Four Hours At The Capitol

Discussion in 'Politics 2.0' started by Moose, Oct 22, 2021.

  1. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    I think you have to put it into the context of how much the money the individuals involved have.

    A 1 million dollar fine to a billionaire is like fining your or I a pint. Not exactly going to dissuade us in the future.

    Coupled with that, there's a more than average chance Trump won't live another three years so the business ban might end up being a lifetime ban anyway.

    I suspect a lot of the shenanigans he has been allowed to get away with and the less than expected ban length are policy decisions, given the delicate political nature. Go too hard and it's much easier for someone like Trump to claim it's a witch hunt while looking credible.

    The bit that astonished me so far is how Habba didn't end up with a contempt charge or have her license/conduct up for review by the NY bar. Shocking behavior for an officer of the court.
  2. reids

    reids First Team

    Trump launches his new range of "Never Surrender" trainers, for $400 a pair. Should help him pay off those fines.
    Moose likes this.
  3. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Grifters gotta grift.
    reids likes this.
  4. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Reservist

    Unfortunately, I think this will be seen by everyone, except those who hate Trump, as more evidence of political persecution. It may galvanize more than just his support.
  5. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Why? Why does being a crook and a court determined sex pest naturally galvanise support? Sure some MAGA types will cry foul, the radicalised and extreme always will, but many others will begin to form their own conclusions about the character of a married man who cheats his wife, assaults other women, pays for prostitutes, cheats at business and attempts to cheat the electorate.
  6. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    Looking forward to Henry Hoovers pics of him wearing his golden sneakers.
    reids likes this.
  7. cyaninternetdog

    cyaninternetdog Forum Hippie

    This is just the weirdest time to be alive isnt it.
  8. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    I wonder where they will be made. My guess is that it won’t be in the USA. He’s not that concerned about making America great again.
  9. sydney_horn

    sydney_horn Squad Player

    Not sure if your reply was addressed to me but I think the new reality is things don't work like that anymore imho.

    The worse the allegations and court rulings the more the MAGA crowd claim that this is proof that the "elite", WEF and/or the reptilian overlords are conspiring to prevent the second coming of their chosen one, Trump.

    It is clear that every time he gets "done" his popularity goes up.

    I'm not convinced that this is going to change. I think the NY court ruling is justified (as explained by @Arakel), but the optics play right into the batshit MAGA narrative that this is purely political.

    Personally, I would have much preferred a ruling that would have banned him from operating in NY forever and a smaller financial penalty.

    May be some of the more moderate republicans that are "lending" him their support will shy away from voting for him when more court rulings go against him. But, if they are prepared to support him now (according to the polls) when the list you give of his "personality flaws" are already known, then I'm not convinced this will happen.

    Unfortunately the age of alternative facts and social media means that people will always find other people and sources to support their own confirmation bias to trash the actual facts.
  10. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn Squad Player

    Anyone know where these are made?
  11. EnjoytheGame

    EnjoytheGame Reservist

    One of the wildest things on this entire forum is the idea that an NHS union rep spends a lot of late-night hours defending Trump and claiming that any attempt to hold Trump to account is, in and of itself, evidence of anti-Trump bias. Long-winded word salad answers that sound like the sort of thing a troll farm operative would come up with. A user name that has the eighth letter of the alphabet twice in succession (something which I'm sure is nothing more than a coincidence but is nevertheless something that a lot of forums ban). It's quite extraordinary, really.
  12. sydney_horn

    sydney_horn Squad Player

    That viewpoint is very prevalent on Twitter amongst Trump supporters.

    That is why that any evidence that Trump is, indeed, a narcissistic lying scumbag is dismissed as an "establishment" conspiracy.

    It's very difficult to counter because, by definition, no facts or evidence will convince them. They are constantly told that they can't trust main stream media, politicians or experts.

    They will only trust right wing conspiracy theorists and unverified online "media" sources that support their world view. Anything else is just the establishment trying to hold on to power and suppressing "the truth".

    I think it is a real threat to democracy tbh, that has already started to cross the Atlantic to these shores.
    wfcmoog likes this.
  13. Lloyd

    Lloyd Squad Player

    The Donald is flogging gold MAGA trainers at 400 dollars a pop to raise funds to pay his fine??!! Is this true or is someone having a larf? The tragedy is if he is there'll be fat arsed yanks waddling around in them in no time. The USA really is in a mess
    sydney_horn likes this.
  14. Davy Crockett

    Davy Crockett Reservist

    Seriously . Do you "well informed" lot really believe the shyte that the MSM peddle . Really ?
    Here's a clue .
    Every time you see Madeleine McCann on the front page . A story is being buried.
    Stop being morons is my advice . Only morons have blocked me BTW
  15. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Ok, but what exactly is it that we mistakenly believe? I think we are all sceptical to a degree, but believing nothing is just as bad as accepting everything.
  16. sydney_horn

    sydney_horn Squad Player

    There is no doubt the the press have their own agenda. And yes, politicians will try and hide bad news by making announcements when other stories are breaking, such as the McCann case.

    But that's does not mean that the press is not a source of news, as long as it's read through the filter of their political bias.

    Equally the BBC, who do, I believe try, if not always successfully, to be neutral is another source of news.

    As are the multiple other news and radio stations available within the main stream media.

