
Discussion in 'Politics 2.0' started by Davy Crockett, Jul 27, 2024.

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  1. Davy Crockett

    Davy Crockett Reservist

    Why have people been banned ?
    It's not right even if I don't always agree with them
    Even the self righteousness mob who have probably got me on ignore
    and who all nod their heads furiously in agreement with each other, well I wouldn't
    ban them if I could because I don't agree with their opinion .
  2. Clive_ofthe_Kremlin

    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin Squad Player

    I'm with Davy on this one and plead for clemency from the mods.

    Arguing adds spice and liveliness to the forum in my opinion. The politics got separated off into its own section and surely visitors there accept that there may be a little rough and tumble?

    We need all the posters we can here and diversity of opinions is important, along with respect for those who think differently, whilst showing evidence or personal experience of why you think they are mistaken.

    I humbly appeal for the suspension of all bans.
    miked2006, Moose, CYHSYF and 6 others like this.
  3. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Guest

    I wouldn't have anyone banned either. Particularly for anything said in the politics section. We are all Watford Fans and grown ups, and this section is peripheral to our love of the club. I can understand a suspension, to let people know the mods are serious, but a ban seems excessive.

    That said, if the mods themselves have been abused, that is a different matter. The job they do is difficult enough without that. Having been on here for many years, and having been the target of many members seeking to ban me, I can say that the Mods are remarkably tolerant, and not quick to hand out such a punishment. So I am assuming it was something quite serious.
    miked2006, Halfwayline, Lloyd and 3 others like this.
  4. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    You were abusing a mod last week or the week before, why are you not banned???
  5. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    **** off.
  6. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Guest

    How so? I responded in kind to a spirited post. You spent three days a while back F ing and C ing me, without having engaged in any conversation, and I specifically said to the mods that I did not want you banned. I am not sure why you think you have the moral high ground.

    I have repeatedly said to the mods that I do not want anyone banned. If ******** has been banned, I will not miss his bile, but I also think the forum as a whole will be lesser for it, and enjoy and often like his serious posts. If he has been banned, it is clearly for some serious behaviour.

    There is not enough tolerance on this site. If there were, people would get less wound up by other people's opinions.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2024
  7. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    You should be banned and you are probably just as amazed as I and a lot of others are that you have not been. You are just a wind up merchant. You dont post in the football section at all, you just sit in here winding people up. There is no way you are for real, absolutely no chance. I am baffled at how such an obvious troll is allowed to exist.
  8. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Guest

    I could take that more seriously if you ever actually engaged with anything I said. And I would have said that three days of simply abusing another poster without engaging with them was far more serious than anything I have ever done. But I don't think it is worth a ban from a football forum.

    Just to establish that I am a Watford fan, as I have had to do many times before, I grew up around Welbourne, Scullion, and the like, worked for the club in the eighties and nineties, and shared a bottle of Shiraz with GT at a Christmas dinner a month before he died. I don't need your approval to post on here. There are posters on here who could confirm that, if it wasn't for the fact that people can be a bit silly about Hooter.

    Probably best to leave it there.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2024
  9. Clive_ofthe_Kremlin

    Clive_ofthe_Kremlin Squad Player

    Coño tu madre hijo de puta...
    Otter and HenryHooter like this.
  10. Davy Crockett

    Davy Crockett Reservist

    Tell me what part of the political spectrum you support without telling me. Fuggs zake. Always the new be kind "left" .
  11. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    Nothing is black and white, I dont get riled up by the press, I dont have an X account. Plenty of times I have said people are being made fools of by the elite. We dont really have many hard lefties on here, most are centralists from what I can tell and probably like a little bit of light left policy and a little bit of right policy. Old enough and wise enough to know all this doesnt really matter and reality is somewhat stranger than any of us can possibly imagine.
    Lloyd likes this.
  12. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Guest

    I wouldn't want to undermine the reasons for the Mods taking action. I trust them to have made an appropraite decision on whatever happened.

    I hope that perhaps it is only a suspension. I don't look forward to all the squabbling, but I think Moose (if he has received a ban, I have not heard anything official) would be missed on here. Even if he wouldn't say the same about me.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 27, 2024
  13. Keighley

    Keighley First Team

    I see @Moose is online, can he confirm or deny?
  14. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Guest

    The mods did mention that they could suspend someone from a particular sub forum. Perhaps that is what they have done.
    Keighley likes this.
  15. SkylaRose

    SkylaRose Administrator Staff Member

    Members are banned or have forum access suspended when they breach the forum rules (which are laid out clearly on the main site page). If members adhere to these policies then no action would ever be taken against them. Reported posts are looked into by the moderation team and action (if required) is taken on a case by case basis. Generally a member will receive a warning for their conduct before any suspension is implemented.

    If anybody wants to discuss a reason they are suspended they are welcome to PM any member of the Moderating team.

