Remember, even if you get a poor team for the sweepstake, you can still make up points in the parallel competitions. Good luck all! Updated: 28/06/2016 Albania… Eliminated in group stages: 5 points 29 Casetti's Beard 7 Cyaninternetdog Austria… Eliminated in group stages: 5 points 40 jellyman 5 TheDon Belgium Eliminated in quarter finals: 35 points 37 ROBO1293 45 Danthek Croatia… Eliminated in round of 16: 15 points 30 Timbers 36 sonofben Czech Republic… Eliminated in group stages: 5 points 17 Hornmeister 19 Meh! England… Eliminated in round of 16: 15 points 1 Miked2006 9 zztop France... Runner up: 60 points 11 jon_e_lee 4 UHORNS Germany... Eliminated in semi-final: 50 points 21 feliuk 44 Banjo Hungary… Eliminated in round of 16: 15 points 31 Manatleisure 32 MarlonsCellMate Iceland Belgium Eliminated in quarter finals: 35 points 26 Norwayhornet 33 wimbornet * Italy Belgium Eliminated in quarter finals: 35 points 34 The Voice Of Reason 8 KnightGT Northern Ireland… Eliminated in round of 16: 15 points 20 Vicarage Road 46 UAE_Hornet Poland Belgium Eliminated in quarter finals: 35 points 22 NW Orn 41 WatfordEire Portugal... Winner... 80 points!!! 2 GoingDown 23 YellowKicks Republic of Ireland… Eliminated in round of 16: 15 points 3 Nornironhorn 47 Legends Romania … Eliminated in group stages: 5 points 18 Alban Hornet 38 cleehorn Russia… Eliminated in group stages: 5 points 12 Halfwayline 16 PhilippineOrn Slovakia… Eliminated in round of 16: 15 points 24 Grrwood 25 With A Smile Spain… Eliminated in round of 16: 15 points 28 Harrow Orn 39 hornpete Sweden… Eliminated in group stages: 5 points 10 HappyHornet24 43 Derbyhorn Switzerland… Eliminated in round of 16: 15 points 35 Westsydneyhornet 42 nascot Turkey… Eliminated in group stages: 5 points 27 reids 6 El distraido Ukraine… Worst team in tournament: 40 points 13 Otter 15 Legskeattch Wales... Eliminated in semi-final: 50 points 14 Diamond
Well I reckon Iceland have got just as much chance as England at this stage ( at least they can do their own trade deals:naughty.
I know its only fun but I can't see the the ones who have teams who are certs to be knocked out in the group stages to have any chance of making up 50 odd points against the ones who have drawn the big teams. This should be separate from the overall points total in my view to the category and score prediction part. I did the category bit then had a look at the points structure and can see I have no chance unless I have a crystal ball so wont bother with the score predictions. Good luck to those who have drawn the decent teams.
Your first 5 words sum it up. Plus, them's the breaks with a sweepstake. I have bugger-all chance of winning with Sweden but will still do the "extras" because it's a bit of fun. Plus if everyone had that attitude it would be a bit miserable, not least for miked who's gone to a lot of effort. But horses for courses, etc
My Czech Rep have a good chance of getting out of the groups. Could they even sneak 1st with a couple of draws and a win? Depends if Spain turn up. QF is questionable if they finish 2nd as it's almost definitely Belgium or Italy in the last 16! One of the 'best 3rd places' and it will be either A1 (France?) or B1 (England?!)
I think Italy will disappoint this tournament. Spain have looked very up for it in the friendlies so far and I think they've made good choices in their tournament team, i'd back Spain to beat Italy if it came to it. Surprised how many people are saying Albania to finish with the fewest points though, I actually think they can take Romania and maybe scrape a 3rd place finish.
Yeah but Italy probably should get 2nd in that group meaning their last 16 is F1 which doesn't look particularly challenging. You'd potentially be better coming second in Group E. If this was their route then the QF would be B1/3ACD. Could well be England v Italy QF. EDIT: Just seen that if we come 2nd we only have to play F2. Seems a bit unfair that 2nd for us and F get away with a 2nd place finisher. Won't complain if it's us!
The points will be broken down into the 'skill' based games and the sweepstake. A sweepstake is generally the only competition. If you get a crap draw, tough. If you get a good draw, you have a shot. The aim of the games was to have fun, but also to be able to partially counter some of the inherent imbalances in the sweepstake. If you get Switzerland for instance and get lots of points elsewhere, you can still win the skill section, and then also have an outside shot of winning the overall competition. In the same way, I have made the worst team in the whole competition get as many points in the sweepstake as the quarter finalists I believe. You just have to hope that Hungary lose convincingly
Yah well done Iceland they show us how to live outside the EU and they show us how to play footy too.
Doing ok in the scores prediction so far. Am I head 2 head with HM or playing with him? Meh!: England V Russia – 2-1 N Poland V N Ireland – 1-0 Exact ROI V Sweden – 1-1 Exact England V Wales – 2-0 Y Slovakia V England – 0-2 ? HM England V Russia – 2-1 N Poland V N Ireland – 1-1 N ROI V Sweden – 0-1 N England V Wales – 1-1 N Slovakia V England – 1-2 ?
After Northern Ireland's win last night Ukraine are the first country to be eliminated from the tournament. :doom: Do Legskeattch and I get a Forum wooden spoon?
portugal v Hungary game is insane , England now playing Portugal 25 mins left for this to change or not !
Sweden :doom: And I think I'm a strong contender for the wooden spoon prize in the "category answer" competition as well - I think I've got everything wrong so far.
So Iceland march on to last 8 I certainly would not have predicted that really hope they can shock the frogs as well .
My team is looking good :italian: Just got to beat the Krauts then it's on to the Final, probably against the Frogs!