    To dismiss all MSM as peddling "shyte" is displaying a lack of critical thinking.

    Personally I get my information from MSM, social media (largely directly from experts in their field) and trusted websites and forums (including this one).

    I apply sceptical and critical thinking, including Occam's Razor to each and every issue and come to my own conclusion. And when doing so I have found that, more often than not, Trump is on the wrong side of the debate.
  17. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    More reliable than a Japanese train.
    lm_wfc likes this.
  18. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    It is very true. They are ghastly, hideous things, although a bit of me is amused he is selling literal clown shoes to his followers.
  19. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Wasn’t directed at you, but I take your points. My feeling is that Trump faces a tipping point in the near future where his catalogue of misconduct will erode his support. But no, maybe not quite there yet.
    sydney_horn likes this.
  20. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Reservist

    Because they look at what is going on and feel very suspicious of the motivation behind it.

    The E Jean Carrol case would barely have got to the courts with any other defendent, let alone garner nearly £100m in damages. Which required law changes to be tried.

    No one understands why, not even the Judge, all of a sudden the State of New York is prosecuting businesses for doing something they have always done.

    But everyone knows that the reason they are happening is because of politics, and because the places they are happening are overwhelmongly Democrat.

    You think its OK because you hate Trump. Other people, less invested against him, are horrified that that is enough to get him prosecuted.
    iamofwfc likes this.
  21. Lloyd

    Lloyd Squad Player

    Eh?! Why would a two-word user name be banned just because both words start with an 'H'? Genuine question
    HappyHornet24 and Keighley like this.
  22. Bonkingbob

    Bonkingbob First Year Pro

    Impersonating Harry Hornet?
  23. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Reservist

    You deeply inpleasant person.

    I have, because of your use of personal information, asked that you be sanctioned.

    Criticise me however much you like. I never stoop to the dregs that you do above
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2024
  24. Lloyd

    Lloyd Squad Player

    But we like being morons
    wfcmoog likes this.
  25. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    Two Hs in a user name is a coded reference to "Heil Hitler" in neo Nazi and alt-right circles, as is 88 (H = 8th letter of the alphabet).

    Which raises major questions about Harry Hornet.
  26. Lloyd

    Lloyd Squad Player

    That's a bit bloody cryptic isn't it? Why not just call yourself Adolf if you're that way inclined? Interesting though if true. Does that mean other forum contributors could be nazi sympathisers? @HappyHornet24 for example?? Who'd have thought it. Just shows you can't be too careful.
  27. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    It's a dog whistle/plausible deniability. I believe it originated from countries like Germany where it is illegal to use Nazi symbols/imagery, and has since spread. "14" is another one, a reference to "The 14 Words".

    Dear God, you're right! I'll get the pitchforks, you get the torches.
  28. Lloyd

    Lloyd Squad Player

    What a load of cobblers!!! I think perhaps some people* have got too much time on their hands or are just completely bonkers. Probably both.

    *Not you
  29. EnjoytheGame

    EnjoytheGame Reservist

    I haven't revealed anything personal that you haven't mentioned on this forum before.

    However, I note your outrage and withdraw the comment about your username initials and apologise. It was supposed to be a lighthearted leg-pull but I accept that in black and white it probably hasn't come across like that at all. I'm sorry – I genuinely didn't mean to anger you or cause offence, but I can see that I've overstepped the mark in the political rough-and-tumble.
    Lloyd likes this.
  30. EnjoytheGame

    EnjoytheGame Reservist

    Unfortunately it's quite common in the darker corners of the web. Serie A also banned players from wearing the squad number 88 last year.
  31. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    That’s not true though is it? You’ve spent three years implying others are racists/homophobes/disablist/fascists of one sort or another. You couldn’t even get through a debate about Strictly Come Dancing without it. Your language has often been lurid, aggressive, scornful even though you’ve calmed a little of late. Far from resisting the ‘dregs’ you’ve often repeated the same thing endlessly, like the ‘Third World’ nonsense.

    The HH thing is daft, sure, but maybe it’s an opportunity to consider what you can be like with others.

    You want to signal that’s all behind you and you want to participate in a respectful forum, that’s fine by me.
  32. Arakel

    Arakel First Team

    Sadly it's very true. Take a dive into the seedy underbelly of the internet if you want - you'll be able to find it for yourself. Just don't do it at work, or your HR department will have a lot of questions for you!

    No, definitely sounds like me to be honest, especially the latter bit. :D
    lm_wfc and Lloyd like this.
  33. Lloyd

    Lloyd Squad Player

    No thanks!
  34. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Reservist

    That post was out of the blue and implies that I am a lesser and odious person because I work for the NHS and have been a Union Rep but work shifts and hold political views he disagrees withs. He used personal information, given in good faith, to suggest I was a problematic person.

    If you don't think it is behind me, then quote a disrespectful post I have made since the mods clamped down. This is the poster digging up the past to criticise and insult me. Should I start doing that again?

    I have behaved myself. So now, perhaps, it is your turn to stop referring to "ancient history".

    These are the rules you guyd called for against me. Don't get upset.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2024
    iamofwfc likes this.
  35. HenryHooter

    HenryHooter Reservist

    Harry Hornet? HappyHornet? Why single me out?

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