Covid-19 Virus

Discussion in 'Taylor's Tittle-Tattle - General Banter' started by Hornet4ever, Jan 30, 2020.

  1. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

    Legally I doubt it's compliant with the letter of the regulations but I cant see anyone challenging you. I saw a handful of folk wearing them around town the other day in fact.

    Medically, Mrs UEA has been told by her employer (a supermarket) that the plastic visors are little if not accompanied by a face mask underneath. Not sure that's definitive but when you look at the design of the visors I think it makes some sense.
    The Voice of Reason likes this.
  2. The Voice of Reason

    The Voice of Reason First Team Captain

    Thank you for your reply UEA.
  3. WatfordTalk

    WatfordTalk First Team

    I personally feel like visors would be more effective, although this isn't based on any medical research I've done. Mainly due to the fact that your eyes are protected whereas they're completely exposed when just wearing a face mask.

    I'd say if you had to choose one, a visor would make the wearer safer, a mask would make the people around them safer.
    WillisWasTheWorst and Moose like this.
  4. This guy lives in SW London.
    And yes, that is Newport, Isle of Wight.
    £50 each way on ferry.
    World beating.
  5. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

    I’m really struggling to understand why the majority of people who are getting tested are bothering to be honest. I can't think of a single reason I'd submit to a test at the moment. I've got no foreign travel plans, no elderly or vulnerable relatives and no risk factors of my own.

    If you’re a key worker, yes. If you're in regular unavoidable contact with a vulnerable person, yes. If you're very unwell and need to rule Covid in/out, yes.

    But otherwise...? I don't get it. I presume most folk queuing up for tests have the sniffles or very minor symptoms. Certainly the vast majority of these being found with Covid are in the young adult age brackets at the moment. Mortality and hospitalisation rates in those age groups are minuscule.

    The resources would be better freed up so we can do much more focused testing where it's needed on people who actually need it.
  6. nornironhorn

    nornironhorn Administrator Staff Member

    Depends how often you are coming in to contact with other people I guess.

    Young adults who get tested (even with mild symptoms) and found to be positive are much more likely to actually isolate than those who just have very mild symptoms and don't get tested.

    If I had minor symptoms (or had come in to contact with someone who had covid) and got a positive test, I'd stop playing football, stop going in to Belfast shopping, eating out, meeting friends and family, etc.

    I know people are supposed to isolate if they notice mild symptoms, but they are much less likely to without a positive test.
  7. Well I've got elderly and vulnerable relatives, and my brother has just this morning, thank god, come through open heart surgery as a result of covid complications. I'll bet an enormous number of people would like to be given the all clear to give their mums a hug.
  8. WatfordTalk

    WatfordTalk First Team

    I also fit into the same bracket as you, but I think it's the right thing to do if you have any symptoms, however mild. Unless you have no plans to go out to the shops, work etc. I had to do a home test before going back to work and it was a very easy, and quick process. Had the results back a day later.
  9. HappyHornet24

    HappyHornet24 Crapster Staff Member

    Neither do I but I am out and about, meeting friends, shopping, ferrying kids (& their friends) around, etc. When I do all those things I am touching surfaces and coming into contact with people who, unknown to me, may themselves have risk factors or vulnerable relatives. So if I had even minor symptoms, I would want to know definitively if I had it or not. I wouldn’t want to risk inadvertently passing it on to someone who may be more at risk from it than I (in theory) am.
    miked2006 likes this.
  10. Sahorn

    Sahorn Reservist

    I personally really think that testing should be taken more seriously by everyone. The govt is not doing enough.

    The WHO provide sage advice to ‘test, test test’.
    If you are an asymptomatic carrier the risks to others are increased.

    As I’m not a key worker or near to a testing centre I’ve taken it upon myself to purchase a testing kit from China.

    I self isolated until it arrived yesterday - and the result is ‘happy days’, I can now continue to work:

  11. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

    Another day where the government briefs first thing it has no plans to change the rules, at lunchtime admits its looking at it but no changes are imminent any time soon and then announces late at night it’s changing the law again without any oversight. Bonkers.
  12. Otter

    Otter Gambling industry insider

    Unfortunately this is a fast moving situation. With this new restriction in place I think that an October return to going to football is looking less likely.
  13. WillisWasTheWorst

    WillisWasTheWorst Its making less grammar mistake's thats important

    There’s still time for restrictions to be imposed on Universities before the new term. If infections continue to rise I think the government might do this.
  14. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

    For now it looks like ‘Covid secure’ events can still go ahead. Which presumably includes spectators at sports events. Who really knows though.
  15. Otter

