Crockett's Rant Thread

Discussion in 'Politics 2.0' started by Davy Crockett, Dec 1, 2024.

  1. Davy Crockett

    Davy Crockett Reservist

    Evening all !
    I trust all dissenting views and opinions have been silenced
    How is this thriving political forum going ?
    Ain't it great and healthy when everyone holds the same view ?
    Same grime, same flannel next week . See you then !!!
  2. Clive_ofthe_Kremlin

    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin Squad Player

    Evening David!

    Welcome back compadre.

    The forum has been doing fine, except for missing your insightful analysis.
  3. Davy Crockett

    Davy Crockett Reservist

    Careful Clive, you will be on the hit list with your balanced take on things !!
    Remember balance\nuance not good . Obedience very good .
    Follow those rules and you will go far !!
  4. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    Top work, sir.
    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin likes this.
  5. Davy Crockett

    Davy Crockett Reservist

  6. Davy Crockett

    Davy Crockett Reservist

    .and it's all gone quiet , all gone quiet , all gone quiet in the echo chamber
    You lot surely haven't got everyone with a differing opinion on ignore ?
    Surely not ? .
    Well done morons !! Way to go !!
  7. Lloyd

    Lloyd Squad Player

    I disagree
  8. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

  9. Since63

    Since63 Squad Player

    You didn’t actually say anything worth considering though, did you?
  10. Davy Crockett

    Davy Crockett Reservist

    I am asking you to consider other opinions without playing the "far right" or "nazi" card
    Because let's face it , today's left is the 1930s Germany's left .
    So , if you don't want your own Nuremberg trial in the future, I would take a look in the mirror.
    Your call , your life .
  11. Since63

    Since63 Squad Player

    Then it might be a good idea to actually enunciate some of those opinions, which you never really do. A string of aggressive questions does not count as expressing a point of view.
    Put forward a serious point of view and I will answer it without recourse to petty name calling.
    How is the ‘current left’ the same as that in 1930s Germany? Or even 1920s Germany? And as for the Nuremberg trial comment…what are you trying to say?
  12. [​IMG]

    Oh sorry, I forgot, you don't do proper punctuation like all us posh elite types, on accahnt of you din't 'ave no proper scoolin, wot wiv avin' to work free jobs to take care of yer poor ole mum.
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2024
  13. You could encourage your fanboy to actually post in here, rather than just lurking, might even things up a bit. On the other hand, it might just expose him as a risible idiot.
  14. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    MSM Agenda!
  15. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    I think this chap's raccoon skin cap is a little tight.
    wfcmoog likes this.
  16. SkylaRose

    SkylaRose Administrator Staff Member

    @Keighley has just fainted.
    Lloyd and Ghost of Barry Endean like this.
  17. I suspect that because "Nazi" is a contraction of National Socialist, he is repeating the right wing bullocks that Hitler was, in fact, a leftie. You know, just as the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea is a paragon of democracy.
  18. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    Remember the Alamo!
  19. I remember the Alamo. I saw it once in London. In Leicester Square.
  20. Davy Crockett

    Davy Crockett Reservist

    I just popped in but no one is around .
    It's like visiting an on line version of The Last Leg , the satirical show where everyone nods along in furious agreement with the approved opinions .
    Well done chaps !!
    I do like the ad homs tho !!
  21. You're late!

  22. Since63

    Since63 Squad Player

    Man talks to himself in echo chamber and comments on how empty it is. Kafka would have been in awe.
  23. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

    Does an echo echo in an echo chamber if no one is around to hear it?

  24. Since63

    Since63 Squad Player

    I'm too busy dodging falling trees I can't hear.
  25. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    The bit where the man who posts nothing but ad hominems talks about being amused by ad hominems is pure comedy gold.
    sydney_horn likes this.
  26. Since63

    Since63 Squad Player

    It's consistent, at least.
  27. Davy Crockett

    Davy Crockett Reservist

    I don't care about you so I would never ad hom someone like you .
    Don't flatter yourself . You are not that important
  28. Davy Crockett

    Davy Crockett Reservist

    The woke cavalry are on the charge !!!
    do you lot ever have , at the very least, a teensy weensy differing of views ?
    it's not healthy by the way ....where everyone thinks the same
    indoctrination is the word I believe
  29. Davy Crockett

    Davy Crockett Reservist

    If you wish to ad hom myself is the time
  30. Davy Crockett

    Davy Crockett Reservist

    You ok ?
    Late for what ?
    I see that I have said something or done something that has upset you
    Is there anything I can do , apart from a change of opinion, that I can do to rectify this ?
  31. Since63

    Since63 Squad Player

    Davy, you never actually post any opinions. But kudos to you for the continuing facade.
  32. Late for your Saturday post-pub dribbling.

    Why don't you get your chum who always likes your posts to actually post something himself. Or is it you?
  33. Mr Heron

    Mr Heron Academy Graduate

    this thread is full of trolls weirdos and people that have a fetish for baiting members

    i feel at home here
  34. SkylaRose

    SkylaRose Administrator Staff Member

    Posting three times in a row without giving anyone a chance to reply for no good reason is also called spamming.

    However, I think it's more akin to the natural order of this thread.
  35. SkylaRose

    SkylaRose Administrator Staff Member

    Interesting. If you scream in Space nobody will hear it either - not even you. :)

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