not speak volumes for Israel's good faith, and it can hardly be ignored that Israel's biggest supporter is also the UN's lynchpin.
you only have to research UN Resolution 1701 and see the location of the tunnels and where the rockets have been launched from in Southern Lebanon to understand how UN totally failed in enforcing peace in Lebanon and enforcing the resolution then research UNWRA and the amount that the staff were involved in Oct 7 then research resolutions against the entire world vs the amount of resolutions against Israel that the UN, where a third of its membership is from the Islamic world, has imposed That will answer why Israel has no trust in the UN
Was watching some old news reviews from the early 90 s and 80s . Seemed to be there has been a never ending crisis in Israel and the Middle East. Will there ever be real peace?
A storm in the Arab world: * The Muslim blogger, Hoda Jannat, is shocked by what she has learned about Gaza since the war began. * In a bold post, she describes what she has learned from the war process and reveals the good and comfortable life Gaza residents and Hamas leaders practiced thanks to the consideration of israel The post exposes the hypocrisy of the Hamas organization, the so-called condition of the Gazans was so bad before the war, And this is how she advertises: 1. Suddenly we discovered that in the Gaza strip, where 2 million people live, there are 36 hospitals. There are Arab countries with a population of 30 million that don't have so many hospitals. 2. Surprisingly, we found out that Gaza receives free water, electricity, gas and fuel from Israel. Of course, there is not one Arab citizen anywhere else in the world who does not pay for water, electricity and fuel. 3. Suddenly we discovered that Gaza receives 30 million dollars a month only from Qatar. And $120 million a month from the UNRA. And 50 million dollars a month from the European Union. And 30 million dollars a month from America. There are Arab countries drowning in debt and can't find anyone who can give them even a million dollars. 4. Suddenly we discovered that there is no "siege" on Gaza and all the goods are flowing there and the borders are open. The Gazans traveled to Egypt and from there around the world. 5. Unexpectedly, we discovered that Arabs live better in Gaza than in many Arab countries. 6. Suddenly we discovered that our brains have been programmed by the lies of the media of the Muslim brothers. 7. Suddenly we discovered that the children in Gaza are not children as we usually imagine as children, but children of terrorists with artillery and suicidal belts who have been specially trained by Hamas. 8. Suddenly we discovered that the schools, hospitals and mosques in Gaza are organized terror headquarters and ammunition warehouses with Hamas underground tunnels. 9. Suddenly we discovered that in Gaza there is an underground Hamas "metro" that stretches over 500 km, that Israel can only envy. 10. Suddenly we discovered that the so-called doctors and teachers in Gaza turned out to be active Hamas terrorists. 11. Suddenly we discovered that rockets and mortars are held in children's rooms in Gaza. 12. Suddenly we discovered that Hitler and his book "Main Campf" were very popular in Gaza, and the translation into Arabic was in almost every home in Gaza, or a portrait of the author. 13. Suddenly we discovered that the Gazans live a luxury life, with multi-storey mansions with swimming pools and premium German cars. 14. Suddenly we discovered that there is no Israeli siege in Gaza because it still bordered by its Muslim sister Egypt. 15. Suddenly we discovered that most of the "citizens" in Gaza support Hamas and other terrorist groups, voted for Hamas in democratic elections and celebrated the massacre on October 7th. 16. We suddenly discovered that so-called reporters and journalists in Gaza working for western media CNN, AP, Reuters and others turned out to be Hamas terrorists who participated in the massacre on October 7. 17. Suddenly we have discovered that the so called 'peace activists' and 'ICO workers' of the UN, Red Cross and WHO, have turned out to be Hamas terrorists and corrupt. 18. Suddenly, we have discovered that each of the Hamas leaders is a billionaire and richer than President Trump, with a net worth of $4-5 billion each. In conclusion, the Muslim blogger revealed the mask of hypocrisy of Hamas in Gaza in a series of tweets that shook the Arab world.