    Otter Gambling industry insider

    Reading between the lines I think this new restriction is the government taking a shot across the bow in respect to people's behaviour.
  16. Lloyd

    Lloyd Squad Player

    I was reassured that the Government is completely on top of the situation when I heard Matt Hancock on the TV this morning explain that 'Grandparents tend to be older people'.
  17. hornmeister

    hornmeister Tired

    Tis a smart cookie that chap although I'm reliably informed that where my brother lives the average age of a grandparent is 36.
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2020
    Lloyd, HappyHornet24 and Diamond like this.
  18. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn Squad Player

    leaving it l8 there m8 in the wood its 32
    hornmeister likes this.
  19. The undeniable truth

    The undeniable truth First Team Captain

    I think it's more likely that football will be completely suspended again this autumn than crowds can return to stadia.
  20. The Whoosh Magnet

    The Whoosh Magnet Academy Graduate

    The fans wouldn't have anything to watch.
  21. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

    Both are very unlikely to happen, yes.
  22. Hulk Hoban

    Hulk Hoban First Year Pro

    Underground was full of ****s not bothering with masks. Shoutout to bloke who decided to come within an inch of my face without wearing any facial coverings at Harrow. Just brilliant. Not like I've spent the last 6 months taking every single precaution in order to prevent catching anything due to working with the vulnerable.

    Extra shout out to the old woman wandering about with the mask pulled below her nose, without a single care in the world who she breathes on. Even though I clearly indicated for her to stay the **** away from me. Genius. And to the couple without masks who kept coughing and spluttering everywhere.

    I hate people, dunno why i bother
    WatfordTalk, Diamond and Otter like this.
  23. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

    Anyone on here fancy signing up as one of Boris and Matt’s Covid Marshals? I bet that’ll attract just the right sort...
  24. Keighley

    Keighley First Team

    Could well mean some universities going under, if so. Exacerbating the A level fiasco still further.
  25. lowerrous

    lowerrous First Team

    Do the Conservatives really have the ambition of turning the UK in to a modern day GDR?!
  26. WatfordTalk

    WatfordTalk First Team

    How busy have you been finding the underground? Close to pre-lockdown levels?
  27. We hate 48

    We hate 48 Reservist

    Where is the data on hospitalisations as a result of the increases in cases

    If there is no direct consequence surely we should have another plan as the NHS is therefore protected.

    Presumably the vast majority of those vulnerable or at risk people are now taking the required precautions until there is a vaccine or as in the case of my mum in her care home no visitors again for a month as one staff member tested
    positive. Correct action.
  28. Diamond

    Diamond First Team

    Sounds like that could be the same place where my Mother in Law is currently.
  29. NathWFC

    NathWFC First Team

    The amount of f**king morons I see doing this, or walking around with it around their chins. Useless c*nts.

    Still plenty of people who refuse or don't wear them in shops as well. Nowhere actually enforces it or says f**k all about it.
    wfcmoog likes this.
  30. UEA_Hornet

    UEA_Hornet First Team Captain

    Here’s the English hospitalisation graph. The recent rise is a shocking surge, as you’ll note (assuming you own a microscope):


    Attached Files:

  31. We hate 48

    We hate 48 Reservist

    Thanks-i wondered why this was not put up by the PM and his clinical (cynical) PHE advisers yesterday. Also why is no journo raising this ?
  32. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Because it’s well explained. Most people getting it are younger at the moment, so fewer hospitalisations.

    However any increase in rates is concerning because the virus passes easily when people don’t take precautions. It’s a risk to have high numbers of cases approaching the Winter when it is damp and everyone is indoors.

    To ignore it would need evidence that everyone has cracked social distancing or that the effects of the virus have changed or treatments have advanced.
    The undeniable truth likes this.
  33. Bwood_Horn

    Bwood_Horn Squad Player

    The data for going back to school day (1st - 3rd Sept) + 10-14 days (incubation period) should be very interesting...
  34. Cassetti's Beard

    Cassetti's Beard First Team

    Worth keeping an eye on France (and Spain), seems like we are following a similar track. Looks like hospitalisations are increasing and I've read elsewhere that we could be 3 or 4 weeks behind them. Certainly nowhere near the numbers they had in March/April which is good. Guess the target of not overwhelming the NHS remains, if that's not under threat I imagine any sort of lockdown measures will be light.
  35. Moose

    Moose First Team Captain

    Not just a test of back to school, but it also meant more back to public transport and the office.

    However, while you’d expect a rise, I doubt an exponential one. Wave two is going to be a long and dreary one I reckon and like CB says if the numbers stay low enough we can skirt around the need for the most stringent measures.

    A big worry is when C19 gets back into the care home and homecare ecosystem. Is it any better placed to cope now?

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