  16. wfcmoog

    wfcmoog Tinpot

    I am happy to reassure you all, that I have not been banned, though some of my accounts may have been.
  17. Since63

    Since63 Squad Player

    Well that's somewhat bitter-sweet!
    Moose likes this.
  18. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Guest

    My assumption was that you were more likely to ban the forum, than the forum ban you.
  19. Not here!
    I was suspended for 2 weeks during the election. I can't imagine that anyone would be suspended without a complaint being made, and in my case, given the reason that the suspension was imposed that can only be one person. If there was a complaint it would be nice if that person posted why. However as they never actually post, just passive-aggressively like certain posts to wind up other forum members, I won't hold my breath. I believe that Moose has been suspended for similar reasons with the same individual involved. I might be wide of the mark - maybe the mods could confirm or disabuse of this notion.
    sydney_horn and reids like this.
  20. Lloyd

    Lloyd Squad Player

    Moose and sydney_horn like this.
  21. Keighley

    Keighley First Team

    Mmmm. free mousse…

    Moose, PowerJugs, HenryHooter and 4 others like this.
  22. Halfwayline

    Halfwayline Reservist

    this thread has surprised me. Admittedly I’ve not been online as much as normal but surprised if it’s @Moose who was banned

    I disagree politically with almost every one of his views (and he with mine) but I’ve only ever found him rationale in his responses. Never found him abusive
    Since63, Moose, sydney_horn and 2 others like this.
  23. Davy Crockett

    Davy Crockett Reservist

    The positive from @Moose on gardening leave is that posters from various sides have come forward in support which shows up those who like to press the ignore button if they don't like an opinion and who prefer life in a nice safe echo chamber .
  24. Davy Crockett

    Davy Crockett Reservist

    I wasn't aware of this . Apologies I would have said something . It doesn't matter if we agree on stuff or not. It is our right to be able to disagree .
    Ghost of Barry Endean likes this.
  25. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Guest

    If you are talking about me, I made no complaint. Whenever I have spoken to the mods about his abuse, as with Cyan, I have always said I do not want them to banned. I can't figure out what you mean by that third sentence, or what follows.

    And remember, I never made a complaint about you, either, despite what you said.

    I suspect, if it was to do with me, that Moose got upset with the mods for not banning me and possibly said something derogatory about them. Which would be grossly unfair. But it is only speculation. Because I have not seen a post from Moose that was worth a ban, or see his posts get deleted, so it seems likelt to be something 'behind the scenes'. I certainly have not complained about him. Though a week or so ago I tried to get the mods to speak with the two of us to calm things down.

    I think he is a bully (I only say that because of the vitriol in his posts) and doesn't like people who stand up to him. But I can deal with that. He has never done anything that justified a ban as far as I am concerned.

    We have to let the mods moderate, and respect what they ask us. They are the last people who should get abuse from us.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 28, 2024
  26. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Guest

    OK. Not sure who you are talking about, but obviously not me. I was not around during the election.

  27. Cassetti's Beard.

    Cassetti's Beard. First Year Pro

    Close down the Politics section and life ban the core 4 or 5 who take part in it.

    Together we can make this forum great again!
    cyaninternetdog likes this.
  28. SkylaRose

    SkylaRose Administrator Staff Member

    Don't tempt us ;)
  29. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Guest


  30. I think "as they never actually post" kind of exonerates you!
  31. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Guest

    Peace. But the line after that appeared to indicate that they did.

    And I wanted to clarify to halfway that I had not called for a ban.

    I accept what you say.
  32. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Guest

    And I can post without being told what a nasty tory or MAGA loon I am:)

    Despite Moose being missed, civility has broken out on the forum.
  33. SkylaRose

    SkylaRose Administrator Staff Member

    Arguing and debating is fine, it's when it crosses the line into personal insults and repeatedly stating the same thing over and over to try to get a person to change their view on something is when problems arise. I used to run a Java forum and some of the wildest arguments broke out on there as well. It's all about tact, keeping personal feelings and insults out of posts and just debating with each other in a mature and sensible manner.

    You can have a fall out over another persons view on something, but then the best course of action is to explain why you disagree, and put your points forward without outright calling them names or calling them out repeatedly for being wrong in your view. A forum is a public place. None of these sub forums are private by design and free speech is of course what this country is all about. So we do expect the odd argument and squabble (especially in this section over the others), but that still doesn't give any member the given right to get personal with another.

    I understand a lot of people have a strong view on how things are and will always fight their corner. That's what Politics is all about (I think), and it's natural for another person to see a point of view differently. Talk about these points, discuss them in depth if you like, but keep it civil and keep any personal views you may have of the person your debating against out of the thread. We really do hope we can keep this sub forum active and friendly as much as possible, and I am certain the rest of you do as well.

    Skyla x
  34. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Cheers folks.

    Fortunately it appears that another Tory legacy Labour has uncovered is overcrowding in the Forum cooler.

    Low level, non-abusive, offenders, such as myself, have benefited from an early release scheme.

    I thank you for your support and keep those campaign donations coming to my PayPal account!
  35. Lloyd

    Lloyd Squad Player

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